Aeromachus pygmaeus, the pygmy scrub-hopper[1][2] is a butterfly belonging to the family Hesperiidae. The species range is Nilgiris, Wynaad, Coorg, Kanara, Assam to Burma and Thailand.[1][2][3][4]
Male. Upperside uniform olive-brown, without any markings; in some examples there are very faint indications of some discal and sub-marginal marks. Cilia concolorous with the wings, slightly paler at the tips. Underside paler; a small whitish spot at the end of the cell, sometimes absent, an indistinct whitish and outwardly curved discal, thin baud from near the costa halfway down the wing, the upper and outer portions of the wing sparsely covered with minute white scales. Hindwing entirely covered with minute white scales, traces of a whitish outwardly curved discal band and a very indistinct series of sub-marginal spots a little darker than the ground colour. Antennge black, ringed with white, club whitish on the underside, all except its tip; palpi, head and body above concolorous with the wings, whitish on the underside. Female similar to the male.
The larvae feed on Polytrias indica, Cyrtococcum trigonum, and Stenotaphrum secundatum.[5][6]
Aeromachus pygmaeus, the pygmy scrub-hopper is a butterfly belonging to the family Hesperiidae. The species range is Nilgiris, Wynaad, Coorg, Kanara, Assam to Burma and Thailand.
Aeromachus pygmaeus is een vlinder uit de familie van de dikkopjes (Hesperiidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Johann Christian Fabricius in 1775 als Papilio pygmaeus. De larven voeden zich met Ischaemum indicum.
De soort wordt aangetroffen in het zuiden van India, Laos, Myanmar en Thailand.[1]
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesAeromachus pygmaeus is een vlinder uit de familie van de dikkopjes (Hesperiidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Johann Christian Fabricius in 1775 als Papilio pygmaeus. De larven voeden zich met Ischaemum indicum.
Aeromachus pygmaeus é uma espécie de borboleta da família Hesperiidae.[1]
A espécie é encontrada na Índia, Laos, Myanmar, Tailândia e Malásia.[2]
As larvas têm a Ischaemum indicum como planta hospedeira.[3]
Aeromachus pygmaeus é uma espécie de borboleta da família Hesperiidae.
A espécie é encontrada na Índia, Laos, Myanmar, Tailândia e Malásia.
As larvas têm a Ischaemum indicum como planta hospedeira.
侏儒锷弄蝶(Pygmy Scrub-hopper,学名:Aeromachus pygmaeus)是弄蝶科的一种蝴蝶。分佈於東洋界。毛虫以细毛鸭嘴草(Ischaemum indicum)为食。[1]