Nome não resolvido

Formica orangea

Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Plazi (legacy text)

Derivatio nominis: from the mainly orange body colour.

Type material examined: Holotype worker plus 4 worker paratypes labelled "KIR: 41.8327° N , 71.1948° E Tshat-kal valley, 1830 m R. Schultz 1998.07.28-115" and "Holo-type Formica orangea Seifert & Schultz " / " Paratype Formica orangea Seifert & Schultz ", 5 paratype workers in etha-nol, SMN Görlitz ; from the same nest series: 3 mounted paratype workers and 19 paratype workers in ethanol, coll. RS.

Material examined: 32 samples with 100 workers were subject to a numeric analysis of 18 characters (Figs. 18, 19): Afghanistan (2), Iran (1), Kazakhstan (4), Kyrgyzstan (10), Mongolia (14), Uzbekistan (1). For details, see Appendix, as digital supplementary material to this article, at the journal's web pages.

Description of worker (Tab. 1, Fig. 6): medium-sized Serviformica species (CS 1.349 mm), head short (CL / CW1.4 1.111), scape shortest and distance of lateral ocelli largest within the F. rufibarbis group (SL / CS1.4 1.021, OceD / CS1.4 0.172), eye relatively small (EYE / CS1.4 0.288), petiole relatively narrow (PEW / CS1.4 0.421). Clypeus with sharp median keel and fine longitudinal microcarinulae. Frontal triangle finely transversely rippled and with 35 -60 short pubescence hairs. Eyes with microsetae of 10 -13 μ m maximum length. Total mean of unilateral setae numbers on different body parts predicted for a specimen with CS = 1.4 mm: pronotum 1.5, mesonotum 0.8, petiole scale dorsal of spiracle 0.2, flexor profile of hind tibia 0.3. Posterior margin of head and propodeum plus dorsolateral metapleuron normally without setae. Ventral coxae and gaster tergites with long setae. Dorsal mesonotal profile broadly rounded. Metanotal depression moderately deep. Propodeal dome in profile flatly rounded to angled, the basal profile sometimes slightly concave. Dorsal crest of petiole in frontal view broadly convex. Petiole scale in lateral aspect relatively low and thicker than in other species of the F. rufi-barbis group, except F. tarimica sp. n. , with convex anterior and straight to slightly convex posterior profile. Gaster with transverse microripples of rather large distance (RipD 6.7 μ m, second largest within the F. rufibarbis group) and covered by dense silvery pubescence (sqPDG 3.15). Pubescence on head, mesosoma and petiole less dense. Whole head, mesosoma, coxae, all appendages, and petiole in typical cases reddish yellow; sometimes in smaller specimens brown spots may occur on posterior vertex and dorsal pro-mesonotum, but always with low contrast between the pig-mented and the light parts, gaster always brown.

Comments on taxonomy: Formica orangea sp. n. shows an unmistakable combination of orange colour, short head, short scape, high interocellar distance, low pronotal setae numbers and large microripple distance on gaster tergites (Tab. 1).

32 samples with 100 workers were subject to a numeric analysis of 18 characters.Afghanistan : Kabul , 18.IX.1952 [ 34.41° N , 69.16° E , coordinates estimated] ;Tangi Saidan , 27.V.1952 [ 34.42° N , 69.17° E , coordinates estimated] .Iran : Ghuchan , 29.VII.2005 [ 37.41° N , 58.5° E , coordinates estimated] .Kazakhstan : Lake Zaysan (2 samples, No. 215, 355), 26.VII.2001 [ 47.682° N , 84.646° E ] ;Zaysan Basin , 25.VII.2001 [ 47.707° N , 85.300° E ] ;Zaysan Basin , 26.VII.2001 [ 47.711° N , 85.303° E ] .Kyrgyzstan : Issyk Kul (3 samples, No. 174, 177, 181), 22.VII. 2000 [ 42.367° N , 76.200° E ] ;Issyk Kul (2 samples, No. 55, 56), 22.VII.2000 [ 42.368° N , 76.195° E ] ;Karavshin vall. (2 samples, No. 152b, 162b), 24.VII.2004 [ 39.781° N , 70.412° E ] ;Shamaldy-Say , 31.VII.2004 [ 41.119° N , 72.189° E ] ;Tshatkal vall. (2 samples, 115: type, 116), 28.VII.1998 [ 41.833° N , 71.195° E ] .Mongolia : Bogd Sum , 19.VIII.1997 [ 45.141° N , 100.900° E ] ;Elsen Tasarkhai , 21.VII.2003 [ 47.389° N , 103.661° E ] ;Gobi Altai , 29.VII.2003 [ 44.54° N , 99.34° E , coordinates estimated] ;Urtiyn ekh Oasis (6 samples, No. 326, 329, 403, 404, 405, 414), 31.VII.2003 [ 44.811° N , 97.368° E ] ;Zuun ModOasis (3 samples, No. 165, 166, 183), 16.VIII.1997 [ 43.232° N , 99.008° E ] ;Zuun Mod Oasis , 18.VIII.1997 [ 43.265° N , 99.218° E ] ;M515B, 2003 , [leg. Pfeiffer , without location] .Uzbekistan : Tash-Kurgan , 22.VIII.1897 [ 38.37° N , 67.93° E , coordinates estimated] .

Distribution and biology: Occurring in the Oriental-Turanian and Central Asian floristic region of the south sub-meridional and meridional zones. Ranging from 58° (Iran) to 104° E (Mongolia) and 34° (Afghanistan) to 48° N (Kazakhstan) at elevations between 400 and 2200 m. Prefers dry steppe and semi-desert habitats, in the vicinity of rivers or lakes. Invades rural areas and gardens. Nests found in moderately dry sand, often with characteristic slant gateways leading to the underground. Foraging on available trees, probably tending trophobionts.

not applicable
citação bibliográfica
Seifert, B., 2009, A taxonomic revision of the Formica rufibarbis Fabricius, 1793 group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Myrmecologische Nachrichten, pp. 255-272, vol. 12
Seifert, B.
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Plazi (legacy text)