Morpho adonis, the Adonis morpho, is a Neotropical butterfly. It is found in Venezuela, Suriname, French Guiana, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, and Peru. The wingspan ranges from 70 to 90 millimetres (2.8 to 3.5 in).
Morpho adonis is a species group which includes several species.
Morpho adonis is found in mid-elevation rain forest at altitudes between about 300–1000 meters above sea level.
In 1913, Hans Fruhstorfer wrote: "Dr. Hahnel reports its capture at Iquitos and Pebas. There it flies quickly and impetuously (sometimes at an elevation of 12 ft.), dashing out from among the branches, crossing the road and following clearings among the trees, in which they sail along just over the tops or in and out among the branches."[1]
The butterfly is named for the mythological Adonis, the Greek god of beauty and desire.
Morpho adonis, the Adonis morpho, is a Neotropical butterfly. It is found in Venezuela, Suriname, French Guiana, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, and Peru. The wingspan ranges from 70 to 90 millimetres (2.8 to 3.5 in).
Morpho adonis is a species group which includes several species.
Morpho adonis (Guianas, Cayenne) Morpho eugenia (Guyana) Morpho uraneis (Brazil) Morpho marcus probably conspecific with adonis and the correct name.Morpho adonis (Anglice Adonis morpho) est papilio neotropica, in Surinamia, Guiana Francica, Columbia, Aequatoria, Brasilia, et Peruvia endemicus. Latitudo alarum est 70–90mm.
Morpho adonis est grex specierum, qui nonnullas species comprehendit:
Haec papilio ex Adone, persona in mythologia Graeca, appellatur.
Morpho adonis (Anglice Adonis morpho) est papilio neotropica, in Surinamia, Guiana Francica, Columbia, Aequatoria, Brasilia, et Peruvia endemicus. Latitudo alarum est 70–90mm.
Morpho adonis est grex specierum, qui nonnullas species comprehendit:
Morpho adonis (Guianae, Cayenne?) Morpho eugenia (Guiana) Morpho uraneis (Brasilia) Morpho marcus fortasse conspecificus cum adonis et nomen rectumMorpho adonis is een vlinder uit de familie Nymphalidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1779 door Pieter Cramer.
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