Imagem de Cariblatta minima Hebard 1916
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Cariblatta minima Hebard 1916

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Cariblatta lutea minima Hebard (Plate II, figures 3 to 5.) 1916. Cariblatta lutea minima Hebard, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc xlii, p. 170, pi. XIII, fig. 4. [cf, 9 ; localities listed in present paper.]
This geographic race is confined to southern peninsular Florida and the Florida Keys. It may be separated from t^'pical Iiitea by the average smaller size; average paler and more yellowish buff, rather than distinctly cinnamon, tones of general coloration; more decided tegminal reduction, particularly in the male sex, in which these organs show fully as much reduction as in the female; apparently always vestigial wings, and by the narrower median production of the male subgenital plate.
Type. — cf ; ?^Iiami, Florida. March 3, 1915. (M. Hebard.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 418.]
Description of Male. — Type. Size very small, form slighth' more robust than is normal in typical lutea. Pronotum with point of greatest width at the latero-caudal angles, caudal margin nearly straight, more truncate than in this sex of lutea. '''^ Tegmina decidedly reduced, reaching only to base of seventh dorsal abdominal segment; with three longitudinal discoidal sectors (thus the median vein branches but once) and no cross-veinlets. Wings vestigial. Supra-anal plate as in typical lutea. Subgenital plate as in that race, but with specialized styles slightly closer to each other and production of intervening portion of distal margin very small, subquadrate, very slightly longer than wide.
Allotype. — 9 ; Miami, Florida. March 14, 1916. (M. Hebard.) [Hebard Collection.]
Description of Female. — Allotype. Similar to male, but larger and distinctly more robust. Pronotum slightly broader, caudal margin straight, truncate. Tegmina and wings much as in male, except that dextral tegmen has four discoidal sectors. Supra-anal plate very small, strongly transverse, weakly produced, with distal margin showing a small, short, median concavity. Subgenital plate as in tpical lutea.
Measurements {in millimeters) of extremes in series
Length of Length of Width of Length of Width of
body pronotum pronotum tegmen tegmen
cf (29) 5 4-7 -7 I. 8-2. I 2.6-3.1 3.6-s 1.7-2
9 (3.^) 5-8-« 2-2.3 2.7-3.3 3 -6-4 -7 1.8-2.2
" As we have found elsewhere in the Blattidae, tegminal reduction appears to be accompanied by a broadening of the pronotum, with a lessening of the convexity of the caudal margin and a coincident shifting caudad of the point of greatest pronotal width. The pronotal features given above show rather this adjustment than what might appear, to the casual observer, to be features separating the present race from lutea lutea and the species widely from the other members of the genus. The flattening of the caudal margin of the pronotum is more pronounced in this race, which shows normally greater tegminal and wing reduction than does typical lutea.
The young of this race are inseparable from those of hitea lutea. The habits of the insect agree fully with those of the more northern race; but, when present, we have found lutea minima decidedly the more numerous.
The single ootheca before us is 1.8 mm. in depth. The dorsal and ventral margins are parallel and very slightly cur'ed, the dorsal (suture) being supplied with widely spaced, minute knobs"'-; the divisions of the Qgg sacks are distinctly indicated on the weakly roughened, moderately convex sides, by widely spaced vertical ines. The single example before us bearing an ootheca, is carrying this egg case with suture laterad.''^
Specimens Exanii}ied: 120; 44 males, 66 females, 10 immature individuals.
Punta Gorda, Florida, XI, 14 to 16, 1911, (V. T. Davis), i cf , i 9 , [Davis Cln.]; (Mrs. A. T. Slosson), i 9 with ootheca, [Hebard Cln.].
Fort Myers, Fla., Ill, 29 to V, 20, 1912, (W. T. Davis), 2 d", 2 9, [Davis Cln.].
Citrus Center. Fla., V, 2, 1912, (W. T. Davis), i d' , [Davis Cln.].
South Bay, Lake Okeechobee, Fla., IV, 30 to V, 2, 1912, (W. T. Davis), 11 d", 24 9 , I juv. 9 , [Davis and Hebard Clns.].
Marco, Fla., IV, 19, 1912, (V. T. Davis), i 9, [Davis Cln.].
E erglade. Fla., IV, 5 to 13, 1912, (W. T. Davis), 10 cf, 23 9 , [Davis Cln., .. X. S. P. and Hebard Cln.].
Chokoloskee, Fla.. IV, 8, 1912, (W. T. Davis), i 9. [Davis Cln.].
Miami, Fla., Ill, 4, 1916, (Hebard; Musa Isle, under dead petioles of cocoanut palm on sandy soil in grapefruit grove), 8 c?", 5 9, paratypcs, allotype, 2 juv. (f III, 8, 1915, (Hebard; Brickell's Hammock, on ground under lu.xuriant undergrowth in opening of forest), I d", type, [Hebard Cln.]; HI, 20, 1910, (Hebard), I (f , paratype. i juv. d' , i juv. 9 , [Hebard Cln. and A. X. S. P.].
Virginia Key, Fla., Ill, il, 1915, (Hebard; under dark, water-soaked leaves in heavy red mangrove {Rhizophflra nunigte) swamp), i juv. o", [Hebard Cln.].
Homestead, Fla., HI, 17 to 19, 1910, (Hebard), I cf, paratype; 'II, 10. 1912, (Hebard; under board in everglades), i cf , paratype, [both Hebard Cln.].
citação bibliográfica
Hebard, M. 1917. The Blattidae of North America. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 2. Philadelphia, USA

Cariblatta minima ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Cariblatta minima, the least yellow cockroach, is a species of cockroach in the family Ectobiidae. It is found in North America and the Caribbean.[1][2][3]


  1. ^ "Cariblatta minima Report". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 2019-09-23.
  2. ^ "Cariblatta minima". GBIF. Retrieved 2019-09-23.
  3. ^ Beccaloni, G.W. (2019). "Cockroach species file online, Version 5.0". Retrieved 2019-07-02.
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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Cariblatta minima: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Cariblatta minima, the least yellow cockroach, is a species of cockroach in the family Ectobiidae. It is found in North America and the Caribbean.

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wikipedia EN

Cariblatta minima ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Cariblatta minima es una especie de cucaracha del género Cariblatta, familia Ectobiidae.[1]


Esta especie se encuentra en los Estados Unidos y Cuba.[1]


  1. a b Cariblatta minima Cockroach Species File. Consultado el 26 de junio de 2021.
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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Cariblatta minima: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Cariblatta minima es una especie de cucaracha del género Cariblatta, familia Ectobiidae.​

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES