Imagem de Palythoa Lamouroux 1816
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Zoantharia Gray 1832

Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors

The hexacoral order Zoantharia is characterised by two rows of tentacles and, most often, a colonial mode of life. This order is commonly referred as “zoanthids” in English despite the possible confusion with the family Zoanthidae, a group within this order, restricted to shallow tropical and subtropical environments. Here, we follow the most used standards in past and present specialised taxonomic literature, using Zoantharia as the scientific order name and “zoanthids” as the common name for the order.

Zoanthids can be found in most marine environments although very little is known of their ecological role in the ecosystem.

Deep-sea zoanthids remain largely unknown with the exception of a few species regularly dredged or trawled on deep-sea soft sediments. Most of these zoanthids belong to the genus Epizoanthus Gray, 1867, in the family Epizoanthidae Delage and Hérouard, 1901, with a few species associated with pagurids [6] and some associated with hexactinellid sponge stalks.

Isozoanthus Carlgren in Chun, 1903 within the family Parazoanthidae Delage and Hérouard, 1901 is the second most speciose genus of deep-sea zoanthid species, (however recent taxonomic work casts doubt on the status of this genus [7]).

Another group of deep-sea zoanthids was recently described from over 3000 m depth in a cold seep environment, the family Abyssoanthidae Reimer and Fujiwara in Reimer et al., 2007. Recently specimens belonging to this group have been found in other bathyal and abyssal environments around the world [8], [9].

Between 100 m and 2000 m depth, numerous epizoic zoanthids, usually belonging to the family Parazoanthidae, can be found. However, most of them remain undescribed despite some species such as the Hawaiian gold coral (often referred as Gerardia) having been known for decades.

Table 1 reviews the currently recognised zoanthid genera and families with an indication of the genera found in the deep-sea.


Table 1. Classical taxonomic organisation within the order Zoantharia.

direitos autorais
Sinniger F, Ocaña OV, Baco AR
citação bibliográfica
Sinniger F, Ocaña OV, Baco AR (2013) Diversity of Zoanthids (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) on Hawaiian Seamounts: Description of the Hawaiian Gold Coral and Additional Zoanthids. PLoS ONE 8(1): e52607. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052607
Dana Campbell (danac)
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EOL authors

Zoantharia ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Zoantharia (ook Zoanthidea of Zoanthiniaria) is ’n orde van die filum Cnidaria wat algemeen in koraalriwwe, die diepsee en baie ander see-omgewings dwarsoor die wêreld aangetref word. Hulle het ’n verskeidenheid kolonieformasies en talle kleure. Hulle kom voor as individuele poliepe, vas aan ’n stolon of ’n mat wat geskep kan word van klein stukkies sediment, sand en rotse.

Hulle is van die mees algemene korale in rifakwariums, plant maklik voort en kan in baie watertoestande groei.

Families en genusse

Die families en genusse in die orde Zoantharia is:[1]

  • Abyssoanthidae[2]
    • Abyssoanthus Reimer & Fujiwara in Reimer, Sinniger, Fujiwara, Hirano & Maruyama, 2007
  • Epizoanthidae[3]
    • Epizoanthus Gray, 1867
    • Paleozoanthus Carlgren, 1924
    • Thoracactis Gravier, 1918
  • Hydrozoanthidae[4]
    • Hydrozoanthus Sinniger, Reimer & Pawlowski, 2010
    • Terrazoanthus Reimer & Fujii, 2010
  • Microzoanthidae
    • Microzoanthus Fujii & Reimer, 2011
  • Nanozoanthidae
    • Nanozoanthus Fujii & Reimer, 2013
  • Neozoanthidae[5]
    • Neozoanthus
  • Parazoanthidae[6]
    • Bergia (cnidaria)|Bergia Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1860
    • Bullagummizoanthus Sinniger, Ocaña & Baco, 2013
    • Antipathozoanthus Sinniger, Reimer & Pawlowski, 2010
    • Corallizoanthus Reimer in Reimer Nonaka Sinniger & Iwase, 2008
    • Hurlizoanthus Sinniger, Ocaña & Baco, 2013
    • Isozoanthus Carlgren, 1905
    • Kauluzoanthus Sinniger, Ocaña & Baco, 2013
    • Kulamanamana Sinniger, Ocaña & Baco, 2013
    • Mesozoanthus Sinniger & Haussermann, 2009
    • Parazoanthus Haddon & Shackleton, 1891
    • Savalia (genus)|Savalia Nardo, 1814 (sininiem: Gerardia)
    • Umimayanthus Montenegro, Sinniger & Reimer, 2015
    • Zibrowius Sinniger, Ocaña & Baco, 2013
  • Sphenopidae[7]
    • Palythoa Lamouroux, 1816
    • Sphenopus (coral)|Sphenopus Steenstrup, 1856
  • Zoanthidae[8]
    • Acrozoanthus Saville-Kent, 1893
    • Isaurus Gray, 1828
    • Zoanthus Cuvier, 1800


  1. WoRMS (2011). "Zoanthidea". World Register of Marine Species. Besoek op 2011-12-16.
  2. Reimer, J. (2011). "Abyssoanthidae". World Register of Marine Species. Besoek op 2011-12-16.
  3. Reimer, J. (2011). "Epizoanthidae". World Register of Marine Species. Besoek op 2016-09-24.
  4. Reimer, J. (2011). "Hydrozoanthidae". World Register of Marine Species. Besoek op 2011-12-16.
  5. Reimer, J. (2011). "Neozoanthidae". World Register of Marine Species. Besoek op 2011-12-16.
  6. Sinniger, F.; Reimer, J. (2013). "Parazoanthidae". World Register of Marine Species. Besoek op 2016-09-24.AS1-onderhoud: Veelvoudige name: authors list (link)
  7. Reimer, J. (2011). "Sphenopidae". World Register of Marine Species. Besoek op 2016-09-24.
  8. Reimer, J. (2011). "Zoanthidae". World Register of Marine Species. Besoek op 2016-09-24.

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Wikipedia skrywers en redakteurs
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wikipedia AF

Zoantharia: Brief Summary ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Zoantharia (ook Zoanthidea of Zoanthiniaria) is ’n orde van die filum Cnidaria wat algemeen in koraalriwwe, die diepsee en baie ander see-omgewings dwarsoor die wêreld aangetref word. Hulle het ’n verskeidenheid kolonieformasies en talle kleure. Hulle kom voor as individuele poliepe, vas aan ’n stolon of ’n mat wat geskep kan word van klein stukkies sediment, sand en rotse.

Hulle is van die mees algemene korale in rifakwariums, plant maklik voort en kan in baie watertoestande groei.

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Wikipedia skrywers en redakteurs
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wikipedia AF

Zoàntids (ordre) ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Els zoàntids (Zoanthidea) són un ordre de cnidaris .[1] Aquest ordre agrupa a espècies solitàries i també a les que formen colònies. La majoria dels seus membres tenen una mida petita d'uns pocs centímetres i són populars en els aquaris d'aigua salada, malgrat que algunes espècies poden ser tòxiques.[2]


Segons el registre mundial (WoRMS) :[1]


  1. 1,0 1,1 WoRMS (2012). "Zoanthidea". World Register of Marine Species. Consultado el 5 de noviembre de 2012
  2. Nordt, Sean Patrick; Jerry Wu; Stephen Zahller; Richard F. Clark; and F. Lee Cantrell (2009). "Palytoxin Poisoning After Dermal Contact with Zoanthid Coral". Journal of Emergency Medicine.
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Zoàntids (ordre): Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Els zoàntids (Zoanthidea) són un ordre de cnidaris . Aquest ordre agrupa a espècies solitàries i també a les que formen colònies. La majoria dels seus membres tenen una mida petita d'uns pocs centímetres i són populars en els aquaris d'aigua salada, malgrat que algunes espècies poden ser tòxiques.

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wikipedia CA

Krustenanemonen ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Krustenanemonen (Zoanthidea), auch Zoantharia oder Zoanthinaria genannt, sind eine weltweit verbreitete, aber nur sehr unzureichend untersuchte Ordnung der Blumentiere (Anthozoa), denen im Gegensatz zu ihren Verwandten, den Steinkorallen, jegliches Skelett fehlt. Die meisten Vertreter erreichen eine Größe von nur wenigen Zentimetern. In dieser Ordnung sind solitär lebende und auch koloniebildende Arten vertreten. Krustenanemonen sind beliebte Pfleglinge im Meerwasseraquarium.


Palythoa-Arten verfügen über das Gift Palytoxin. Es ist mit einer LD50 von 0,15 µg/kg eines der wirksamsten akut toxischen organischen Gifte, welches nicht auf Eiweiß basiert; lediglich Maitotoxin ist noch giftiger. Wahrscheinlich handelt es sich dabei um einen Fraßschutz. Da es sich bei Krustenanemonen um beliebte Aquarientiere handelt, kommt es immer wieder zu Vergiftungen der Besitzer. So zählte das Giftinformationszentrum Nord 46 Fälle seit 2000 in Niedersachsen, Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg und Bremen.[1] Es wird empfohlen, bei Arbeiten im Aquarium Handschuhe zu tragen. Bei Reinigungsarbeiten außerhalb des Aquariums, z. B. beim Säubern bewachsener Steine, sollte auf ausreichende Belüftung geachtet werden. Es gibt keine Inkubationszeit, das Gift wirkt sofort, sowohl als Kontaktgift als auch über Aerosole. Beschwerden äußern sich je nach Aufnahmemenge in Unwohlsein, Erbrechen, starkem Schüttelfrost und Lähmungen des gesamten Muskelapparates. Zurzeit gibt es kein Gegengift. Helfen kann ein gefäßerweiterndes Medikament. Todesfälle sind bisher nicht beschrieben.[1]


Krustenanemonenkolonie, wahrscheinlich Palythoa sp.
Protopalythoa sp.?

Ordnung Zoanthidea Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1815 (= Zoanthinaria, Zoantharia)

Phylogenetische Untersuchungen von 8 Gattungen der beiden Unterfamilien Brachycnemina und Macrocnemina zufolge ist Brachycnemina als monophyletische Klade Epizoanthus als Schwestertaxon gegenüberzustellen. Mit Epizoanthus zweigen alle weiteren untersuchten Arten ab. Die untersuchten Gattungen sind mit Ausnahme von Parazoanthus monophyletisch.[3]


  • Hans A. Baensch / Robert A. Patzner: Mergus Meerwasser-Atlas Bände 2, 4 + 5, Mergus-Verlag, Melle.
  • Svein A. Fossa / Alf Jacob Nilsen: Korallenriffaquarium, Band 4, Schmettkamp Verlag, 1995, ISBN 3-928819-05-4.


  1. a b Berit Uhlmann: Gift aus dem Aquarium. In: sueddeutsche.de. 9. Februar 2018, abgerufen am 9. Februar 2018.
  2. James Reimer, Yuka Irei, Takuma Fujii: Two new species of Neozoanthus (Cnidaria, Hexacorallia, Zoantharia) from the Pacific. ZooKeys 246 (2012) : 69-87, doi:10.3897/zookeys.246.3886
  3. Sinniger et al. (2005): Phylogeny of the order Zoantharia (Anthozoa, Hexacorallia) based on the mitochondrial ribosomal genes in: Marine Biology 147(5):1121-1128, September 2005.
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wikipedia DE

Krustenanemonen: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Krustenanemonen (Zoanthidea), auch Zoantharia oder Zoanthinaria genannt, sind eine weltweit verbreitete, aber nur sehr unzureichend untersuchte Ordnung der Blumentiere (Anthozoa), denen im Gegensatz zu ihren Verwandten, den Steinkorallen, jegliches Skelett fehlt. Die meisten Vertreter erreichen eine Größe von nur wenigen Zentimetern. In dieser Ordnung sind solitär lebende und auch koloniebildende Arten vertreten. Krustenanemonen sind beliebte Pfleglinge im Meerwasseraquarium.

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wikipedia DE

Зоантариялар ( Quirguiz )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
Parazoanthus axinellae.

Зоантариялар (лат. Zoantharia) — көңгөлдөрдүн бир уруусу.

Колдонулган адабияттар

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Zoantharia ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Zoanthids (order Zoantharia also called Zoanthidea or Zoanthiniaria) are an order of cnidarians commonly found in coral reefs, the deep sea and many other marine environments around the world. These animals come in a variety of different colonizing formations and in numerous different colors. They can be found as individual polyps, attached by a fleshy stolon or a mat that can be created from small pieces of sediment, sand and rock. The term "zoanthid" refers to all animals within this order Zoantharia, and should not be confused with "Zoanthus", which is one genus within Zoantharia.

These are among the most commonly collected corals in reef aquaria, easily propagating and very durable in many water conditions.

Nomenclature controversy

The name of the order is controversial. Non-specialists often use the term Zoanthidea whereas most taxonomists use Zoantharia. The term Zoantharia in turn is used temporarily instead of Hexacorallia. However, major taxonomic papers published since 1899 by specialists (O. Carlgren and F. Pax have described more species than all other authors combined) use Zoantharia, and most recent specialists on the order[1][2] continue to use the term Zoantharia.


Zoanthids can be distinguished from other colonial anthozoans and soft coral by their characteristic of incorporating sand and other small pieces of material into their tissue to help make their structure (except for the family Zoanthidae). A main characteristic of the order is that their tentacles are all marginal. Most species propagate asexually and the offspring of the original polyp remain connected to each other, by a stolonal network or coenosarc. Some species are solitary.[3]

While the most well-known zoanthids are the zooxanthellate genera found in tropical and sub-tropical waters (primarily Zoanthus and Palythoa), many other species and genera exist, some still relatively unknown to science.[4][5][6][7] Many zoanthids (in particular the genera Epizoanthus and Parazoanthus) are often found growing on other marine invertebrates.

Often in zooxanthellate genera such as Zoanthus and Palythoa there are a large number of different morphs of the same or similar species. Such zooxanthellate genera derive a large portion of their energy requirements from symbiotic dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium (zooxanthellae), similar to many corals, anemones, and some other marine invertebrates.

Families and genera

Close view of polished Hexagonaria percarinata, a Devonian rugose coral from Michigan.

The families and genera within the order Zoantharia (also known as Zoanthidea) are:[8]

Suborder Macrocnemina

Suborder Brachycnemina

Note: there are some zoanthid genera such as Neozoanthus or Paleaozoanthus for which there are currently only few data available, those zoanthids having never been found again since their original description.


This dragon-eye zoanthid is a popular source of color in reef tanks

Zoanthidae include many species popular in the fishkeeping world, among hobbyists and professionals. They are relatively easy to keep alive and healthy, and will often spread to cover rocks in their bright circles of color. They are known by some as carpet coral, button polyps, and "zoas" or "zoos."

Captive Propagation

Eagle Eye zooanthid coral, propagated in captivity

Zooanthids and Palythoa are propagated in captivity by cutting the polyps apart using a scalpal or scissors then attaching to a surface with cyanoacrylate glue. Care must be taken when cutting zooanthids because if the palytoxin gets in the bloodstream a person will become very ill. Drying the polyps with paper towel then gluing them to a small base with gelled cyanoacrylate glue ensures they do not drift in the aquarium when reintroduced[16]


Some zoanthids contain the highly toxic substance palytoxin. Palytoxin is one of the most toxic organic substances in the world, but there is an ongoing debate over the concentration of this toxin in these animals. However, even in small quantities, the toxin can be fatal should it be ingested or enter the blood stream. If delivered immediately, it has been suggested that vasodilators can be injected into the ventricle of the heart to act as an antidote.[17] A 2010 study found toxic zoanthids in three Washington, D.C. area aquarium stores.[18]

Reports are varied and conflicting on the potential dangers of handling the animal in the aquarist hobby. General opinion and practical experience holds that in order for this toxin to be dangerous to humans, the average aquarist would need to ingest the zoanthid in sufficient quantities, or brush a recent cut over it, and average handling, propagation and aquarium maintenance is unlikely to pose any danger beyond a localized skin reaction.[19]

Other sources state that palytoxin can be absorbed through intact skin,[20] and the danger of acute poisoning from venomous zoanthids is quite real. According to a report an aquarist was poisoned through skin injuries on fingers by a species of Parazoanthus, but recovered after three days. His zoanthid was found to contain 2-3 milligrams of PTX per gram.[21]

Palytoxin has also been known to damage the eyes of aquarists who attempt to propagate the coral by cutting it and being squirted in the eye. Temporary blindness and permanent blindness have been reported. It is always recommended to wear proper eye protection when cutting corals.

Research shows that in sublethal quantities, Palytoxin is a tumor promoter, and is being studied in relation to signaling pathways in skin cancer genesis.[22]

Generally it is considered proper practice to always wear appropriate protective gloves when reaching into salt water tanks and handling sea invertebrates.[23]


Zoanthids feed both by photosynthesis, aided by the zooxanthellae they contain, and by capturing plankton and particulate matter. Although photosynthesis aids in their nutrition, even species that do not actively capture plankton cannot live through photosynthesis alone.[24] Zoanthids can eat meaty foods, such as lancefish, brine shrimp, krill, and bloodworms.


  1. ^ Sinniger F., Montoya-Burgos J.I., Chevaldonne P., Pawlowski J. (2005) Phylogeny of the order Zoantharia (Anthozoa, Hexacorallia) based on the mitochondrial ribosomal genes. Mar. Biol. 147 (5): 1121-1128.
  2. ^ Reimer J.D., Takishita K., Maruyama T. (2006) Molecular identification of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.) from Palythoa spp. (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) in Japan. Coral Reefs 25 (4): 521-527.
  3. ^ Light. Sol Felty (2007). The Light and Smith Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates from Central California to Oregon. University of California Press. p. 177. ISBN 978-0-520-23939-5.
  4. ^ Reimer J.D., Ono S., Iwama A., Tsukahara J., Takishita K., Maruyama T. (2006) Morphological and molecular revision of Zoanthus (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) from southwestern Japan with description of two new species. Zoological Science 23 (3): 261-275.
  5. ^ Reimer J.D., Hirano S., Fujiwara Y., Sinniger F., Maruyama T. (2007) Morphological and molecular characterization of Abyssoanthus nankaiensis, a new family, new genus and new species of deep-sea zoanthid (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia: Zoantharia) from a northwest Pacific methane cold seep. Inv. Syst. 21: 255-262.
  6. ^ Reimer JD, Nonaka M, Sinniger F., Iwase F. (2008) Morphological and molecular characterization of a new genus and new species of parazoanthid (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia: Zoantharia) associated with Japanese red coral (Paracorallium japonicum) in southern Japan. Coral Reefs 27 (4):935–949.
  7. ^ Sinniger F., Häussermann V. (2009) Zoanthids (Cnidaria: Hexacorallia: Zoantharia) from shallow waters of the southern Chilean fjord region with the description of a new genus and two new species. Org. Div. Evol. 9:23–36
  8. ^ WoRMS (2018). "Zoanthidea". WoRMS. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved 2018-08-24.
  9. ^ Reimer, J. (2011). "Abyssoanthidae". WoRMS. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved 2011-12-16.
  10. ^ Reimer, J. (2011). "Epizoanthidae". WoRMS. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved 2016-09-24.
  11. ^ Reimer, J. (2011). "Hydrozoanthidae". WoRMS. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved 2011-12-16.
  12. ^ Sinniger, F.; Reimer, J. (2013). "Parazoanthidae". WoRMS. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved 2016-09-24.
  13. ^ Reimer, J. (2011). "Neozoanthidae". WoRMS. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved 2011-12-16.
  14. ^ Reimer, J. (2011). "Sphenopidae". WoRMS. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved 2016-09-24.
  15. ^ Reimer, J. (2011). "Zoanthidae". WoRMS. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved 2016-09-24.
  16. ^ "Zoanthid and Palythoa Coral Propagation". Tital Gardens. Archived from the original on 2021-12-22.
  17. ^ "Palytoxin". www.cbwinfo.com. Archived from the original on 17 March 2009. Retrieved 12 January 2022.
  18. ^ Deeds JR, Handy SM, White KD, Reimer JD (2011) Palytoxin Found in Palythoa sp. Zoanthids (Anthozoa, Hexacorallia) Sold in the Home Aquarium Trade. PLoS ONE 6(4): e18235. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018235
  19. ^ Blue Zoo Aquatics informational resource: Handling Zoanthids - Some Zoanthids Produce a Deadly Toxin
  20. ^ Sean Patrick Nordt, Jerry Wu, Stephen Zahller, Richard F. Clark, and F. Lee Cantrell (2009) Palytoxin Poisoning After Dermal Contact with Zoanthid Coral. Journal of Emergency Medicine (in press).
  21. ^ Katrin Hoffmann, Maren Hermanns-Clausen, Claus Buhl, Markus W. Büchler, Peter Schemmer, Dietrich Mebs and Silke Kauferstein (2008). "A case of palytoxin poisoning due to contact with zoanthid corals through a skin injury". Toxicon 51, no. 8: 1535–1537.
  22. ^ Elizabeth V. Wattenberg (2007). "Palytoxin: exploiting a novel skin tumor promoter to explore signal transduction and carcinogenesis". Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 292: C24–C32.
  23. ^ .Nicholas Violand. "Aquarium Science: Palytoxin and You", Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine
  24. ^ Borneman, Eric H. (2001). Aquarium Corals: Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications. p. 464. ISBN 1-890087-47-5.

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Zoantharia: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Zoanthids (order Zoantharia also called Zoanthidea or Zoanthiniaria) are an order of cnidarians commonly found in coral reefs, the deep sea and many other marine environments around the world. These animals come in a variety of different colonizing formations and in numerous different colors. They can be found as individual polyps, attached by a fleshy stolon or a mat that can be created from small pieces of sediment, sand and rock. The term "zoanthid" refers to all animals within this order Zoantharia, and should not be confused with "Zoanthus", which is one genus within Zoantharia.

These are among the most commonly collected corals in reef aquaria, easily propagating and very durable in many water conditions.

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wikipedia EN

Zoantharia ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Los zoantarios (Zoantharia) son un orden de antozoos de la subclase Hexacorallia. Antes se denominaban Zoanthidea o Zoanthiniaria (nombres no aceptados ahora y considerados sinónimos).[1]​ El orden agrupa a especies tanto solitarias como coloniales que se encuentran comúnmente en muchos ambientes marinos, incluso los arrecifes de coral. La mayoría de sus representantes tiene un tamaño de unos pocos centímetros y son populares en los acuarios de agua salada, a pesar de que algunas especies pueden ser altamente tóxicas.[2]


El Registro Mundial de Especies Marinas (WoRMS) enumera los siguientes subordenes y familias incluidas en el orden:[1]

Abyssoanthidae Reimer & Fujiwara in Reimer, Sinniger, Fujiwara, Hirano & Maruyama, 2007
Suborden Brachycnemina
Neozoanthidae Herberts, 1972
Sphenopidae Hertwig, 1882
Zoanthidae Rafinesque, 1815
Suborden Macrocnemina
Epizoanthidae Delage & Hérouard, 1901
Hydrozoanthidae Sinniger, Reimer & Pawlowski, 2010
Microzoanthidae Fujii & Reimer, 2011
Nanozoanthidae Fujii & Reimer, 2013
Parazoanthidae Delage & Hérouard, 1901


  1. a b Hoeksema, B.; Reimer, J. (2013). Zoantharia. In: Fautin, Daphne G. (2013). Hexacorallians of the World. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=607338 Registro Mundial de Especies Marinas Consultado el 7 de julio de 2017.
  2. Nordt, Sean Patrick; Jerry Wu; Stephen Zahller; Richard F. Clark; and F. Lee Cantrell (2009). "Palytoxin Poisoning After Dermal Contact with Zoanthid Coral". Journal of Emergency Medicine.


  • Low MEY, Sinniger F, Reimer JD (2016) The order Zoantharia Rafinesque, 1815 (Cnidaria, Anthozoa: Hexacorallia): supraspecific classification and nomenclature. ZooKeys 641: 1-80. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.641.10346 (en inglés)
  • Gray, J.E. (1832) Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. London (27th edition.). (4): 1-212. (en inglés)
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wikipedia ES

Zoantharia: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Los zoantarios (Zoantharia) son un orden de antozoos de la subclase Hexacorallia. Antes se denominaban Zoanthidea o Zoanthiniaria (nombres no aceptados ahora y considerados sinónimos).​ El orden agrupa a especies tanto solitarias como coloniales que se encuentran comúnmente en muchos ambientes marinos, incluso los arrecifes de coral. La mayoría de sus representantes tiene un tamaño de unos pocos centímetros y son populares en los acuarios de agua salada, a pesar de que algunas especies pueden ser altamente tóxicas.​

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wikipedia ES

Zoantharia (lahko) ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Zoantharia on korallieläinten lahko. Lajien määrä vaihtelee eri lähteissä kuudestakymmenestä kahteensataan, sillä Zoantharia-lajien luokittelu on vielä kesken.[3]

Viisisenttinen rapu Lysmata amboinensis vertauskohtana kuvaamassa zoanthidae-yhdyskunnan kokoa.

Ne ovat pienikokoisia, korkeintaan pari senttiä korkeita merivuokkoja muistuttavia korallieläimiä, jotka elävät tavallisesti yhdyskuntina trooppisten merien matalissa lahdissa, vuorovesivyöhykkeellä ja koralliriutoilla.

Niiden lonkerot ovat järjestäytyneet kahteen sisäkkäiseen kehään.[4] Joidenkin lajien lonkerot ovat suuren osan ajasta sisäänvedettyinä, ja tulevat esille vain korallieläimen ruokaillessa. Ne syövät planktonia.[5] Osalla lajeista on myös symbioottisia zooksantellileviä, jotka antavat yhteyttämistuotteensa korallieläimen käyttöön.[3]

Joissakin Zoantharia-lahkon korallieläimissä on voimakkaita myrkkyjä, jotka voivat halvaannuttaa tai jopa tappaa ihmisiäkin. Eräät lahkon lajit tuottavat yhtä myrkyllisimmistä luonnonyhdisteistä, palytoksiinia. Saattaa olla, että myrkyt eivät synny eläimen itsensä elimistössä vaan sen kanssa symbioosissa elävissä bakteereissa. [3]




  1. a b c World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS): Zoantharia (luettu 28.5.2018) (englanniksi)
  2. World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS): Zoanthiniaria (luettu 28.5.2018) (englanniksi)
  3. a b c Zoanthids or colonial anemones Wild Singapore
  4. Phylogeny of Zoanthids Universite de Geneve
  5. Meerwasserlexicon

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Zoantharia (lahko): Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Zoantharia on korallieläinten lahko. Lajien määrä vaihtelee eri lähteissä kuudestakymmenestä kahteensataan, sillä Zoantharia-lajien luokittelu on vielä kesken.

 src= Viisisenttinen rapu Lysmata amboinensis vertauskohtana kuvaamassa zoanthidae-yhdyskunnan kokoa.

Ne ovat pienikokoisia, korkeintaan pari senttiä korkeita merivuokkoja muistuttavia korallieläimiä, jotka elävät tavallisesti yhdyskuntina trooppisten merien matalissa lahdissa, vuorovesivyöhykkeellä ja koralliriutoilla.

Niiden lonkerot ovat järjestäytyneet kahteen sisäkkäiseen kehään. Joidenkin lajien lonkerot ovat suuren osan ajasta sisäänvedettyinä, ja tulevat esille vain korallieläimen ruokaillessa. Ne syövät planktonia. Osalla lajeista on myös symbioottisia zooksantellileviä, jotka antavat yhteyttämistuotteensa korallieläimen käyttöön.

Joissakin Zoantharia-lahkon korallieläimissä on voimakkaita myrkkyjä, jotka voivat halvaannuttaa tai jopa tappaa ihmisiäkin. Eräät lahkon lajit tuottavat yhtä myrkyllisimmistä luonnonyhdisteistä, palytoksiinia. Saattaa olla, että myrkyt eivät synny eläimen itsensä elimistössä vaan sen kanssa symbioosissa elävissä bakteereissa.

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Zoantharia (ordre) ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Zoantharia sont un ordre de cnidaires de la sous-classe des Hexacorallia, appelés « zoanthides ». Ce clade se substitue en partie au clade obsolète des Zoanthidea.

Description et caractéristiques

Ce sont de petits polypes arrondis et sans squelette dur, en général coloniaux et qui vivent souvent en association avec d'autres cnidaires. Ils sont généralement pédonculés et terminés par un disque tentaculaire rond, mais certaines espèces coloniales forment une masse perforée. Ils contiennent dans leur tissu des phycotoxines dont la palytoxine, le plus toxique des poisons organiques. Contrairement aux apparences, ce ne sont ni des anémones de mer ni des coraux proprement dits, mais constituent leur propre ordre de cnidaire hexacoralliaires.

Liste des sous-ordres et familles

Selon World Register of Marine Species (29 janvier 2021)[1] :

Références taxinomiques

Notes et références

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Zoantharia (ordre): Brief Summary ( Francês )

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Les Zoantharia sont un ordre de cnidaires de la sous-classe des Hexacorallia, appelés « zoanthides ». Ce clade se substitue en partie au clade obsolète des Zoanthidea.

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Zoantharia ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Zoantharia Gray, 1832 è un ordine di coralli della sottoclasse degli esacoralli[1]


L'ordine comprende antozoi per la maggior parte coloniali, con tentacoli disposti in due ordini, che, ad eccezione della famiglia Zoanthidae, presentano pareti incrostate di sabbia o altri detriti.[2] Tali incrostazioni possono coinvolgere tanto l'ectoderma quanto la mesoglea e possono arrivare a costituire sino al 45% del peso dei polipi.[3]


Alcune specie (p.es. Palythoa spp. e Zoanthus spp.) producono la palitossina, una delle biotossine marine più tossiche finora note[4]: se ingerita è in grado di provocare nell'uomo una potente vasocostrizione, con conseguente ischemia miocardica, che può portare ad arresto cardiaco.[5] Sono stati segnalati casi di reazioni più lievi per semplice contatto con zoantari contenuti in acquario.[6]

Distribuzione e habitat

Gli zoantari hanno distribuzione cosmopolita e sono presenti in gran parte degli ecosistemi marini, dal piano infralitorale sino al piano abissale.[7] La maggiore biodiversità è concentrata nelle barriere coralline tropicali e subtropicali.


In passato il termine Zoantharia era utilizzato per indicare l'intera classe degli Esacoralli. Nella accezione attuale la denominazione è circoscritta al raggruppamento delle seguenti famiglie[1]:

I due sottordini si differenziano in base alla morfologia del quinto paio di mesenteri, incompleto in Brachycnemina e completo in Macrocnemina.[8]

Alcune specie


  1. ^ a b (EN) Zoantharia, in WoRMS (World Register of Marine Species). URL consultato il 25/2/2020.
  2. ^ Low 2016, p.5.
  3. ^ (EN) Haywick D.W., Mueller E.M., Sediment retention in encrusting Palythoa spp. – a biological twist to a geological process, in Coral Reefs, vol. 16, 1997, pp. 39-46.
  4. ^ (EN) Ramos V., Vasconcelos V., Palytoxin and analogs: biological and ecological effects, in Marine Drugs, vol. 8, n. 7, 2010, pp. 2021–37, DOI:10.3390/md8072021.
  5. ^ Di Girolamo I. et al., Gestione del rischio associato alle fioriture di Ostreopsis ovata (PDF), Ministero della Salute, 2007.
  6. ^ (EN) Nordt S.P. et al., Palytoxin Poisoning After Dermal Contact with Zoanthid Coral, in Journal of Emergency Medicine, 40(4), 2011, pp. 397-9.
  7. ^ Low 2016, p.3.
  8. ^ Low 2016, pp.5, 11.


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Zoantharia: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

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Zoantharia Gray, 1832 è un ordine di coralli della sottoclasse degli esacoralli

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Zoantharia ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Zoantharia is een orde van neteldieren uit de klasse van de Anthozoa (bloemdieren).

Onderorden en families

  • Abyssoanthidae Reimer & Fujiwara in Reimer, Sinniger, Fujiwara, Hirano & Maruyama, 2007
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Zoantharia: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

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Zoantharia is een orde van neteldieren uit de klasse van de Anthozoa (bloemdieren).

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Zoantharia ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Zoantharia (Também chamada Zoanthidea ou Zoanthiniaria) é uma Ordem de cnidários antozoários da subclasse Hexacorallia. São comumente encontrados em recifes de coral, recifes de mar profundo e diversos outros ambientes marinhos ao redor do mundo. Estes animais possuem grande variedade de organização na colônia e apresentam muitas cores. Podem ser encontrados como pólipos individuais, um cordão / fita de estolão ou um tapete, criado a partir de pequenas partes de areia, sedimento e pedras. O termo "zoantídeo" refere-se a todos os animais da Ordem Zoantharia, não devendo ser confundidos com Zoanthus, que é um dos gêneros dessa Ordem.

Estes organismos são alguns dos mais comumente coletados em corais para aquarismo, devido a sua fácil propagação e resiliência, conseguindo resistir a diferentes condições da água.


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Zoantharia: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Zoantharia (Também chamada Zoanthidea ou Zoanthiniaria) é uma Ordem de cnidários antozoários da subclasse Hexacorallia. São comumente encontrados em recifes de coral, recifes de mar profundo e diversos outros ambientes marinhos ao redor do mundo. Estes animais possuem grande variedade de organização na colônia e apresentam muitas cores. Podem ser encontrados como pólipos individuais, um cordão / fita de estolão ou um tapete, criado a partir de pequenas partes de areia, sedimento e pedras. O termo "zoantídeo" refere-se a todos os animais da Ordem Zoantharia, não devendo ser confundidos com Zoanthus, que é um dos gêneros dessa Ordem.

Estes organismos são alguns dos mais comumente coletados em corais para aquarismo, devido a sua fácil propagação e resiliência, conseguindo resistir a diferentes condições da água.

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Mångstråliga korallpolyper ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Mångstråliga korallpolyper (Zoanthidea] är en vanlig typ av koralldjur som kan hittas i korallreven runt om i världen. Dessa djur existerar i många formationer och färger. De kan växa som enskilda polyper eller i kolonier. Som de flesta koraller är de hermatypiska och är därför beroende av solljus och växer ofta nära ytan.


Mångstråliga korallpolyper innehåller det mycket giftiga ämnet palytoxin som är en av de mest giftiga organiska substanserna i världen, men det förs en debatt om hur mycket av detta gift dessa koraller innehåller. Men även i små doser kan detta gift vara dödligt vid inandning eller om det kommer in i blodomloppet. Det finns inget känt motgift.

När man har mångstråliga korallpolyper i ett akvarium i hemmet så är det viktigt att ha en dedikerad arbetsstation för att arbeta med korallerna där man rengör alla verktyg noga; speciellt om en polyp skulle spricka. Dessa kemikalier är det enda skyddet dessa koraller har mot rovdjur.

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Mångstråliga korallpolyper: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Mångstråliga korallpolyper (Zoanthidea] är en vanlig typ av koralldjur som kan hittas i korallreven runt om i världen. Dessa djur existerar i många formationer och färger. De kan växa som enskilda polyper eller i kolonier. Som de flesta koraller är de hermatypiska och är därför beroende av solljus och växer ofta nära ytan.

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Зоантарии ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Схема поперечного среза на уровне глотки. Видны три пары неполных септ — особенность представителей подотряда Brachycnemida.

Зоанта́рии[3][4] (лат. Zoantharia) — отряд коралловых полипов из подкласса шестилучевых (Hexacorallia). Насчитывают около 150 видов, освоивших различные биотопы — от мелководий до больших глубин[1]. Лишённые массивного скелета, представители этого отряда обрастают твёрдые субстраты или тела́ других малоподвижных организмов (губок, асцидий, корковых водорослей)[3][5]. Ряд видов, подобно некоторым актиниям, поселяется на захваченных раками-отшельниками раковинах брюхоногих моллюсков[5].


Среди зоантарий есть как одиночные формы, так и колониальные (стелющиеся колонии объединены системой столонов или покрывающим субстрат, подобно корке, ценосарком)[3][5]. Размеры отдельных полипов в составе колонии обычно не превышают пары сантиметров; одиночные представители могут быть заметно крупнее[5]. Характерная особенность зоантарий касается расположения щупалец: они формируют два чётких ряда на крае ротового диска[5][6].

Ротовое отверстие ведёт в глотку, которая открывается в пищеварительную полость, перегороженную у молодых полипов шестью парами септ[5]. Единственный сифоноглиф расположен напротив пары неполных септ, направляющих ток воды[3]. Необычная черта, присущая зоантариям, — пронизывающие стенку тела каналы, соединяющие полость кишечника с окружающей средой и обеспечивающие более интенсивную циркуляцию жидкости[5].

Покровы тела зоантарий отделяют слизь, в которой увязают мелкие твёрдые частицы (песчинки, панцири простейших, спикулы губок)[3]. По мере роста тканей, эти частицы постепенно погружаются в стенку тела, где могут выполнять опорную функцию[3].


В настоящее время в составе Zoanthidea выделяют два подотряда — Brachycnemida и Macrocnemida — (по три семейства в каждом) и семейство Abyssoanthidae с неясным положением (включает единственный вид)[2][6].

  • Abyssoanthidae Reimer et Fujiwara, 2007
  • Brachycnemida Haddon et Shackleton, 1891
    • Neozoanthidae Herberts, 1972
    • Sphenopidae Hertwig, 1882
    • Zoanthidae Gray, 1840
  • Macrocnemida Haddon et Shackleton, 1891
    • Epizoanthidae Delage et Hirouard, 1901
    • Hydrozoanthidae Sinniger et al., 2010
    • Parazoanthidae Delage et Hirouard, 1901


  •  src=

    Полипы Epizoanthus, видны два ряда щупалец.

  •  src=

    Колония Palythoa, полностью обросшая субстрат.


  1. 1 2 Daly, M., Brugler, M. R., Cartwright, P., Collins, A. G., Dawson, M. N., Fautin, D. G., France, S. C., McFadden, C. S., Opresko, D. M., Rodrigues, E., Romanos, S. L., Stakes, J. L. (2007). The phylum Cnidaria: A review of phylogenetic patterns and diversity 300 years after Linnaeus, 127–182. In: Zhang, Z.-Q., Shear, W. A. (eds.) (2007). Linnaeus Tercentenary: Progress in Invertebrate Taxonomy. Zootaxa 1668: 1–766. Текст (англ.) (Проверено 20 августа 2011)
  2. 1 2 Отряд Зоантарии (англ.) в Мировом реестре морских видов (World Register of Marine Species). (Проверено 19 августа 2011)
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Вестхайде В., Ригер Р. От простейших до моллюсков и артропод // Зоология беспозвоночных. = Spezielle Zoology. Teil 1: Einzeller und Wirbellose Tiere / пер. с нем. О. Н. Бёллинг, С. М. Ляпкова, А. В. Михеев, О. Г. Манылов, А. А. Оскольский, А. В. Филиппова, А. В. Чесунов; под ред. А. В. Чесунова. — М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2008. — Т. 1. — С. 173. — iv+512+iv с. — 1000 экз.ISBN 978-5-87317-491-1.
  4. Зенкевич Л. А. Жизнь животных. Беспозвоночные. Т. 1. — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 580 c., с. 308—309.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Рупперт Э. Э., Фокс Р. С., Барнс Р. Д. Протисты и низшие многоклеточные // Зоология беспозвоночных. Функциональные и эволюционные аспекты = Invertebrate Zoology: A Functional Evolutionary Approach / пер. с англ. Т. А. Ганф, Н. В. Ленцман, Е. В. Сабанеевой; под ред. А. А. Добровольского и А. И. Грановича. — 7-е издание. — М.: Академия, 2008. — Т. 1. — 496 с. — 3000 экз.ISBN 978-5-7695-3493-5.
  6. 1 2 Sinniger, F., Reimer, J. D., Pawlowski, J. (2010). The Parazoanthidae (Hexacorallia: Zoantharia) DNA taxonomy: description of two new genera. Marine Biodiversity 40: 57–70. DOI:10.1007/s12526-009-0034-3
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Зоантарии: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
 src= Схема поперечного среза на уровне глотки. Видны три пары неполных септ — особенность представителей подотряда Brachycnemida.

Зоанта́рии (лат. Zoantharia) — отряд коралловых полипов из подкласса шестилучевых (Hexacorallia). Насчитывают около 150 видов, освоивших различные биотопы — от мелководий до больших глубин. Лишённые массивного скелета, представители этого отряда обрастают твёрдые субстраты или тела́ других малоподвижных организмов (губок, асцидий, корковых водорослей). Ряд видов, подобно некоторым актиниям, поселяется на захваченных раками-отшельниками раковинах брюхоногих моллюсков.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

スナギンチャク ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
スナギンチャク目 Parazoanthus axinellae.jpg 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 刺胞動物門 Cnidaria : 花虫綱 Anthozoa 亜綱 : 六放サンゴ亜綱 Hexacorallia : スナギンチャク目 Zoanthidea 学名 Zoanthidea

スナギンチャク砂巾着, zoanthid、sandy creeplet)は、刺胞動物花虫綱スナギンチャク目(学名Zoanthidea)に属する海産動物の総称である。


体壁の組織中に砂粒などを埋め込む種が多いことからこの名でよばれる。スナギンチャク目とイソギンチャク目とは異なるグループであり、また、「スナイソギンチャク(砂磯巾着、学名 Dofleinia armata )」は、イソギンチャク目ウメボシイソギンチャク科に属するである[1]





この群に特有の形態的特徴として、隔膜 (Mesentery) の配置が放射相称でなく左右相称であるということが挙げられる。これは他の刺胞動物ではほとんど見られないものである[3]





Parazoanthus axinellae の個虫。

長膜亜目 Macrocnemina は4科12属。礫底に生息する種もいるが、多くの種は無脊椎動物に共生・寄生する[6]


Palythoa grandis 。パリトキシンを含む種の一つ。

短膜亜目 Brachycnemina は3科6属を含む。褐虫藻を持つため、熱帯の浅海域にのみ生息する[6]


  1. ^ 内田紘臣 「スナイソギンチャク(すないそぎんちゃく)」 日本大百科全書(小学館)
  2. ^ 内田紘臣 「スナギンチャク(すなぎんちゃく)」 日本大百科全書(小学館)
  3. ^ MARYMEGAN DALY, DAPHNE G. FAUTIN and VALERIE A. CAPPOLA (2003). “Systematics of the Hexacorallia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa)”. Zool J Linn Soc. 139: 419–437. http://www.nhm.ku.edu/~inverts/meg/hexacoral%20systematics.pdf.
  4. ^ Zoanthidea in WoRMS”. ^ James Davis Reimer , Frederic Sinniger. Discovery and description of a new species of Abyssoanthus (Zoantharia: Hexacorallia) at the Japan Trench: the world's deepest known zoanthid. http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=23424801
  5. ^ a b Swain TD (2010). “Evolutionary transitions in symbioses: dramatic reductions in bathymetric and geographic ranges of Zoanthidea coincide with loss of symbioses with invertebrates.”. Mol Ecol. 19 (12): 2587-2598. PMID 20497327.
  6. ^ R.M.L. Ates. “A preliminary review of zoanthid-hermit crab symbioses (Cnidaria; Zoantharia/Crustacea, Paguridea)”. ^ Takuma Fujii, James Davis Reimer (2011). “Phylogeny of the highly divergent zoanthid family Microzoanthidae (Anthozoa, Hexacorallia) from the Pacific”. Zoologica Scripta 40 (4): 418–431. doi:10.1111/j.1463-6409.2011.00479.x.
  7. ^ a b James Davis Reimer, Takuma Fujii (2010). “Four new species and one new genus of zoanthids (Cnidaria, Hexacorallia) from the Galápagos Islands”. ZooKeys 42: 1–36. doi:10.3897/zookeys.42.378.
  8. ^ a b J. D. Reimer · M. Nonaka · F. Sinniger · F. Iwase (2008). “Morphological and molecular characterization of a new genus and new species of parazoanthid (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia: Zoantharia) associated with Japanese Red Coral”. Coral Reefs 27 (4): 935-949. doi:10.1007/s00338-008-0389-0.
  9. ^ James Davis Reimer, Mamiko Hirose, Yuka Irei, Masami Obuchi, Frederic Sinniger (2011). “The sands of time: rediscovery of the genus Neozoanthus (Cnidaria: Hexacorallia) and evolutionary aspects of sand incrustation in brachycnemic zoanthids”. Marine Biology 158 (5): 983-993. doi:10.1007/s00227-011-1624-8.
  10. ^ James D. Reimer, Meifang Lin, Takuma Fujii, David J.W. Lane, Bert W. Hoeksema (2012). “The phylogenetic position of the solitary zoanthid genus Sphenopus (Cnidaria: Hexacorallia)”. Contributions to Zoology 81 (1). http://dpc.uba.uva.nl/ctz/vol81/nr01/art03.
  11. ^ James Davis Reimer, Shusuke Ono, Junzo Tsukahara, Fumihito Iwase (2008). “Molecular characterization of the zoanthid genus Isaurus (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) and associated zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium spp.) from Japan”. Mar Biol 153: 351-363. doi:10.1007/s00227-007-0811-0.
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スナギンチャク: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語

スナギンチャク(砂巾着, zoanthid、sandy creeplet)は、刺胞動物花虫綱スナギンチャク目(学名Zoanthidea)に属する海産動物の総称である。

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site do parceiro
wikipedia 日本語