
Charaxes marmax ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Charaxes marmax, the yellow rajah, is a butterfly found in India that belongs to the rajahs and nawabs group, that is, the Charaxinae group of the brush-footed butterflies family.


The male has the ground colour of the upperside rich ochraceous tawny. Forewing has a black subcostal spot at the discocellulars and a pale chestnut line on either side of them; a very short slightly curved discal narrow band from vein 7 to vein 5, a postdiscal broad oblique band from costa to vein 6, and a broad terminal band from apex to vein 1, jet-black; the extreme margin of the termen touched interruptedly with fulvous tawny; the postdiscal band continued as a curved lunular narrow chestnut band to vein 1, and the black at apex continued along the costa, joining the postdiscal band above. Hindwing: costal margin broadly pale yellow, terminal third of wing of a darker tawny shade than the base, a short discal broken black line from costa to vein 6; a subterminal slightly curved series of outwardly pointed black spots, increasing in size to interspace 6, the tornal two centred with white; the terminal margin somewhat broadly dark reddish brown. Underside bright ochraceous yellow. Forewings and hindwings crossed by the usual sinuous black lines, the postdiscal line outwardly lunular. Forewing: the discocellulars defined by dark lines, the apex with two short white streaks continued as a line of obscure white dots to interspace 1. Hindwing: the space between base of wing and subbasal dark line and between the median two dark lines darker ochraceous than the ground colour; the postdiscal lunular line with a dark shade beyond, traversed by a series of heavy slate-black lunules, and white, black-tipped obscure dots; the terminal reddish-brown band as on the upperside. Antennae black annulated with white; head, thorax and abdomen tawny; beneath paler, the palpi white.

The female is similar but the ground colour on the disc paler. Forewing: the short discal band very broad, continued as a series of lunules in the interspaces to vein 1: the postdiscal lunular line slender above, not joined onto the black on the termen, and sometimes black, sometimes chestnut-coloured; the black on the margin formed into a subterminal series of large black inwardly conical spots, the termen beyond dusky ochraceous. Hindwing: the subterminal row of black spots with white central transverse very short lines. Underside much as in the male, but the slate-black lunules on the hindwing form a broad obliquely placed line; the subterminal series of white spots larger and more conspicuous both on forewing and hindwing; upper tail spatulate, much longer than in male.[2]


Northeastern India (Sikkim, Assam), Bhutan and Burma, Peninsular Malaya and Indochina.

See also

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Charaxes marmax.


  1. ^ Cab. Orient. Ent. 1848, p. 43, pl. 21
  2. ^ Bingham, C.T. (1905). The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma Butterflies. Vol. 1 (1st ed.). London: Taylor and Francis, Ltd.

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Charaxes marmax: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Charaxes marmax, the yellow rajah, is a butterfly found in India that belongs to the rajahs and nawabs group, that is, the Charaxinae group of the brush-footed butterflies family.

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wikipedia EN

Charaxes marmax ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Charases marmax est une espèce d'insectes lépidoptères appartenant à la famille des Nymphalidae, à la sous-famille des Charaxinae et au genre Charaxes.


Charaxes marmax est un grand papillon au dessus jaune orangé tirant sur le roux avec aux ailes antérieures une ligne marginale de taches marron et aux postérieures une ligne submarginale de taches marron pupillées de blanc.

Le dessous est jaune avec des bandes plus foncées et d'autres plus claires.


La chenille est verte avec les paires de cornes des Charaxes.


Il est multivoltin entre avril et décembre et hibernerait soit au stade de chenille soit à celui de chrysalide[1].

Plantes hôtes

Les plantes hôtes de la chenille sont des Euphorbiaceae dont Croton tiglium[1].

Écologie et distribution

Il est présent en Asie du sud-est, en Inde, dans toute la péninsule indochinoise, (Thaïlande et Laos pour Charaxes marmax marmax) et en Malaisie[2].


Il réside dans les boisements de sa plante hôte et dans les jardins où elle est cultivée comme arbuste ornemental.


L'espèce Charaxes marmax a été décrite par John Obadiah Westwood en 1847[2].



  • Charaxes marmax marmax présent en Inde et Birmanie.
  • Charaxes marmax philopator Fruhstorfer, 1914; présent dans toute l'Indochine.
  • Charaxes marmax philosarcus Fruhstorfer, 1914; présent en Malaisie[2].

Noms vernaculaires

Charaxes marmax se nomme Yellow Rajah en anglais, et Charaxes marmax marmax Sylhet Yellow Rajah[2],[3].


Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Charaxes marmax: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Charases marmax est une espèce d'insectes lépidoptères appartenant à la famille des Nymphalidae, à la sous-famille des Charaxinae et au genre Charaxes.

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wikipedia FR

Charaxes marmax ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Charaxes marmax is een vlinder uit de familie van de Nymphalidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1848 door John Obadiah Westwood. De soort komt voor in Assam en Sylhet.[2]

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