
Atta cingulata Smith

Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Plazi (legacy text)

A. ferruginea; pedibus abdomineque pallide ferrugineis; capite maximo, thorace triplo latiore.

Worker major. Length 1 3/4 line. Head very large, ferruginous, the antennae paler; eyes very small, placed at the sides of the head a little before the middle. Thorax: pale ferruginous, very convex or globose anteriorly, much narrower behind, with two short acute spines on the metathorax; legs pale rufo-testaceous. Abdomen: ovate, with the base truncated, with a fuscous ring in the middle; the nodes of the peduncle globose.

Worker minor. About 1 line in length. The head much smaller and more elongate; in colour, resembling the larger worker, and equally smooth and shining; the abdomen with a fuscous ring in the middle.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).

not applicable
citação bibliográfica
Smith, F., 1857, Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace., Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology, pp. 42-88, vol. 2
Smith, F.
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site do parceiro
Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Plazi (legacy text)

Worker major. Length 1 3/4 line.-Ferruginous. Head very large, thrice the width of the thorax; the antennae pale ferruginous; eyes very small, placed a little before the middle, at the sides of the head. Thorax much swollen in front, much narrowed behind, with two short acute spines on the metathorax; legs pale rufo-testaceous. Abdomen ovate, the base truncated; a fuscous ring round the middle; the nodes of the peduncle globose.

Hab. Borneo (Sarawak). (Coll. A. R. Wallace.)

not applicable
citação bibliográfica
Smith, F., Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae., pp. -
Smith, F.
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site do parceiro
Plazi (legacy text)