Imagem de Puccinia horiana Henn. 1901
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Puccinia horiana Henn. 1901

Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Foodplant / pathogen
hypophyllous telium of Puccinia horiana infects and damages live leaf of Dendranthema

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Puccinia horiana ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Puccinia horiana is a species of fungus that causes chrysanthemum white rust, is a disease of plant species of the genus Chrysanthemum.

Origin and spread

Chrysanthemum white rust (CWR) was first identified in Japan in 1895.[1] It is now established throughout Asia, Europe, Australia, and South America.[2] It has been found in the United States on several occasions, but early detection and eradication efforts have prevented the disease from becoming established.[3]


Plants infected by chrysanthemum white rust exhibit spots on the upper surfaces of leaves. These spots are initially pale-green to yellow in color and up to 5mm in diameter, but may turn brown as the tissue becomes necrotic. On the underside of the leaf, stems, and flower, spots develop into pink or white waxy telial clusters/pustules where teliospores develop.[3] Pustules are able to form on any green tissue of the plant, but are most common on young leaves and flower bracts.[1]

Disease cycle

Puccinia horiana is a microcyclic, autoecious rust, meaning that the fungus has two known spore stages: teliospores and basidiospores, as well as no known alternate host. [4] Similar to other microcyclic rusts, two-celled teliospores produce unicellular basidiospores which are then dispersed via air currents. Basidiospores are disseminated 3-6 hours after development through wind and/or water.[4] Under a laboratory setting, it has been shown to both spores need high humidity (50-90% RH) and no less than 5 hours of constant leaf wetness to germinate.[4] Reports have shown that basidiospores can travel over 700 meters by wind.[4] Spores of P. horiana are susceptible to desiccation at RH levels less than 90%. Due to this trait, chrysanthemum white rust is more likely to be spread via greenhouse contamination than by air, such as by human contact, improper sanitation techniques, or by keeping a constant high humidity to keep the spores viable. [5] Symptoms begin to occur 7-10 days after penetration into the epidermis. Shortly after leaf spots appear, telial clusters will begin to form on the stems, flowers, and abaxial leaf surfaces. This is where teliospores develop. These teliospores will produce basidiospores initiating a new cycle.


Similar to most rusts, CWR has 4 stages of infection:[6]

(i) Basidospore lands on susceptible plant. Development of germ tube and infection peg begins.

(ii) Formation of small vesicles inside the host epidermis.

(iii) Formation of elongated fungal vesicles inside the host epidermis

(iv) Formation of septate fungal vesicles with branching hyphae. Here the fungus will move to infect the rest of the plant.

Economic importance

Due to the popularity of chrysanthemums as an ornamental flower, there has been a large effort in preventing spread of CWR. In the United States, Phytosanitary Quarantine against CWR have been established. This means that all imports of known and/or suspected hosts of P. horiana must be inspected upon entering the country.[4] If CWR is detected through various methods of detection, the plants are immediately eradicated. While eradication prevents significant economic loss if the pathogen were to become established, U.S. growers who receive infected plants suffer substantial losses. From 1990 - 1999, CWR was present in California from plants imported from Asia and Mexico. The average cost of eradication ranged from $5,000 - $7,000 per site, depending on size of lot and success of first eradication attempt. The costs of eradication in 2014 were estimated to be $788 - $11,000 respectively. Direct and indirect financial losses from CWR infestations in the U.S. from 1992 - 1997 were estimated to be $2 million dollars. Establishment of CWR may have devastating consequences, it has been shown that Turkey and Poland experience anywhere from 80% to 100% crop loss, which is significant as they are the top producers of Chrysanthemums. [7]


Infection of CWR is systemic. By creating such a systemic infection, P. horiana has the potential to overwinter in plants as a form of protection.[8] The best form of prevention for CWR is to purchase plants, seeds, and materials from reputable sources to avoid P. horiana from ever entering the facility.[1] Proper sanitation of greenhouse or garden equipment and materials is also an important preventative measure.

Propiconazole has been shown to be an effective fungistatic. Propiconazole's mode of action blocks the biosynthesis of ergosterols, which is critical to the formation of cell walls of fungi. This stops the growth of the fungus, effectively preventing further infection and/or invasion of host tissues [9]

APHIS outlines management practices in three different categories for CWR.[10]


  • Maintain production area at less that preferred humidity for spore germination and survival
  • Follow specific sanitation protocols for personnel
  • Train personnel on symptoms and proper management practices
  • Avoid over and under-story of known hosts
  • Confirm that host stock comes from CWR free nursery
  • Inspect plants as soon as they arrive
  • Cuttings should be treated with fungicide before planting
  • Separate mother stock from main production area


  • Use proper fungicide program for CWR on susceptible plants.
  • Clean debris around shipments
  • Avoid product returns to nursery stock from receivers in quarantined areas


  • Nursery personnel should attend CWR workshops
  • Separate host plants to avoid spread
  • Identify sources of disease recognition
  • Record keeping
  • Contact Department of Agriculture in your state if CWR is found

Susceptible and Resistant Varieties


  • Pot mums, spray mums, and garden mums ( Dendranthema X grandiflorum = Chrysanthemum morifolium )[1]
  • Nippon daisy ( Nipponicanthemum nipponicum = C. nipponicum )
  • High daisy ( C. pacificum = Ajania pacifica, C. serotinum, C. uliginosum )
  • Arctic daisy ( Chrysanthemum arcticum, C. boreale, C. indicum )[11]
  • Nojigiku ( Chrysanthemum japonense )
  • Ryuno-giku ( Chrysanthemum japonicum )
  • Shio-giku ( Chrysanthemum shiwogiku )
  • ( Chrysanthemum yoshinaganthum )
  • ( Dendranthema zawadskii, C. zawadskiii , D. yezoense, C. yezoense)
  • ( Leucanthemella serotina )


See also


  1. ^ a b c d e admin (2015-03-06). "Chrysanthemum White Rust". Center for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment. Retrieved 2022-05-03.
  2. ^ Data Sheets on Quarantine Pests Archived 2010-07-13 at the Wayback Machine. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. Retrieved on 2008-11-21.
  3. ^ a b Invasive and Emerging Fungal Pathogens - Diagnostic Fact Sheets Archived 2009-01-16 at the Wayback Machine. Hernández, J.R. Systematic Mycology and Microbiology Laboratory, ARS, USDA. 2004. Retrieved on 2008-11-21.
  4. ^ a b c d e O’Keefe, G.; Davis, D. D. (2015-05-27). "Morphology of Puccinia horiana, Causal Agent of Chrysanthemum White Rust, Sampled From Naturally Infected Plants". Plant Disease. 99 (12): 1738–1743. doi:10.1094/PDIS-02-15-0239-RE. ISSN 0191-2917. PMID 30699502.
  5. ^ "Puccinia horiana (white rust of chrysanthemum)". www.cabi.org. Retrieved 2019-12-10.
  6. ^ Firman, I. D.; Martin, P. H. (1968). "White rust of chrysanthemums". Annals of Applied Biology. 62 (3): 429–442. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7348.1968.tb05454.x. ISSN 1744-7348.
  7. ^ Yusuf, Evi Silvia; Budiarto, Kurniawan; Djatnika, I.; Suhardi, Suhardi (2017). "Effects of Varieties, Cutting Health and Fungicide Application on Chrysanthemum White Rust". Agrivita Journal of Agricultural Science. 39. doi:10.17503/agrivita.v39i1.948. Retrieved 2019-12-10.
  8. ^ O'Keefe, G.; Davis, D. D. (2012-08-09). "First Confirmed Report that Puccinia horiana, Causal Agent of Chrysanthemum White Rust, Can Overwinter in Pennsylvania". Plant Disease. 96 (9): 1381. doi:10.1094/PDIS-04-12-0400-PDN. ISSN 0191-2917. PMID 30727198.
  9. ^ "Propiconazole". pmep.cce.cornell.edu. Retrieved 2019-12-11.
  10. ^ United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine. "Chrysanthemum White Rust Eradication Protocol for Nurseries Containing Plants Infected with Puccinia horiana Henn" (PDF). Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Retrieved May 4, 2022.
  11. ^ APHIS, USDA (July 7, 2005). "Cut Flowers From Countries With Chrysanthemum White Rust". Federal Register, The Daily Journal of the United States Government.

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wikipedia EN

Puccinia horiana: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Puccinia horiana is a species of fungus that causes chrysanthemum white rust, is a disease of plant species of the genus Chrysanthemum.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Puccinia horiana ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Puccinia horiana Henn. – gatunek grzybów z rodziny rdzowatych (Pucciniaceae)[1]. Grzyb mikroskopijny pasożytujący na chryzantemach (Dendranthema)[2]. Wywołuje u nich chorobę o nazwie biała rdza chryzantemy[3].

Systematyka i nazewnictwo

Pozycja w klasyfikacji według Index Fungorum: Puccinia, Pucciniaceae, Pucciniales, Incertae sedis, Pucciniomycetes, Pucciniomycotina, Basidiomycota, Fungi[1].


Jest pasożytem jednodomowym, tzn. cały jego cykl życiowy odbywa się na jednym żywicielu. Jest rdzą niepełnocyklową, wytwarzająca tylko dwa rodzaje zarodników: teliospory i bazydiospory[3].

Bazydiospory kiełkują w temperaturze 4 do 23° C. Uwalniają się w temperaturze 4 do 23° C, optymalna wynosi 17° C. Wiatr może je przenosić na odległość do 700 m i więcej, ale może to następować tylko przy wilgotności powietrza powyżej 90%, są bowiem bardzo wrażliwe na przesuszenie. Mogą kiełkować w zakresie temperatur 17–24° C na obydwu powierzchniach blaszki liściowej. Niezbędny do tego czas zwilżenia wynosi 5 godz. W zainfekowanym liściu tworzą obficie między komórkami rośliny hialinowe strzępki ze ssawkami wnikającymi do komórek. Okres inkubacji wynosi zazwyczaj 7–10 dni, ale okresy wysokich temperatur (powyżej 30° C) mogą wydłużyć ten okres do 8 tygodni. Zdolność patogenu do zimowania jest nieznana. W eksperymentach teliospory na oderwanych liściach przetrwały przez 8 tygodni przy względnej wilgotności 50%, ale przy wyższej wilgotności, lub gdy były zakopane w kompoście, przetrwały tylko 3 tygodnie. Kompost nie ma więc większego znaczenia w rozprzestrzenianiu choroby[4].


Telia powstają na obydwu powierzchniach blaszki liściowej. Mają średnicę 2–4 mm i barwę od białej do różowo-płowej. Teliospory na szypułkach o długości do 45 mm, bladożółte, podłużne do eliptyczno-maczugowatych, dwukomórkowe, nieznacznie zwężone na przegrodach. Mają rozmiar 30–45 × 13–17 μm, ściany o grubości 1–2 μm po bokach i 4–9 μm na wierzchołku. Bazydiospory hialinowe. szeroko eliptyczne do wrzecionowatych, lekko zgięte, o rozmiarach 7–14 × 5–9 μm[5].


Występuje na wszystkich (poza Antarktydą) kontynentach[6]. Głównym żywicielem Puccinia horiana jest chryzantema wielkokwiatowa (Dendranthema grandiflora), ale stwierdzono występowanie tego patogenu także na innych gatunkach chryzantem: Chrysanthemum japonense, Chrysanthemum makinoi, Chrysanthemum shiwogiku, Dendranthema boreale, Dendranthema japonicum[5]. Podatne na patogena są również gatunki Arctanthemum arcticum, Dendranthema pacificum, Dendranthema yoshinaganthum i Nipponathemum nipponicum, uległy bowiem porażeniu po sztucznej inokulacji[7].

Gatunki podobne

Istnieje kilka innych gatunków z rodzaju Puccinia pasożytujących na chryzantemach:

P. horiana łatwo od nich odróżnić po gładkich i bezbarwnych teliosporach oraz tym, że mogą zaraz po sporulacji kiełkować na liściu. Wszystkie inne gatunki, z wyjątkiem P. leucanthemi mają teliospory brązowe, często o ścianach brodawkowanych, i przed kiełkowaniem na liściach muszą przejść okres spoczynku. P. leucanthemi ma teliospory bladożółte[5].


  1. a b Index Fungorum (ang.). indexfungorum.org. [dostęp 2018-03-11].
  2. Malcolm Storey: Puccinia horiana Henn. (White Rust Of Chrysanthemums). W: BioInfo (UK) [on-line]. [dostęp 2018-03-10].
  3. a b red.: Selim Kryczyński i Zbigniew Weber: Fitopatologia. Tom 2. Choroby roślin uprawnych. Poznań: PWRiL, 2011, s. 428,429. ISBN 978-83-09-01077-7.
  4. Water, J.K. (1981) Chrysanthemum white rust. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 11, 239-242
  5. a b c d Punithalingam, E. (1968) Puccinia horiana. CMI Descriptions of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria No. 176. CAB International, Wallingford, UK
  6. Discover Life Maps. [dostęp 2018-03-05].
  7. Hiratsuka N (1957) Three species of chrysanthemum rusts in Japan and its neighbouring districts. Sydowia Suppl.. 1, 34–44
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Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
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wikipedia POL

Puccinia horiana: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Puccinia horiana Henn. – gatunek grzybów z rodziny rdzowatych (Pucciniaceae). Grzyb mikroskopijny pasożytujący na chryzantemach (Dendranthema). Wywołuje u nich chorobę o nazwie biała rdza chryzantemy.

direitos autorais
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
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wikipedia POL

Puccinia horiana ( Szl )

fornecido por wikipedia SZL

Puccinia horiana je grzib[1], co go ôpisoł Henn. 1901. Puccinia horiana nŏleży do zorty Puccinia i familije Pucciniaceae.[2][3] Żŏdne podgatōnki niy sōm wymianowane we Catalogue of Life.[2]


  1. Henn. (1901), In: Hedwigia 40(Beibl.):25
  2. 2,0 2,1 Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.): Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2019 Annual Checklist.. Species 2000: Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands., 2019. [dostymp 24 września 2012].
  3. Species Fungorum. Kirk P.M., 2010-11-23
direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
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site do parceiro
wikipedia SZL

Puccinia horiana: Brief Summary ( Szl )

fornecido por wikipedia SZL

Puccinia horiana je grzib, co go ôpisoł Henn. 1901. Puccinia horiana nŏleży do zorty Puccinia i familije Pucciniaceae. Żŏdne podgatōnki niy sōm wymianowane we Catalogue of Life.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia SZL