
Kletternattern ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Kletternattern (Elaphe) sind eine Schlangengattung aus der Unterfamilie der Eigentlichen Nattern (Colubrinae) innerhalb der Familie der Nattern (Colubridae). Sie sind von Südosteuropa bis Südostasien verbreitet.

Merkmale und Lebensweise

Kletternattern sind land- und teilweise baumbewohnend. Sie sind ovipar und ihre Beschuppung ist leicht gekielt mit von Art zu Art stark variierenden Farben und Mustern. Die Kletternattern haben eine Länge von etwa 60 cm (Steppennatter Elaphe dione) bis 250 cm (Elaphe moellendorffi und Schönnatter Elaphe taeniura).[1]

Verbreitungsgebiet und Gefährdungsstatus

Kletternattern sind von Südosteuropa bis Südostasien verbreitet.[2] Die IUCN stuft die Art Elaphe moellendorffi als gefährdet[3] ein und die Vierstreifennatter (Elaphe quatuorlineata) als potentiell gefährdet.[4] Alle anderen Arten für die eine Bewertung vorliegt gelten als nicht gefährdet.[5]


Die Gattung wurde 1833 von dem österreichischen Zoologen Leopold Fitzinger erstbeschrieben und umfasste zeitweise über 30 Arten, die sich über mehrere Kontinente (Asien, Europa, Amerika) verteilten. Nach Untersuchungen von Helfenberger (2001) und Utunger u. a. (2002) wurden einige Arten anderen Gattungen zugewiesen. Zuletzt schlugen Collins & Taggart (2008) eine neue Einteilung vor und eine neue Gattung Mintonius.[6] Stand Mai 2022 werden der Gattung im Allgemeinen 17 Arten zugeordnet.[1] Im Folgenden sind diese nach Taxon geordnet gelistet, zusammen mit dem Trivialnamen, den Autoren, dem Datum der Erstbeschreibung und dem Hauptverbreitungsgebiet. Bei Arten deren Erstbeschreibung ursprünglich unter einer anderen Gattung geschah, ist Autor und Jahr eingeklammert.


  • F. T. Burbrink: Systematics of the North American Rat Snake Complex (Elaphe obsoleta). In: Herpetological Monographs. Band 15, 2001, S. 1–53.
  • J. T. Collins, T. W. Taggart: An alternative classification of the new world ratsnakes (genus Pantherophis [Reptilia: Squamata: Colubridae]). In: Journal of Kansas Herpetology. Band 26, 2008, S. 16–18.
  • A. Gumprecht: Noch mehr neue Namen alter Nattern: Nachträge zur aktuellen Taxonomie der Gattung Elaphe (sensu lato) Fitzinger, 1843. In: Reptila. Band 11, Nr. 1, 2006, S. 8–9.
  • N. Helfenberger: Phylogenetic relationships of Old World Ratsnakes based on visceral organ topography, osteology, and allozyme variation. In: Russ. J. Herpetol. Band 8 (Supplement) 2001, S. 1–64.
  • U. Utiger, N. Helfenberger, B. Schätti, C. Schmidt, M. Ruf, V. Ziswiler: Molecular systematics and phylogeny of Old and New World ratsnakes, Elaphe auct., and related genera (Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae). In: Russ. J. Herpetol. Band 9, Nr. 2, 2002, S. 105–124.
  • H. Werning: Neue Namen - alte Nattern: Zur aktuellen Taxonomie der Kletternattern (Elaphe sensu lato). In: Reptlia. Band 8, Nr. 5, 2003, S. 6–8.


  1. a b * Elaphe In: The Reptile Database; abgerufen am 17. April 2021.
  2. Weltkarte mit Beobachtungen von Schlangen der Gattung Elaphe. iNaturalist, abgerufen am 30. März 2021.
  3. Z. Zhou, M. Lau, T. Q. Nguyen: Orthriophis moellendorfi. In: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2012-1.RLTS.T192040A2031924.en Downloaded on 30 March 2021.
  4. a b Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Rastko Ajtic, Milan Vogrin, Claudia Corti, Valentin Pérez Mellado, Paulo Sá-Sousa, Marc Cheylan, Juan M. Pleguezuelos, Petros Lymberakis, Roberto Sindaco, Antonio Romano, Dušan Jelić: Elaphe quatuorlineata. In: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009. DOI:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T157264A5065135.en Downloaded on 30 March 2021.
  5. IUCN Red list entries for Elaphe. IUCN, abgerufen am 30. März 2021 (englisch).
  6. Änderungen der Taxonomie der Kletternattern (Elaphe). schlangeninfos.de, abgerufen am 17. April 2021.
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Kletternattern: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Kletternattern (Elaphe) sind eine Schlangengattung aus der Unterfamilie der Eigentlichen Nattern (Colubrinae) innerhalb der Familie der Nattern (Colubridae). Sie sind von Südosteuropa bis Südostasien verbreitet.

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wikipedia DE

धामिन ( Hindi )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
धामिन साँप

धामिन (रैट स्नेक) एक सांप है जो मध्यम आकार से लेकर बहुत बड़े आकार के होते हैं। ये उत्तरी गोलार्ध में पाये जाते हैं। ये चूहा, चिड़िया आदि खाते हैं। यह साँप विषैला नहीं होता।

बाहरी कड़ियाँ

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धामिन: Brief Summary ( Hindi )

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 src= धामिन साँप

धामिन (रैट स्नेक) एक सांप है जो मध्यम आकार से लेकर बहुत बड़े आकार के होते हैं। ये उत्तरी गोलार्ध में पाये जाते हैं। ये चूहा, चिड़िया आदि खाते हैं। यह साँप विषैला नहीं होता।

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alungdas ( Szy )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging_languages




u zuma a kamu:

nu Hulam:錦蛇

nu Amilika:elaphe

nu Lipun:ナメラ属(ナメラぞく)

kakuniza nu mauzipay

salaedan(cie):Animalia(Amilika a kamu)

panan(men):Chordata(Amilika a kamu)

upiz(kang):Reptilia(Amilika a kamu)

mata(mu):Squamata(Amilika a kamu)

sapamat(ke):Colubridae, Colubrinae(Amilika a kamu)

mikitinay(su)Elaphe(Amilika a kamu)

malalitin tu ihekalay atu zumaay a natinengan

Wright, A.H. & A.A. Wright. (1957). Handbook of Snakes of the United States and Canada. Comstock. Ithaca & London.

TIGR爬蟲類資料庫:錦蛇屬(Amilika a sulit)

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia emerging_languages

Elaphe ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Elaphe is a genus of snakes in the family Colubridae. Elaphe is one of the main genera of the rat snakes, which are found in many regions of the northern hemisphere. Elaphe species are medium to large constrictors by nature. Although all of the species in Elaphe are nonvenomous, bites from rat snakes are still irritably painful and can potentially cause bacterial infections, especially due to the saliva.[1]

Based on the mitochondrial DNA analysis results, many species of Elaphe have been moved to the genera Bogertophis, Coelognathus, Gonyosoma, Orthriophis, Pantherophis, Rhinechis, Senticolis, Zamenis, and others.[2] Nevertheless, the generic name Elaphe is still widely used.

Physical characteristics

Like most of the rat snakes, Elaphe spp. generally have slender but sturdy bodies, square heads, and extremely flat bellies.[3] Their sizes range from large medium to very large,[4] growing even as large as 2.75m (108 in). Elaphe spp. have large numbers of vertebrae, ribs, and ventral scales, but few rows of dorsal scales, which are characterized by having slight keels. In cross section, Elaphe spp. are shaped like a loaf of bread, the flat belly meeting the sides of the body at an angle.[5] This special physical characteristic is well observed in Elaphe obsoleta (now considered Pantherophis obsoletus), whose belly scales curve upward. The curving of the ventral scales gives them better traction for tree climbing.[6] The color and pattern of Elaphe spp. are quite variable and hard to generalize.[6]

Internally, Elaphe spp. do not have any observable vestiges of hind limbs or coronoid bones of the lower jaw like any other members of the family Colubridae. Another important characteristic of Elaphe as part of the Colubridae is the presence of Duvernoy's gland, a modified salivary and digestive gland.[7] In addition, Elaphe spp. have equal and smooth maxillary teeth.[4] The teeth are small and slightly curved, and occur in several rows. The curved teeth help fix the prey and prevent them from escaping once they are caught.[2]


Elaphe spp. have very developed sensory organs which support their daily activities. They have internal ears that enables them to detect sounds at low frequencies. The ears consist of a single ear bone connected to a jaw bone. Compared to other snakes, they are considered to have highly developed vision that allows them to detect the movement of their predators and prey. The eyes are protected by single transparent brilles. In addition, the analysis of scents is carried out by Jacobson's organ in the palate. To stimulate Jacobson's organ, they use their tongues to transport air and ground molecules to Jacobson's organ. Then, the organ analyzes the molecules to identify the scent. Among these detectable scents are pheromones, which indicate the presence of other snakes and their reproductive readiness.[2]

Lifecycle and behavior

The lifespan of Elaphe spp. is generally 15 years. Males live a little longer than females,[1] but some species, such as E. guttata (now considered Pantherophis guttata), live up to 23 years in captivity.[8] However, species such as E. emoryi (now considered Pantherophis emoryi) usually have lifespans around 2 years and 2 months.[4]

Elaphe spp. generally reach sexual maturity after 18–24 months. They usually mate with the opposite sex after emerging from hibernation in the spring. The gestation period of females is around 1.5 months, and females can lay up to 30 eggs in a clutch, the number varying between species. E. guttata and E. obsoleta, among others, are mostly diurnal, but some species are more active in late afternoon or at dusk. Throughout the year, they are usually active from April to October, followed by a period of hibernation.


Elaphe spp. hibernate, especially those that live in cold regions, because snakes are cold-blooded, which makes their body temperature susceptible to the temperature of their environments. Thus, they need to maintain their body energy by switching locations and remaining physiologically inactive when winter comes.[9] The hibernacula sites vary depending on the habitats they live in, yet the most important requirement of a hibernaculum site is that it needs to be frost-free. Some Elaphe spp. hibernate in the rock crevices, rock faults, and burrows.[10] However, other species choose to hibernate in rotting logs, roots of trees, and hollow spaces in elevated tree trunks. Some snakes that live close to human communities even hibernate in old wells and barns.[11]

Most members of the genus Elaphe start their hibernation in October and emerge again the next spring. The length of the hibernation varies by species. Elaphe longissima, or Aesculapian snake, may hibernate from October to May,[10] as it is among the northernmost occurring rat snakes. However, Elaphe bimaculata, or the twin-spotted rat snake, only needs to hibernate for 2 to 3 months.[12] Species such as black rat snakes, or E. obsoleta, hibernate with other rat snakes and/or many other snake species, most notably timber rattlesnakes, racers, and bull snakes.[13]


E. obsoleta generally starts to mate in late April, May, and early June after the winter hibernation. Males try to attract females with pheromones, as the females pass through their territories. Male Aesculapian snakes pursue female snakes until they can coil around them. They continue in such position, which is then followed by dancing for up to an hour before copulation, during which the male snake lines up with the female and holds her in place by wrapping his tail around hers and grasping her with his mouth. Then, the male everts one of his hemipenes into the female's cloaca. The mating process lasts from a few minutes to a few hours.[14]

After copulation, Elaphe spp. seek an appropriate place to lay the developing eggs. They usually lay eggs in the soft heart of a rotten log or in sandy soil under a rock. A good place for laying eggs is one that is damp but not wet, and warm but not hot. After laying eggs, the female snake covers them up with sand or soil, and then she leaves.[15] A few species remain with the eggs until they hatch about 9 weeks later.

Oviparous E. obsoleta lays 12–20 eggs under logs or leaves in late summer, which hatch in the fall. The adult snakes return to their hibernation dens in the late fall.[13] E. guttata breeds from March to May. The mating process is similar to E. obsoleta. E. guttata lays 10–30 eggs in late May to July. The eggs are generally not protected by the adults. After 60–65 days, the eggs hatch in July through September.[8]

Defense mechanisms

Many species of Elaphe are known for being nonaggressive and shy. They are prone to freeze their movements when they are shocked or encountering danger. This motionless response has contributed to many road kills of Elaphe. However, some Elaphe spp. tend to be more defensive if they are continually provoked. For example, Texas rat snakes, Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri, are well known as one of the most snappy and combative rat snakes. In general, their defense system can be broken down to two levels. The first line of defense involves specific behaviors that they use to warn the intruders. One of the most common ways is by coiling their bodies and vibrating their tails, which simulates a rattle. Fox snakes, Elaphe vulpina (now considered Pantherophis vulpinus) and Elaphe gloydi (now considered Pantherophis gloydi), exemplify this type of defense mechanism; they mimic the rattling vibration of rattlesnakes when they encounter danger.[3] Another common way of defense is by smearing a foul-smelling musk on their predators. The musk is originated from the contents of the anal gland and the intestinal tract.[2] The second line of defense, generally involves striking the intruder with their teeth if they are further provoked.[14]


Elaphe spp. move forward using side-to-side, serpentine movement. They use the curved ventral scales of their bodies to grab the rough ground surfaces and then push against the ground to generate a forward movement. Thus, the smoother the ground is, the harder it is for them to move across it.[2] Many species apply similar mechanisms when climbing trees.


Adult Elaphe spp. primarily prey on rodents (i.e., mice and chipmunks), bird eggs, and young birds. Juveniles feed on small lizards, young mice, and occasionally small frogs (i.e., tree frogs). Elaphe spp. hunt by waiting motionless in a fixed position until the prey comes near enough to attack. Then, they strike the prey and bite it. They use their Jacobson's organ to track and find their prey.[9] Being constrictors, Elaphe spp. kill the prey by creating enormous pressure on the prey's chest. As they continue to coil more tightly, the pressure on the chest prevents the blood from circulating into the heart, which eventually leads to heart failure.[16] They usually bite the prey first to maintain their grip on the prey before they start this deadly mechanism. In addition, they do not chew their food, but swallow it whole.[8]

Habitat and distribution

Elaphe spp. live in a great variety of environments, depending on species and subspecies. Most are terrestrial or semiarboreal, but some burrow in sand or loose soil. The genus formerly contained species found on every continent except Antarctica. Taxonomic revisions have renamed most of these former Elaphe, leaving only 10 Eurasian taxa remaining in Elaphe. [17]


The following 18 species are recognized as being valid.[18]


  1. ^ a b "Rat snakes – lifecycle, predation, diet, bites, hibernation, pictures and videos." Ratsnake.org. (2010-09-23).
  2. ^ a b c d e Bartlett, Patricia; Bartlett, R.D. (2006-05-26). Corn Snakes and Other Rat Snakes. Complete Pet Owner's Manual (2nd ed.). Hauppauge NY: Barron's Educational Series. ISBN 0-7641-3407-8.
  3. ^ a b Burton, M.; Burton, R. (1969). "Rat Snake". The International Wildlife Encyclopedia. (pp. 1909–1910). New York: Marshall Cavendish Corp.
  4. ^ a b c Wright, A.H.; Wright, A.A. (1957). Handbook of Snakes of the United States and Canada. Ithaca and London: Comstock Publishing Associates, a Division of Cornell University Press. 1,105 pp. (in 2 volumes). ("Rat Snakes", p. 209; Elaphe emoryi, longevity, p. 220).
  5. ^ Conant, Roger (1975). A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America. Houghton Mifflin. Boston. xviii + 429 pp. + Plates 1–48. ISBN 0-395-19979-4 (hardcover), ISBN 0-395-19977-8 (paperback).
  6. ^ a b Wernert, S.J. (1982). Reptiles. Reader's Digest North American Wild Life. Pleasantville, New York: Reader's Digest. p. 174.
  7. ^ Evans, A.V.; Garrison, R.W.; Schlager, N.; Hutchins, M.; Murphy, J. (2004). Vol 7. Grzimeks' Animal life Encyclopedia (2nd ed., p. 467). Detroit: Thomson-Gale.
  8. ^ a b c Barnard, S.M.; Hollinger, T.G.; Romaine, T.A. (1979). "Growth and Food Consumption in the Corn Snake, Elaphe guttata guttata". Copeia. 4 (4): 739–741. doi:10.2307/1443884. JSTOR 1443884.
  9. ^ a b George, L. (2002). Mating. Rat Snake (1 ed.), Mankato, Minnesota: Capstone Press, pp. 33–34, ISBN 0736809090.
  10. ^ a b Roots, C. (2006). Uncontrolled Hypothermia. Hibernation, Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, p. 88, ISBN 0313335443.
  11. ^ Werler, J.E.; Dixon, J.R. (2000). 39. Texas snakes: identification, distribution, and natural history, p. 118, Austin: University of Texas Press, ISBN 0292791305.
  12. ^ Knight, Rex; Korell, Sacha (1997). "Ratsnakes of the Genus Elaphe – Species." Ratsnakes of the Genus Elaphe – Introduction. OnlineHobbyist.com, Inc. (2010-09-22).
  13. ^ a b LeClere, Jeff (2005). Iowa Reptiles and Amphibians – Rat Snake – Elaphe obsoleta. HerpNet – Home. Web. 22 Sept. 2010.
  14. ^ a b Trepanowski, P. (2003). "Elaphe obsoleta", Animal Diversity Web. Accessed September 22, 2010.
  15. ^ Bateman, G. (1981). Snakes. The Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians (pp. 115, 117).
  16. ^ Ziesmann, Jurgen. (2010). Vertebrate Biology Lecture Notes: Reptiles 09. Azusa Pacific University
  17. ^ Huang, Song (2012). "A New Species of the Genus Elaphe (Squamata: Colubridae) from Zoige County, Sichuan, China" (PDF). Asian Herpetological Research. 3 (1): 38–45. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1245.2012.00038.
  18. ^ Genus Elaphe at The Reptile Database www.reptile-database.org.

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wikipedia EN

Elaphe: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Elaphe is a genus of snakes in the family Colubridae. Elaphe is one of the main genera of the rat snakes, which are found in many regions of the northern hemisphere. Elaphe species are medium to large constrictors by nature. Although all of the species in Elaphe are nonvenomous, bites from rat snakes are still irritably painful and can potentially cause bacterial infections, especially due to the saliva.

Based on the mitochondrial DNA analysis results, many species of Elaphe have been moved to the genera Bogertophis, Coelognathus, Gonyosoma, Orthriophis, Pantherophis, Rhinechis, Senticolis, Zamenis, and others. Nevertheless, the generic name Elaphe is still widely used.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Elaphe ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Elaphe es un género de serpientes no venenosas de la familia Colubridae de América del Norte y Central. Son todas poderosas constrictoras y valiosas aliadas del humano en el manejo poblacional de roedores (se alimentan de ratones por lo que algunas se les denomina ratoneras). Se reconocen diez especies.[1]


Especie[1]​ Autoridad[1]​ Subesp.*[1]​ N. común[1]​ Dispersión geográfica E. alleghaniensis (Holbrook, 1836) 0 Culebra del este E. bairdi (Yarrow, 1880) 0 Culebra de Baird E. flavirufa (Cope, 1867) 0 Culebra ratonera tropical E. gloydi Conant, 1940 0 Víbora del este E. guttata (Linnaeus, 1766) 1 Serpiente del maíz E. obsoleta (Say In James, 1823) 0 Víbora ratonera E. phaescens Dowling, 1952 0 Culebra ratonera yucateca E. slowinskii Burbrink, 2002 0 Víbora del maíz de Slowinski E. spiloides (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854) 0 Víbora ratonera gris E. vulpina (Baird and Girard, 1853) 0 Víbora zorro

*) No incluyen las subespecies (forma típica).


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wikipedia ES

Elaphe: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Elaphe es un género de serpientes no venenosas de la familia Colubridae de América del Norte y Central. Son todas poderosas constrictoras y valiosas aliadas del humano en el manejo poblacional de roedores (se alimentan de ratones por lo que algunas se les denomina ratoneras). Se reconocen diez especies.​

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wikipedia ES

Roninastik ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET

Roninastik (Elaphe) on maoperekond.[1]


Roninastikute perekonda klassifitseeritakse roomajate andmebaasis järgmised maoliigid[2]:


Nad on levinud Euraasias, Austrias, Horvaatias, Hiinas ja Jaapanis .


  1. Loomade elu 5:277.
  2. Peter Uetz & Jakob Hallermann, Elaphe Roomajate andmebaas veebiversioon (vaadatud 17.12.2013) (inglise keeles)


Selles artiklis on kasutatud prantsuskeelset artiklit fr:Elaphe seisuga 17.12.2013.

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Roninastik: Brief Summary ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET

Roninastik (Elaphe) on maoperekond.

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wikipedia ET

Elaphe ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Elaphe Colubridae familiako narrasti genero bat da. Austria eta Kroaziatik Txina eta Japoniara aurki daitezke.


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Elaphe: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Elaphe Colubridae familiako narrasti genero bat da. Austria eta Kroaziatik Txina eta Japoniara aurki daitezke.

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wikipedia EU

Kiipijäkäärmeet ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Kiipijäkäärmeet[1] (Elaphe) on tarhakäärmeiden heimoon kuuluva myrkyttömien käärmeiden suku.[2] Nykykäsityksen mukaan sukuun kuuluu 15 lajia, joiden levinneisyysalue ulottuu Japanista, Koreasta ja Amurista läntiseen Eurooppaan.[3][4] Vaikka kiipijäkäärmeitä tavataan pääosin Aasiassa, lajit Elaphe dione ja Elaphe sauromates elävät Euroopassa Aasian lisäksi ja nelijuovakäärme (E. quatuorlineata) elää yksinomaan Euroopassa.[5][6][7]

Kiipijäkäärmeiden sukuun luettiin aiemmin yli 50 lajia, jotka elivät paitsi Euraasiassa, myös Pohjois- ja Keski-Amerikassa. Lajeja yhdistivät löyhästi jotkut ulkonäölliset piirteet, mutta suku ei ollut monofyleettinen, ja lajit kuuluvat tosiasiassa useaan sukuun.[5][8] Lajeille yhteistä oli se, että ne olivat keski- ja suurikokoisia, usein kiiltäväsuomuisia, olemukseltaan rauhallisia käärmeitä, joista osa myös kiipeilivät puissa.[5] 2000-luvun ensikymmenellä tehdyt DNA-tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että amerikkalaiset lajit ovat läheisempää sukua kuningaskäärmeille kuin Elaphe-suvulle, ja ne luokitellaan nykyään muun muassa sukuihin Bogertophis, Pantherophis ja Pseudelaphe.[2][9][10] Lisäksi euraasialaisia lajeja on siirretty muun muassa sukuihin Coelognathus, Euprepiophis, Gonyosoma, Hemorrhois ja Zamenis.[10] Neljä lajia luettiin jonkin aikaa sukuun Orthriophis, mutta ne on nyttemmin palautettu Elaphe-sukuun.[9][11]

Rottakäärmeiksi (engl. rat snake) kutsutaan monia suosittuja lemmikkikäärmeitä. Aiemmin suurin osa rottakäärmeistä luettiin Elaphe-sukuun, mutta taksonomisten muutosten takia niitä on nykyään huomattavasti aiempaa useammassa suvussa.[12][13] Lemmikkikaupassa lajit tunnetaan englanninkielisillä nimillään.[14]

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Kiipijäkäärmeisiin kuuluu 15 lajia:[3]

  • Elaphe anomala
  • Elaphe bimaculata – Pienikokoinen, Kiinasta peräisin oleva laji, kasvaa noin 60–80 senttimetrin mittaiseksi.[15]
  • Elaphe cantoris
  • Elaphe carinata
    • Elaphe carinata carinata
    • Elaphe carinata yonaguniensis
  • Elaphe climacophora – Keskimäärin 120–160 senttimetrin mittainen japanilainen laji. Väritykseltään yleensä vihreä, mutta myös albiino värimuoto tunnetaan.[16]
  • Elaphe davidi
  • Elaphe dione – Keskimäärin 60–70 senttimetriä pitkä laji, jota tavataan itäisestä Euroopasta Kiinan ulottuvalla alueella, Pohjois- ja Etelä-Koreassa sekä itäisellä Venäjällä.[17] Kyseisestä lajista on useita värimuotoja.
  • Elaphe hodgsoni
  • Elaphe moellendorffi
  • Elaphe quadrivirgata – Keskikokoinen tai suuri laji, joka kasvaa 90–140 senttimetrin mittaiseksi, mutta saattaa kasvaa jopa parimetriseksi. Lajia tavataan Japanissa sekä Venäjällä Kunashirin saarella.[18]
  • Nelijuovakäärme (Elaphe quatuorlineata) – Parimetrinen laji, joka elää Kaakkois-Euroopassa.[7]
    • Elaphe quatuorlineata muenteri
    • Elaphe quatuorlineata quatuorlineata
    • Elaphe quatuorlineata scyrensis
    • Elaphe quatuorlineata parensis
  • Elaphe sauromates – Keskikokoinen tai suuri laji, joka kasvaa yleensä 180–220 senttimetrin mittaiseksi, mutta myös 2,75-metrisiä yksilöitä on tavattu. Laji elää koillisessa Kreikassa, Turkissa, Bulgariassa, Romaniassa sekä eteläisessä Ukrainassa.Elaphe schrenckii – Suuri raskasrakenteinen käärme, joka saattaa kasvaa jopa 140–180 senttimetrin mittaiseksi. Lajia tavataan usein vedessä, mutta se elää myös metsäisillä alueilla, asutuksen lähellä sekä kallioilla. Lajia tavataan Kiinassa, Koreassa, Mongoliassa sekä Venäjällä.[19]
  • Elaphe taeniura – Suuri ja hoikka käärme, joka kasvaa alalajista riippuen 130–250 senttiä pitkäksi. Lajia tavataan sekä metsissä että luolissa ja ihmisasutusten läheisyydessä.[20]
    • Elaphe taeniura callicyanous
    • Elaphe taeniura friesi – Lähes kolmen metrin mittainen alalaji on peräisin Taiwanista. Väritykseltään alalaji on kirkkaan keltainen mustin kuvioin hännän ollessa mustaraidallinen.Elaphe zoigeensis

    Katso myös



    1. Palmén, Ernst & Nurminen, Matti (toim.): Eläinten maailma, Otavan iso eläintietosanakirja. 3. Lepakot–Perhoset, s. 1178. Helsinki: Otava, 1974. ISBN 951-1-01530-3.
    2. a b Szalay, Jessie: Rat Snake Facts Live Science. 25.2.2016. Viitattu 28.12.2018. (englanniksi)
    3. a b Uetz, P., Freed, P. & Jirí Hošek (toim.): Elaphe The Reptile Database. Reptarium. Viitattu 28.12.2018. (englanniksi)
    4. O’Shea 2018, s. 169
    5. a b c Geniez, Philippe: Snakes of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East: A Photographic Guide, s. 159. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018. ISBN 978-0-691-17239-2. Kirja Googlen teoshaussa (viitattu 31.12.2018). (englanniksi)
    6. Cox, Neil A. & Temple, Helen J.: ”Appendix 1. Red List status of European reptiles”, European Red List of Reptiles, s. 22. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009. ISBN 978-92-79-11357-4. Teoksen verkkoversio (pdf) (viitattu 29.12.2018). (englanniksi)
    7. a b Palmén, Ernst & Nurminen, Matti (toim.): Eläinten maailma, Otavan iso eläintietosanakirja. 5. Sydän–Öljykala, s. 1939. Helsinki: Otava, 1975. ISBN 951-1-02059-5. (myös suomenkielisen nimen lähde)
    8. Ananjeva, Natalija B. & Orlov, Nikolai L. & Halikov, Roman G. & Darevski, Ilja S. & Rjabov, Sergei A. & Barabanov, Andrei V.: The Reptiles of Northern Eurasia: Taxonomic Diversity, Distribution, Conservation Status, s. 145. Sofia, Bulgaria: Pensoft Publishers, 2006. ISBN 954-642-269-X. Kirja Googlen teoshaussa (viitattu 28.12.2018). (englanniksi)
    9. a b Utiger, Urs & Helfenberger, Notker & Schätti, Beat & Schmidt, Catherine & Ruf, Markus & Ziswiler, Vincent: Molecular Systematics and Phylogeny of Old and New World Ratsnakes, Elaphe Auct., and Related Genera (Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae). Russian Journal of Herpetology, 2002, 9. vsk, nro 2, s. 105–124. Folium Publishing Company. ISSN 1026-2296. Artikkelin verkkoversio (pdf) Viitattu 31.12.2018. (englanniksi)
    10. a b Uetz, P., Freed, P. & Jirí Hošek (toim.): Elaphe The Reptile Database. Reptarium. Viitattu 29.12.2018. (englanniksi)
    11. O’Shea 2018, s. 170
    12. Maercks, Owen: Righteous Rat Snakes Pet Business Magazine. 31.7.2014. Viitattu 29.12.2018. (englanniksi)
    13. Rottakäärmeet (pdf) Faunatar. Viitattu 29.12.2018.
    14. Faunatar [vanhentunut linkki]
    15. Twin-Spotted Ratsnake (Elaphe bimaculata) Ratsnakes of the Genus Elaphe. Viitattu 28.12.2018. (englanniksi)
    16. Japanese Ratsnake (Elaphe climacophora) Ratsnakes of the Genus Elaphe. Viitattu 28.12.2018. (englanniksi)
    17. Dione Ratsnake (Elaphe dione) Ratsnakes of the Genus Elaphe. Viitattu 28.12.2018. (englanniksi)
    18. Japanese Four-lined Ratsnake (Elaphe quadrivirgata) Ratsnakes of the Genus Elaphe. Viitattu 28.12.2018. (englanniksi)
    19. Amur Ratsnake (Elaphe schrencki) Ratsnakes of the Genus Elaphe. Viitattu 28.12.2018. (englanniksi)
    20. Beauty Snake (Elaphe taeniura) Ratsnakes of the Genus Elaphe. Viitattu 28.12.2018. (englanniksi)

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Kiipijäkäärmeet: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Kiipijäkäärmeet (Elaphe) on tarhakäärmeiden heimoon kuuluva myrkyttömien käärmeiden suku. Nykykäsityksen mukaan sukuun kuuluu 15 lajia, joiden levinneisyysalue ulottuu Japanista, Koreasta ja Amurista läntiseen Eurooppaan. Vaikka kiipijäkäärmeitä tavataan pääosin Aasiassa, lajit Elaphe dione ja Elaphe sauromates elävät Euroopassa Aasian lisäksi ja nelijuovakäärme (E. quatuorlineata) elää yksinomaan Euroopassa.

Kiipijäkäärmeiden sukuun luettiin aiemmin yli 50 lajia, jotka elivät paitsi Euraasiassa, myös Pohjois- ja Keski-Amerikassa. Lajeja yhdistivät löyhästi jotkut ulkonäölliset piirteet, mutta suku ei ollut monofyleettinen, ja lajit kuuluvat tosiasiassa useaan sukuun. Lajeille yhteistä oli se, että ne olivat keski- ja suurikokoisia, usein kiiltäväsuomuisia, olemukseltaan rauhallisia käärmeitä, joista osa myös kiipeilivät puissa. 2000-luvun ensikymmenellä tehdyt DNA-tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että amerikkalaiset lajit ovat läheisempää sukua kuningaskäärmeille kuin Elaphe-suvulle, ja ne luokitellaan nykyään muun muassa sukuihin Bogertophis, Pantherophis ja Pseudelaphe. Lisäksi euraasialaisia lajeja on siirretty muun muassa sukuihin Coelognathus, Euprepiophis, Gonyosoma, Hemorrhois ja Zamenis. Neljä lajia luettiin jonkin aikaa sukuun Orthriophis, mutta ne on nyttemmin palautettu Elaphe-sukuun.

Rottakäärmeiksi (engl. rat snake) kutsutaan monia suosittuja lemmikkikäärmeitä. Aiemmin suurin osa rottakäärmeistä luettiin Elaphe-sukuun, mutta taksonomisten muutosten takia niitä on nykyään huomattavasti aiempaa useammassa suvussa. Lemmikkikaupassa lajit tunnetaan englanninkielisillä nimillään.

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Elaphe ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Elaphe est un genre de serpents de la famille des Colubridae[1].


Les espèces de ce genre se rencontrent en Eurasie, de l'Italie et des Balkans jusqu'à la Chine, le Japon et l'Indonésie.


Les espèces de ce genre sont des couleuvres moyennes à très grandes au corps élancé mais robuste. Leur tête est assez carrée et leur ventre est très plat. Les juvéniles présentent souvent des motifs différenciés et plus marqués que ceux des adultes.

Liste des espèces

Selon Reptarium Reptile Database (31 mai 2019)[2] :


Le genre Elaphe contenait jusqu'à récemment de nombreuses espèces dont les points communs étaient d'être des couleuvres moyennes à grandes, à l'écaillure souvent brillante, au comportement souvent assez calme, et avec des mœurs semi-arboricoles pour une partie des espèces. On les nomme fréquemment « serpents ratiers » du fait de leur régime alimentaire (d'après la dénomination anglophone « ratsnake » qui peut nommer toutes les espèces du genre en anglais, bien que des espèces d'autres genres sont aussi dénommés ainsi). Ce genre était pratiquement un taxon fourre-tout. Plusieurs études génétiques récentes ont permis d'établir une classification phylogénétique des espèces du groupe, et sans surprise ce groupe s'est révélé polyphylétique, car il aurait dû inclure d'autres genres traditionnellement séparés et il contenait par ailleurs des espèces fortement différenciées. Cela a conduit à la création de nouveaux genres pour accueillir une grande partie des espèces, afin d'établir des taxons plus restreints et monophylétiques. Ces genres sont Archelaphe, Coelognathus, Euprepiophis, Gonyosoma, Oocatochus, Oreocryptophis, Pantherophis, Pseudelaphe, Senticolis et Zamenis (et provisoirement Rhinechis aujourd'hui intégré dans Zamenis, et Orthriophis actuellement réintégré dans Elaphe). La nouvelle version du genre Elaphe est donc désormais fortement réduite, comprenant des espèces d'Eurasie uniquement, en prenant en compte que l'espèce type de ce taxon depuis l'origine est Elaphe quatuorlineata[3],[4].

Les genres cités ci-dessus, en excluant Gonyosoma et Coelognathus qui sont plus différenciés, et en incluant d'autres qui n'étaient pas traditionnellement inclus dans Elaphe et qui restent des genres séparés (Coronella, Pituophis, Bogertophis, Arizona, Lampropeltis, Cemophora et Rhinocheilus), sont assez apparentés et forment ensemble un clade cohérent au sein des Colubridés, répandu en Eurasie et en Amérique du Nord. Les origines de ce clade se trouvent probablement en Asie durant l'Oligocène. L'ensemble des genres américains de ce clade forment eux-mêmes un sous-clade cohérent, probablement issu d'une seule migration de l'Asie vers l'Amérique durant le Miocène, suivie par une diversification (radiation évolutive) en occupant les nombreuses niches écologiques nouvellement disponibles[4].

Parmi les espèces anciennement référencées dans ce genre on trouve :

La classification phylogénétique est toujours en évolution. Ainsi Elaphe taeniura et quelques espèces assez proches avaient été reclassées dans le genre Orthriophis à partir de 2002 (Elaphe taeniura devenant donc Orthriophis taeniurus), à la suite de premières études génétiques encore assez imprécises (basées sur un petit nombre de marqueurs). Mais d'autres études génétiques plus approfondies sont venues contester la cohérence de ce genre qui a fini par être récemment invalidé, notamment depuis 2017. Le genre Elaphe (nouveau sens restreint) s'insère en effet au sein de l'arbre des Orthriophis. Ces espèces sont donc de nouveau intégrées dans le genre Elaphe, en retrouvant leurs anciens noms.


Le nom de ce genre, Elaphe, vient du grec ελοψ, ελοπος, nom d'une couleuvre décrite par Nicandre de Colophon[5].

Publication originale

  • Fitzinger, 1833 in Wagler, 1833 : Descriptiones et Icones Amphibiorum.

Notes et références

  1. Reptarium Reptile Database, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  2. Reptarium Reptile Database, consulté le 31 mai 2019
  3. Philippe Geniez, Guide Delachaux des serpents d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient, éditions delachaux et niestlé, 2015, (ISBN 978-2-603-01955-9).
  4. a et b Xin Chen, Alan R. Lemmond, Emily Moriarty Lemmone, R. Alexander Pyronf, Frank T. Burbrinkg, Using phylogenomics to understand the link between biogeographic origins and regional diversification in ratsnakes, 2017, [1], [2].
  5. Jean Lescure et Bernard Le Garff, L'étymologie des noms d'amphibiens et de reptiles d'Europe, Paris, Belin, coll. « Éveil nature », 2006, 207 p. (ISBN 2-7011-4142-7)
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Elaphe: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Elaphe est un genre de serpents de la famille des Colubridae.

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Elaphe ( Indonésio )

fornecido por wikipedia ID
Untuk jenis ular yang lain, lihat Ular tikus.

Elaphe adalah genus ular tikus yang terdapat di Eurasia. Sebelumnya, genus ini meliputi seluruh genus-genus ular yang sering memangsa tikus, termasuk ular tikus dari Amerika. Beberapa genus yang merupakan separasi dari genus ini diantaranya: Coelognathus sp. (Ular tikus Nusantara), Zamenis sp., Pantherophis sp., dan Gonyosoma sp..[2]


Artikel utama: Ular tikus

Semua jenis ular ini memiliki tubuh yang ramping dan silindris. Seperti halnya ular tikus pada umumnya, ular-ular ini memangsa jenis-jenis tikus, biasanya tikus sawah dan tikus rumah.[3][4]

Sebaran geografis

Semua jenis ular tikus tinggal di belahan bumi bagian utara. Untuk genus Elaphe terdapat di Eurasia mulai Austria dan Kroasia di barat hingga Tiongkok dan Jepang di timur.



  1. ^ Wright, A.H. & A.A. Wright. (1957). Handbook of Snakes of the United States and Canada. Comstock. Ithaca & London.
  2. ^ Bartlett, Patricia; Bartlett, R. D. (2006-05-26). Corn Snakes and Other Rat Snakes. Complete Pet Owner's Manual (edisi ke-2nd). Hauppauge NY: Barron's Educational Series. ISBN 0-7641-3407-8.
  3. ^ Wright, A.H. and A.A. Wright. (1957). Handbook of Snakes of the United States and Canada. Comstock. Ithaca and London.
  4. ^ Wernert, S. J. (1982). Reptiles. Reader's Digest North American Wild Life. Pleasantville, New York: Reader's Digest. p. 174.

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Elaphe: Brief Summary ( Indonésio )

fornecido por wikipedia ID
Untuk jenis ular yang lain, lihat Ular tikus.

Elaphe adalah genus ular tikus yang terdapat di Eurasia. Sebelumnya, genus ini meliputi seluruh genus-genus ular yang sering memangsa tikus, termasuk ular tikus dari Amerika. Beberapa genus yang merupakan separasi dari genus ini diantaranya: Coelognathus sp. (Ular tikus Nusantara), Zamenis sp., Pantherophis sp., dan Gonyosoma sp..

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Rottusnákar ( Islandês )

fornecido por wikipedia IS

Rottusnákar er stór fjölskylda snáka. Sem hópur eru þeir ekki einstofna heldur af samsíða þróunarlínum Það er einhver munur milli tegunda en flestir þeirra eru miðlungs til stórir og borða nagdýr.

Áður voru þeir flestir flokkaðir í eina ættkvísl Elaphe en margir hafa síðan fengið ný nöfn. Rottusnákum hefur venjulega verið skipt í tvo hópa, nýjaheims- og gamlaheimstegundir.

Nokkrar tegundir rottusnáka

  • (Elaphe bairdi)Baird's Rat Snake
  • (Elaphe bimaculata)Twin-Spotted Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe carinata)King Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe climacophora)Japanese Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe conspicillata)Japanese Forest Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe davidi)David's Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe dione)Dione´s Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe emoryi)Emoryi Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe erythrura)Philippine Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe flavirufa)Cental American Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe flavolineata)Black Copper Rat Snake
  • (Elaphe gloydi)Eastern Fox Snake
  • Kornsnákur (Elaphe guttata)
  • (Elaphe helena)Trinket Snake
  • (Elaphe hohenackeri)Transcaucasian Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe bella)Bella Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe lineata)Italian Aesculapian Snake
  • (Elaphe longissima)Aesculapian Snake
  • (Elaphe maculata)
  • (Elaphe mandarina)Mandarin Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe moellendorffi)Moellendorff's Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe obsoleta)Black Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe perlacea)Pearl-Banded Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe persica)Persian Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe porphyracea)Red Bamboo Snake
  • (Elaphe prasina)Green Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe quadrivirgata)Japanese Four-lined Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe quatuorlineata)Four-lined Snake
  • (Elaphe radiata)Copperhead Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe rufodorsata)Red-backed Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe scalaris)Ladder Snake
  • (Elaphe schrenckii)Korean Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe situla)Leopard Snake
  • (Elaphe subradiata)Indonesian Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe taeniura)Beauty Ratsnake
  • (Elaphe vulpina)Fox Snake


Fyrirmynd greinarinnar var „Elaphe“ á ensku útgáfu Wikipedia. Sótt 26. október 2006.

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Rottusnákar: Brief Summary ( Islandês )

fornecido por wikipedia IS

Rottusnákar er stór fjölskylda snáka. Sem hópur eru þeir ekki einstofna heldur af samsíða þróunarlínum Það er einhver munur milli tegunda en flestir þeirra eru miðlungs til stórir og borða nagdýr.

Áður voru þeir flestir flokkaðir í eina ættkvísl Elaphe en margir hafa síðan fengið ný nöfn. Rottusnákum hefur venjulega verið skipt í tvo hópa, nýjaheims- og gamlaheimstegundir.

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Elaphe ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Pantherophis Fitzinger, 1833 è un genere di serpenti della famiglia dei Colubridi diffuso in Eurasia.[1] La pelle del Pantherophis è utilizzata dall'industria della moda per la produzione di borse e calzature, in quanto non soggetta alle norme internazionali CITES (convenzione di Washington). La larghezza della pelle è di circa 10 cm e l'utilizzo in pelletteria richiede che vengano cucite insieme più pelli per generare pannelli abbastanza grandi da coprire la superficie di una borsa o una scarpa.


Il genere comprende le seguenti specie:[1]

Sinonimi obsoleti

Molte altre specie che in passato erano inquadrate in questo genere hanno attualmente una differente collocazione tassonomica. Tra di esse:


  1. ^ a b Genus: Pantherophis, in The Reptile Database. URL consultato il 21 luglio 2014.

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Elaphe: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Pantherophis Fitzinger, 1833 è un genere di serpenti della famiglia dei Colubridi diffuso in Eurasia. La pelle del Pantherophis è utilizzata dall'industria della moda per la produzione di borse e calzature, in quanto non soggetta alle norme internazionali CITES (convenzione di Washington). La larghezza della pelle è di circa 10 cm e l'utilizzo in pelletteria richiede che vengano cucite insieme più pelli per generare pannelli abbastanza grandi da coprire la superficie di una borsa o una scarpa.

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Elaphe ( Latin )

fornecido por wikipedia LA

Elaphe est unum ex praecipuis generibus Colubrinarum, quae in multis hemisphaerii septentrionali regionibus reperiuntur. Elaphe sunt a mediis ad magnos constrictores. Omnes species Elaphis sunt non venenosae, sed earum morsus iam sunt molesti, qui inflammationes bacteriales per salivam efficere possunt.[2] Species huius generis hibernare solent.


Mundus vetus

Hae species ad genus Coelognathum translatae sunt:

Hae species ad genus Gonyosoma translatae sunt:

Haec species ad genus Rhinechem (monotypicum) translata est:

Hae species ad genus Zamenis translatae sunt:

Mundus Novus

Hae species ad genus Senticolem translata est:

Hae species ad genus Bogertophem translatae sunt:

Hae species ad genus Pantherophem translatae sunt:

Genera quae olim in Elaphen digebantur sunt Bogertophis, Coelognathus, Euprepiophis, Gonyosoma, Orthriophis, Pantherophis, Pseudelaphe, Ptyas, Rhadinophis, Rhynchophis, Senticolis, et Zamenis.


  1. Wright et Wright 1957.
  2. "Rat snakes – life-cycle, predation, diet, bites, hibernation, pictures and videos." Ratsnake.org.
  3. Beolens, Watkins, et Grayson 2011:203.


  • Beolens, B., M. Watkins, et M. Grayson. 2011. The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Baltimorae: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 9781421401355.
  • Wright, A. H., et A. A. Wright. 1957. Handbook of Snakes of the United States and Canada. Ithacae et Londinii: Comstock.

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Elaphe: Brief Summary ( Latin )

fornecido por wikipedia LA

Elaphe est unum ex praecipuis generibus Colubrinarum, quae in multis hemisphaerii septentrionali regionibus reperiuntur. Elaphe sunt a mediis ad magnos constrictores. Omnes species Elaphis sunt non venenosae, sed earum morsus iam sunt molesti, qui inflammationes bacteriales per salivam efficere possunt. Species huius generis hibernare solent.

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Žiurkinės gyvatės ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Žiurkinės gyvatės (lot. Elaphe) – žaltinių (Colubridae) šeimos roplių gentis. Kūnas vidutinio ilgio. Gaudo žiurkes. Viršutinio žandikalulio dantys vienodi, jų yra 12-22. Apatiniame žandikaulyje priekiniai dantys stambesni už likusius. Nuo akių link burnos kampo nusitęsia juoda juosta.

Paplitę Šiaurės ir Centrinėje Amerikoje, Azijoje, Pietų ir Centrinėje Europoje.


Gentyje yra 36 rūšys:


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Žiurkinės gyvatės: Brief Summary ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Žiurkinės gyvatės (lot. Elaphe) – žaltinių (Colubridae) šeimos roplių gentis. Kūnas vidutinio ilgio. Gaudo žiurkes. Viršutinio žandikalulio dantys vienodi, jų yra 12-22. Apatiniame žandikaulyje priekiniai dantys stambesni už likusius. Nuo akių link burnos kampo nusitęsia juoda juosta.

Paplitę Šiaurės ir Centrinėje Amerikoje, Azijoje, Pietų ir Centrinėje Europoje.

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Elaphe ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
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Połoz amurski (E. schrenckii)

Elapherodzaj węża z podrodziny Colubrinae w rodzinie połozowatych (Colubridae).

Zasięg występowania

Rodzaj obejmuje gatunki występujące w Bułgarii, Rumunii, Mołdawii, Chorwacji, Serbii, Słowenii, Bośni i Hercegowinie, Macedonii Północnej, Albanii, we Włoszech, w Grecji, na Ukrainie, w Rosji, Turcji, Syrii, Izraelu, Gruzji, Armenii, Azerbejdżanie, Kazachstanie, Kirgistanie, Tadżykistanie, Uzbekistanie, Turkmenistanie, Iranie, Iraku, Afganistanie, Mongolii, Chinach, Indiach, Nepalu, Bhutanie, Mjanmie, na Tajwanie, w Tajlandii, Laosie, Kambodży, Wietnamie, Malezji, Indonezji, Korei i Japonii[8].



  • Elaphe: gr. ελαφη elaphē „skóra jelenia”, od ελαφος elaphos „jeleń”[9].
  • Leptophidium: λεπτος leptos „smukły, drobny”[10]; οφιδιον ophidion „mały wąż”, zdrobnienie od οφις ophis, οφεως opheōs „wąż”[11]. Gatunek typowy: Leptophidium dorsale Hallowell, 1860 (= Coluber quadrivirgatus Boie, 1826).
  • Phyllophis: φυλλον phullon „liść”[12]; οφις ophis, οφεως opheōs „wąż”[11]. Gatunek typowy: Phyllophis carinata Günther, 1864.
  • Spaniopholis: gr. σπανιος spanios „rzadki, skąpy”[13]; φολις pholis, φολιδος pholidos „rogowa łuska”[14]. Gatunek typowy: Spaniopholis souliei Mocquard, 1897 (= Phyllophis carinata Günther, 1864).
  • Orthriophis: gr. ορθρος orthros „świt”; οφις ophis, οφεως opheōs „wąż”[6]. Gatunek typowy: Cynophis moellendorffi Boettger, 1886.
  • Martinekea: Maryann Martinek, major Australian Army[7]. Gatunek typowy: Spilotes hodgsonii Günther, 1860.

Podział systematyczny

Do rodzaju należą następujące gatunki[8]:


  1. Elaphe, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. J.G. Wagler: Descriptiones et icones amphibiorum. Monachii, Stuttgartiae et Tubingae: Sumtibus J.G. Cotttae, 1833, s. ryc. 27. (łac.)
  3. E. Hallowell. Report upon the Reptilia of the North Pacific Exploring Expedition, under command of Capt. John Rogers, U. S. N.. „Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia”. 12 (1860), s. 497, 1861 (ang.).
  4. A.C.L.G. Günther: The reptiles of British India. London: Pub. for the Ray society by R. Hardwicke, 1864, s. 295. (ang.)
  5. F. Mocquard. Notes herpétologiques. „Bulletin du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle”. 3, s. 216, 1897 (fr.).
  6. a b U. Utiger, N. Helfenberger, B. Schätti, C. Schmidt, M. Ruf & V. Ziswiler. Molecular systematics and phylogeny of Old World and New World ratsnakes, Elaphe Auct., and related genera (Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae). „Russian Journal of Herpetology”. 9 (2), s. 110, 2002 (ang.).
  7. a b R. Hoser. A taxonomic revision of the Colubrinae genera Zamenis and Orthriophis with the creation of two new genera (Serpentes: Colubridae). „Australasian Journal of Herpetology”. 11, s. 61–62, 2012 (ang.).
  8. a b P. Uetz & J. Hallermann: Genus: Elaphe (ang.). The Reptile Database. [dostęp 2019-03-25].
  9. Jaeger 1944 ↓, s. 79.
  10. Jaeger 1944 ↓, s. 122.
  11. a b Jaeger 1944 ↓, s. 154.
  12. Jaeger 1944 ↓, s. 174.
  13. Jaeger 1944 ↓, s. 216.
  14. Jaeger 1944 ↓, s. 172.


  1. E.C. Jaeger: Source-book of biological names and terms. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1944, s. 1–256. (ang.)
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wikipedia POL

Elaphe: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
 src= Połoz amurski (E. schrenckii)

Elaphe – rodzaj węża z podrodziny Colubrinae w rodzinie połozowatych (Colubridae).

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wikipedia POL

Elaphe ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Elaphe este un gen de șerpi neveninoși din familia colubride (Colubridae), foarte apropiat de genul Coluber. Este un grup de șerpi destul de numeros, larg răspândit și prosper, care include circa 11 specii.


De șerpii genului Coluber ei diferă, în special, prin structura dinților; au dinții maxilari de lungime egală, și rândul lor nu este întrerupt de un interval fără dinți (diastemă). Capul este alungit, distinct de gât; ochiul de mărime mijlocie, cu pupila rotundă. Trunchiul lung; coada mijlocie sau lungă; solzii netezi sau ușor carenați, cu găuri apicale rotunjite. Au peste 200 plăci ventrale (exclusiv subcaudalele); două plăci temporale anterioare și 21-29 șiruri de solzi dorsali. Scutul frenal (atunci când există) este puțin mai lung decât înalt; osul palatin cu un proces median mai mare decât procesul lateral. Carena hemală a vertebrelor trunchiului se termină anterior față de condil. Pe părțile laterale ale capului, se întinde o dungă închisă de la ochi la colțul gurii


Genul Elaphe poate fi considerat ca un grup intermediar între șerpii pur tereștri și formele cățărătoare adevărate. Multe specii ale acestui gen își petrec cea mai mare parte din timp în arbori, unde își găsesc hrana, devastând cuiburile de pasări de pe crengi sau din scorburi.


Se hrănesc cu rozătoare de talie mare și mijlocie (șoareci de câmp, șobolani, popândăi, hârciogi), iepuri tineri, păsări (de mărimea unui porumbel) și cu puii și ouăle lor, mai rar cu șopârle. După ce au apucat prada cu gura, se încolăcesc în jurul ei până ce o sugrumă prin constricție și nu se desfac din jurul ei până ce simt că victima nu se mai mișcă, apoi își desprind inelele corpului musculos și o înghit. Prada o înghit întreagă, începând de regulă de la cap.

Multe specii se hrănesc cu plăcere cu ouă de păsări și au mecanisme speciale pentru a-le mânca. Coaja ouălor înghițite în gură nu este stricată, iar sfărâmarea ei se face cu ajutorul apofizelor inferioare spinoase alungite ale vertebrelor (hipapofize), care pătrund în peretele superior al esofagului, fuzionând mai mult sau mai puțin cu țesuturile care acoperă coloana vertebrala. Câteva hipapofize ale vertebrelor anterioare sunt îndreptate înapoi și în jos, iar următoarele - înainte și în jos, astfel că la contractarea mușchilor corespunzători ai trunchiului ouăle sunt strânse între ei iar hipapofizele apasă de sus pe capetele opuse ale oului sfărâmând coaja. Rămășițele cojii sfărâmate trec prin tractul intestinal și sunt apoi eliminate în afară.


Majoritatea șerpilor acestui gen se reproduc prin depunerea ouălor, adică sunt ovipari.


Sunt răspândiți în Europa de Sud și Europa Centrală, regiunile temperate și tropicale din Asia, în America de Nord și America Centrală. Spre deosebire de șerpii din genul Coluber ei evită regiunile de deșert și semideșert; cea mai mare diversitate a acestora se află în țările din sud-estul Asiei.

În România trăiește o singură specie - balaurul sau balaurul dobrogean (Elaphe sauromates, cu o denumire mai veche Elaphe quatuorlineata sauromates).


După Reptile Database genul include 11 specii: [1]

Cladogramă conform Catalogue of Life:[2]


Elaphe bella

Elaphe bimaculata

Elaphe carinata

Elaphe climacophora

Elaphe conspicillata

Elaphe davidi

Elaphe dione

Elaphe erythrura

Elaphe flavolineata

Elaphe helena

Elaphe hohenackeri

Elaphe leonardi

Elaphe lineata

Elaphe longissima

Elaphe maculata

Elaphe mandarina

Elaphe perlacea

Alte specii:



  1. ^ Reptile Database
  2. ^ Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (2011). „Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. Accesat în 24 september 2012. Verificați datele pentru: |access-date= (ajutor)Mentenanță CS1: Nume multiple: lista autorilor (link)


  • Ion E. Fuhn, Șt. Vancea. Fauna Republicii Populare Române. Vol. XIV. Fascicula 2: Reptilia (Țestoase, Șopîrle, Șerpi). București: Editura Academiei Republicii Populare România, 1961, 352 p.
  • Ion E. Fuhn. Broaște, șerpi, șopîrle. Editura Științifică, București 1969.
  • Жизнь животных. Том 4. Часть 2. Земноводные, пресмыкающиеся. Под редакцией профессора А. Г. Банникова. Москва: Просвещение, 1969

Legături externe

Wikimedia Commons conține materiale multimedia legate de Elaphe
Wikispecies conține informații legate de Elaphe
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wikipedia RO

Elaphe: Brief Summary ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Elaphe este un gen de șerpi neveninoși din familia colubride (Colubridae), foarte apropiat de genul Coluber. Este un grup de șerpi destul de numeros, larg răspândit și prosper, care include circa 11 specii.

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Wikipedia autori și editori
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wikipedia RO

Elaphe ( Eslovaco )

fornecido por wikipedia SK

Elaphe, po slovensky užovka alebo štíhlovka, je rod z čeľade užovkovité.


Bývalé druhy:

Pantherophis, Rhinechis, Senticolis, Bogertophis, Zamenis, Oocatochus, Oreophis, Oreocryptophis, Euprepiophis, Orthriophis, Coelognathus, Pseudelaphe a čiastočne aj Gonyosoma sú nové (obnovené) rody vytvorené nedávno vyčlenením uvedených druhov z rodu Elaphe.

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wikipedia SK

Elaphe: Brief Summary ( Eslovaco )

fornecido por wikipedia SK

Elaphe, po slovensky užovka alebo štíhlovka, je rod z čeľade užovkovité.

direitos autorais
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wikipedia SK

錦蛇屬 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科




  • Elaphe anomala Boulenger, 1916
  • 雙斑錦蛇 Elaphe bimaculata Schmidt, 1925
  • 王錦蛇 Elaphe carinata Günther, 1864
  • 日本錦蛇 Elaphe climacophora Boie, 1826
  • 團花錦蛇 Elaphe davidi Sauvage, 1884
  • 白條錦蛇 Elaphe dione Pallas, 1773
  • 日本四線錦蛇 Elaphe quadrivirgata Boie, 1826
  • Elaphe quatuorlineata Bonnaterre, 1790
  • Elaphe sauromates Pallas, 1811)
  • 棕黑錦蛇 Elaphe schrenckii Strauch, 1873
  • Elaphe zoigeensis Huang, Ding, Burbrink, Yang, Huang, Ling, Chen & Zhang, 2012


  • ^ Wright, A.H.英语Albert Hazen Wright & A.A. Wright. (1957). Handbook of Snakes of the United States and Canada. Comstock. Ithaca & London.
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    wikipedia 中文维基百科

    錦蛇屬: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

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    wikipedia 中文维基百科

    ナメラ属 ( Japonês )

    fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
    ナメラ属 Elaphe quatuorlineata.jpg
    タイリクシマヘビ Elaphe quatuorlineata
    分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 爬虫綱 Reptilia : 有鱗目 Squamata 亜目 : ヘビ亜目 Serpentes : ナミヘビ科 Colubridae : ナメラ属 Elaphe
    Fitzinger, 1843












    • アオダイショウ、スジオナメラ - 立体的な活動を行い、主に小型哺乳類や鳥類を食べる。アオダイショウの幼体は、爬虫類や両生類も食べる。
    • シュウダ - 基亜種はヘビを主に食べる。亜種ヨナグニシュウダは小型哺乳類、鳥類、爬虫類を食べる。
    • シマヘビ - 爬虫類、両生類を中心に鳥類の卵、小型哺乳類なども食べる。





    1. ^ a b c d 鳥羽通久 「ペットとしてのヘビ 第7回 アメリカネズミヘビ」『クリーパー』第14号、クリーパー社、2002年、34-38頁。
    2. ^ a b c 鳥羽通久 「ペットとしてのヘビ 第12回 コーンスネーク、インディゴヘビサンゴ、ソリハナヘビ再訪」『クリーパー』第22号、クリーパー社、2004年、26頁。
    3. ^ 鳥羽通久 「スジオナメラの分類」『クリーパー』第27号、クリーパー社、2005年、94-96頁。


    • Utiger et al,"Molecular systematics and phylogeny of Old and New World ratsnakes, Elaphe auct., and related genera (Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae)." Russ. J. Herpetol,9,2002,105-124.


     src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ナメラ属に関連するカテゴリがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにナメラ属に関する情報があります。 執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
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    ナメラ属: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

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    뱀속 ( Coreano )

    fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

    뱀속(Elaphe 엘라페[*])은 뱀과 뱀아과에 속한 뱀들의 한 속이다. 북반구에 널리 사는 중대형 뱀들로, 모두 독이 없고 먹이를 졸라 죽이는 뱀(constrictor)들이다. 독은 없지만 물리면 아프고 타액을 통해 세균 감염이 일어날 수 있으므로 주의하는 편이 좋다.[1]

    원래 엄청나게 큰 속이었지만, 미토콘드리아 DNA 분석 결과 속해 있던 종들 중 상당수가 바하칼리포르니아구렁이속(Bogertophis), 장신구뱀속(Coelognathus), 교목구렁이속(Gonyosoma), 옥수수뱀속(Pantherophis), 아스클레피오스뱀속(Zamenis), 녹색구렁이속(Senticolis) 등등으로 분산되어[2] 현재는 16종만 남아 있다.


    1. "Rat snakes – lifecycle, predation, diet, bites, hibernation, pictures and videos." Ratsnake.org. (2010-09-23).
    2. Bartlett, Patricia; Bartlett, R. D. (2006년 5월 26일). 《Corn Snakes and Other Rat Snakes》. Complete Pet Owner's Manual 2판. Hauppauge NY: Barron's Educational Series. ISBN 0-7641-3407-8.
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    Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

    뱀속: Brief Summary ( Coreano )

    fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

    뱀속(Elaphe 엘라페[*])은 뱀과 뱀아과에 속한 뱀들의 한 속이다. 북반구에 널리 사는 중대형 뱀들로, 모두 독이 없고 먹이를 졸라 죽이는 뱀(constrictor)들이다. 독은 없지만 물리면 아프고 타액을 통해 세균 감염이 일어날 수 있으므로 주의하는 편이 좋다.

    원래 엄청나게 큰 속이었지만, 미토콘드리아 DNA 분석 결과 속해 있던 종들 중 상당수가 바하칼리포르니아구렁이속(Bogertophis), 장신구뱀속(Coelognathus), 교목구렁이속(Gonyosoma), 옥수수뱀속(Pantherophis), 아스클레피오스뱀속(Zamenis), 녹색구렁이속(Senticolis) 등등으로 분산되어 현재는 16종만 남아 있다.

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    Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자