Fundulus notti és una espècie de peix de la família dels fundúlids i de l'ordre dels ciprinodontiformes.
Els mascles poden assolir els 6 cm de longitud total.[2]
Es troba a Nord-amèrica: Estats Units.[3]
Fundulus notti és una espècie de peix de la família dels fundúlids i de l'ordre dels ciprinodontiformes.
Fundulus nottii, the bayou topminnow or southern starhead topminnow, is a fish of the family Fundulidae[2] found in the southeastern United States.
It is a small topminnow with a sub-ocular teardrop, a terminal to superior mouth, and a rounded caudal fin. The top of the head is flat, with the large scale (located just anterior to a line between the eyes) overlapped by the pair of scales just behind it. The lateral line is absent, and there are 11 preoperculomandibular pores. The sensory pores are fused. There are 7-8 dorsal rays, 9-10 anal rays, 11-12 pectoral rays, and 6 pelvic rays. During the breeding season males develop prickly contact organs on the anal fin. The Largest reported specimen was 65mm (2.6 in) long. They are sexually dimorphic. Both sexes have a back that is olive green with a thin dorsal stripe, sides that are white or silver with an iridescent blue or silvery overlay, and a dark, iridescent blue-green suborbital teardrop. Males have vertical black bars and irregular horizontal rows of red-brown spots. Females have horizontal flank stripes. Fins have a reddish-brown color.
Although not much is known about its biology, the bayou topminnow is presumed to feed near the surface, where it consumes drifting organic matter, insects, and other animals associated with the water surface.
Bayou topminnows occur in and around shoreline vegetation of clear lakes and ponds, backwaters, and overflow pools of large rivers.
As with other topminnows, this species presumably has a spawning season that peaks in May or June, more protracted seasons may occur in some areas. Larvae of this species has not yet been described.
The bayou topminnow is found from the Brazos River drainages in Texas east through the Gulf Coastal Plain and the Mobile Basin.
This species was described by as Zygonectes notti in 1854 by Louis Agassiz with the type locality given as Mobile, Alabama.[3] The specific name honors the surgeon and anthropologist Josiah C. Nott (1804–1873) who sent Aggasiz the type from Mobile.[4]
Fundulus nottii, the bayou topminnow or southern starhead topminnow, is a fish of the family Fundulidae found in the southeastern United States.
Fundulus notti es una especie de peces de la familia de los fundúlidos en el orden de los ciprinodontiformes.
Los machos pueden llegar a los 6 cm de longitud total.[2]
Se encuentran en Norteamérica: Estados Unidos.[2]
Fundulus notti es una especie de peces de la familia de los fundúlidos en el orden de los ciprinodontiformes.
Fundulus nottii Fundulus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Fundulidae familian sailkatzen da.
Fundulus nottii Fundulus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Fundulidae familian sailkatzen da.
Fundulus nottii is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de killivisjes (Fundulidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1854 door Agassiz.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties諾特氏底鱂,為輻鰭魚綱鯉齒目鯉齒亞目底鱂科的其中一種,為溫帶魚類,分布於北美洲美國路易斯安那州東南部到阿拉巴馬州西南部淡水流域,體長可達6公分,棲息在植被生長、泥底質沼澤、溪流、水塘底中層水域,生活習性不明,可做為觀賞魚。