
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Ataenius aequalis Harold, 1880:40.—Schmidt, 1922:435

DESCRIPTION.—Length 3.6 to 5.0 mm; width 1.7 to 2.0 mm. Oblong-oval, convex, moderately shining. Head moderately convex; clypeus broadly, moderately emarginate anteriorly, rounded each side of emargination, sides nearly straight to right-angled genae, margin finely reflexed, noticeably slightly wider each side of emargination; clypeus with weak, transverse rugulae, the rugulae smaller but still visible over greatest convexity to frontal area, which is closely, very finely to finely punctate basally. Pronotum rectangular, convex, anterior and posterior angles obtusely rounded, very slightly emarginate or sinuate behind posterior angles, sides and base margined, crenate-fimbriate, crenations more noticeable laterally, setae noticeable, twice as long as distance between them; surface with close, mixed moderate and very fine punctures throughout, the larger punctures generally separated by their diameters or less, a little smaller anteriorly, a little closer in pronotal angles. Scutellum without punctures. Elytra two and one-half times length of pronotum, convex, weakly shining, minutely alutaceous under high magnification; humeri finely dentate; striae fine, deep, crenate-punctate, crenations about width of striae, intervals evenly convex, especially convex over apical declivity where striae are wider, intervals not differing laterally except that the 9th is higher and more prominent posteriorly than the 10th, the latter is flatter with a median row of very fine punctures and intervening tubercles near posterior end. Mesosternum shagreened, with very fine, short, decumbent hair, carinate between coxae. Metasternum with moderately deep midline, disc shining, punctures very fine, uniformly distributed, separated by two to four times their diameters, finely scabriculate at extreme sides, metasternal triangle nearly smooth, moderately deep. Abdominal sterna shining but finely alutaceous under high magnification, quite uniformly, shallowly, moderately punctate, the punctures separated by their diameters, fluted along anterior margins, fluting of 5th sternum about one-third total length, surface very finely punctate over remaining area. Pygidium in most cases with a fine longitudinal carina dividing the eroded area, apical borders convex, shining, minutely punctate, wider at middle. Profemora with perimarginal groove, shining but with close, coarse punctures except at inner anterior angle. Middle and hind femora shining, very finely punctate, the punctures separated by three or four times their diameters, posterior femoral line apparently lacking, but actually visible about half the length of the femur when viewed from behind. Posterior tibial fringe with a group of five setae, a very short accessory spine one-half the length of the fringe setae, and an intervening setae between spine and spurs; first tarsal segment subequal to long spur and a trifle longer than following three segments combined.

LECTOTYPE (present designation)—In Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Colombia, “Ambalema.”



DISTRIBUTION (Figure 21).—“Louisiana.”
citação bibliográfica
Cartwright, Oscar Ling. 1974. "Ataenius, Aphotaenius, and Pseudataenius of the United States and Canada (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-106. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.154