Comprehensive Description
fornecido por North American Flora
Phyllosticta decidua Ellis & Kellerm. Am Nat
17: 1165. 1883.
Phyllosticta Calaminthae Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 5: 145. 1889.
Phyllosticta Lycopodis Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1891: 76. 1891.
Phyllosticta Monardae Ellis & Barth.; Smyth, Trans. Kansas Acad. 16: 165. 1899.
Spots definite, circular or subcircular in form, the tissue of the infected spot becoming very thin and translucent, bounded by a slightly elevated border, reaching a diameter of 1-2 mm., the infected tissue occasionally breaking out and leaving the leaf punctured with holes;
pyenidia minute, scattered over the infected spot, usually on the upper side of the leaf, nearly globose and almost superficial at maturity, with a conspicuous ostiolum which reaches a ,. diameter of 10//, the pyenidium reaching a diameter of 150/*; spores ellipsoid, about 2 X 3—5 fi.
Specimens on Nepeta Cataria are accompanied by a Pleosphaerulina which may represent its perfect stage. Specimens on Mentha and Teucrium are accompanied by a Mycosphaerella which appears to represent its perfect stage. If so. more than one species may be represented in what has been regarded as the same Phyllosticta on different hosts.
On Cannabinaceae :
Humulus Lupulus L,., Wisconsin. On Rosaceae:
Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr., Wisconsin.
Agrimonia striata Michx., Wisconsin.
Geum canadense Jacq. (Geum album Gmel.), Wisconsin. On Araliaceae:
Aralia racemosa I,., Wisconsin. On Primulaceae :
Sleironema ciliatum (L.) Raf., Wisconsin.
On Lamtaceae:
Clinopodium vulgare L. (Calamintha Clinopodium Benth.), Ontario.
Gale op sis Tetrahit L,., Wisconsin.
Glecoma hederacea L. (Nepeta Glechoma Benth., Nepeta hederacea B.S.P.), Wisconsin.
Leonurus Cardiaca L-, Ohio, Wisconsin; Ontario.
Lycopus unifiorus Michx., Wisconsin.
Mentha canadensis L., Wisconsin.
Mentha gentilis E. (Mentha sativa L.), Maine.
Mentha spicata L., Ohio.
Monarda fistulosa L.. Nebraska.
Monarda pectinata Nutt., Kansas.
Monarda punctata JL,., Wisconsin.
Nepeta Cataria E., Ohio.
Scutellaria galericulata L., Ohio.
Stachys tenuifolia Willd., Wisconsin.
Teucrium canadense E., Wisconsin.
On Scrophulariaceae :
Leptandra virginica (E.) Nutt. (Veronica virginica I/.), Wisconsin.
On Cichoriaceae :
Hieracium aurantiacum E., Wisconsin. Lacluca canadensis E., Wisconsin.
On Cardtjaceae :
Arctium minus Schkuhr (Lappa minor DC), Wisconsin.
Bidens frondosa L., Wisconsin.
Eupatorium perfoliatum E. f Wisconsin. Type locality: Fairfield, Ohio, on Leonurus Cardiaca. Distribution: Maine to Delaware, Wisconsin, and Kansas.
- citação bibliográfica
- Fred Jay Seaver. 1922. PHYLLOSTICTALES; PHYLLOSTICTACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 6(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY