
Aftovirus ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Aftovirus, Aphthovirus, (del grec aphtha-, vesícules a la boca) és un gènere de virus dins la família Picornaviridae. Els aftovirus infecten els vertebrats, i inclouen l'agent causatiu de la febre aftosa (FMDV) és el membre prototípic del gènere Aphthovirus.[1] Hi ha set serotipus de FMDV: A, O, C, SAT 1, SAT 2, SAT 3 i Asia 1, i quatre serotipus no-FMDV pertanyents a tres espècies addicionals Bovine rhinitis A virus (BRAV), Bovine rhinitis B virus (BRBV) i Equine rhinitis A virus (ERAV).


  1. Martinez-Salas. «Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus». A: Animal Viruses: Molecular Biology. Caister Academic Press, 2008. ISBN 978-1-904455-22-6.

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Aftovirus: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Aftovirus, Aphthovirus, (del grec aphtha-, vesícules a la boca) és un gènere de virus dins la família Picornaviridae. Els aftovirus infecten els vertebrats, i inclouen l'agent causatiu de la febre aftosa (FMDV) és el membre prototípic del gènere Aphthovirus. Hi ha set serotipus de FMDV: A, O, C, SAT 1, SAT 2, SAT 3 i Asia 1, i quatre serotipus no-FMDV pertanyents a tres espècies addicionals Bovine rhinitis A virus (BRAV), Bovine rhinitis B virus (BRBV) i Equine rhinitis A virus (ERAV).

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Aphtovirus ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Aphtovirus je rod RNA virů patřící do čeledě Picornaviridae. K rodu patří virus slintavky a kulhavky a virus koňské rinitidy A. Virion měří kolem 24 nm, kapsida je sférického tvaru, ikozahedrální symetrie a je složena ze čtyř typů proteinů. Jako všechny RNA viry i aftoviry podléhají častým bodovým mutacím.

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Aphthovirus ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Gattung Aphthovirus umfasst vier Spezies von unbehüllten Viren aus der Familie Picornaviridae (Stand November 2018). Den Namen erhielten die Aphthoviren von der Erkrankung, die das Maul-und-Klauenseuche-Virus (englisch Foot-and-mouth disease virus, FMDV) als wichtigster Vertreter der Gattung hervorruft (griechisch αφθαι (aphthai) für kleine Bläschen der Mundschleimhaut).


Die Virionen (Viruspartikel) der Aphthoviren sind etwa 27 bis 30 nm im Durchmesser groß und aus 60 Kapsomeren (T=1) zusammengesetzt. Charakteristisch ist die im Vergleich zu anderen Picornaviren sehr glatte Oberflächenstruktur und die Dünnwandigkeit des Kapsids, dessen Dicke im Durchschnitt nur etwa 3 nm beträgt. An den Kapsidecken mit fünfstrahliger Symmetrie findet man Poren, die von den Pentonproteinen gebildet werden. Eine aus 17 bis 23 Aminosäuren bestehende, flexible Proteinschleife (G-H-Loop) des Kapsidproteins 1D, ragt aus der Oberfläche hervor. An ihrer Spitze befindet sich das konservierte Erkennungsmotiv RGD zur Bindung an Integrine auf der Zelloberfläche und Aufnahme der Virionen in die Wirtszelle.

Die Virionen des FMDV sind unterhalb eines pH-Wertes von 6,8 instabil, jene des Equinen Rhinitis-A-Virus (ERAV) erst unterhalb von 5,5. Einige Serotypen des FMDV produzieren leere, RNA-freie und damit nicht-infektiöse Kapside im Überschuss.


IRES-Struktur bei Aphthoviren

Das Genom der Aphthoviren ist zwischen 7,5 und 8,7 kb lang. Die Translation zu einem einzigen Polyprotein, das dann mittels viraler Proteasen in die einzelnen viralen Proteine gespalten wird, kann an zwei alternativen Startpunkten innerhalb des gleichen Leserasters beginnen. So entstehen zwei unterschiedlich lange Formen des L-Proteins (Lab und Lb), die eine proteolytische Aktivität als Cysteinproteasen besitzen. Die L-Proteine sind auch in der Lage, den zellulären Initiationsfaktors eIF-4G zu spalten, wodurch die gesamte zelluläre, Cap-abhängige Translation verhindert wird. Da die Aphthoviren wie alle Picornaviren zur Translationsinitiation eine IRES am 5'-Ende des Genoms besitzen, bleibt die virale Proteinsynthese von dieser Inhibition unberührt.


Die innere Systematik der Gattung Aphthovirus ist wie folgt:[3][4][5]

  • Genus Aphthovirus
  • Serotyp: ERV-1
  • Serotypen: BRV-1, BRV-3
  • Serotyp: BRV-2
  • 7 Serotypen

Ein Kladogramm der Gattung mit allen Serotypen findet sich auf den ‚Picornavirus Pages‘ des Pirbright Institute.[5]


  1. a b c d ICTV: ICTV Taxonomy history: Enterovirus C, EC 51, Berlin, Germany, July 2019; Email ratification March 2020 (MSL #35)
  2. ICTV Master Species List 2018b.v2. MSL #34, März 2019
  3. ICTV 2016 Master Species List #31 with Acronyms, (Excel XLSX), auf ViralZone, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB)
  4. ICTV: Master Species List 2018a v1, MSL including all taxa updates since the 2017 release. Fall 2018 (MSL #33)
  5. a b Details: Aphthovirus, The Picornavirus Pages 2006–2019, The Pirbright Institute, UK. Abgerufen 17. Februar 2019
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wikipedia DE

Aphthovirus: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Gattung Aphthovirus umfasst vier Spezies von unbehüllten Viren aus der Familie Picornaviridae (Stand November 2018). Den Namen erhielten die Aphthoviren von der Erkrankung, die das Maul-und-Klauenseuche-Virus (englisch Foot-and-mouth disease virus, FMDV) als wichtigster Vertreter der Gattung hervorruft (griechisch αφθαι (aphthai) für kleine Bläschen der Mundschleimhaut).

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Aphthovirus ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Aphthovirus (from the Greek aphtha-, vesicles in the mouth) is a viral genus of the family Picornaviridae. Aphthoviruses infect split-hooved animals, and include the causative agent of foot-and-mouth disease, Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV).[1] There are seven FMDV serotypes: A, O, C, SAT 1, SAT 2, SAT 3 and Asia 1, and four non-FMDV serotypes belonging to three additional species Bovine rhinitis A virus (BRAV), Bovine rhinitis B virus (BRBV) and Equine rhinitis A virus (ERAV).


Genome and structure of foot-and-mouth disease virus

Aphthoviruses are non-enveloped and have an icosahedral capsid with a diameter of around 27 to 30 nm.[2] The assembled viral capsid contains a single copy of the RNA genome and 60 copies of the four viral capsid proteins VP1, VP2, VP3, and VP4. The protomers form the sides of the icosahedral capsid. The VP4 protein is internal.[3]


The aphthoviruses are differentiated from other picornaviruses as they have a larger genome (7.5–8.5 kilobases).[2] The genome is non-segmented and consists of a positive-sense single-stranded RNA. It contains a single open reading frame with a 5' end linked protein (VPg), which is associated with the genome via a phosphodiester bond linked to a tyrosine residue.[3] The 5' untranslated region (UTR) of the genome contains a poly(C) tract and an internal ribosome entry site (IRES), while the 3' UTR is polyadenylated.[4] The P1 region encodes the structural proteins. The P2 and P3 regions encode the nonstructural proteins associated with replication.[3]


Replication cycle of Foot-and-mouth disease virus

Aphthoviruses replicate in a similar fashion to all picornaviruses. Replication is cytoplasmic and initially involves attachment of the exogenous virus to the cell membrane. Attachment to the membrane and subsequent entry into the cell is mediated by a membrane receptor. After genome replication within the cytoplasm, virion assembly occurs and new virus particles aggregate within the cell. Release of virus particles is mediated by cell lysis.[1]


The aphthovirus RNA genome is able to undergo genetic recombination.[5] Recombination occurs at a large number of genomic sites indicating that RNA recombination in aphthovirus is a general, rather than a site specific, phenomenon.[6]

Pathology and ecology

Aphthoviruses include the causative agents of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), which primarily affects livestock such as cattle, swine, sheep and goats. FMD was first discovered in Italy in the 16th century. Since then, the prevalence of the disease has remained, despite many countries being declared FMD-free. Endemic regions of the disease include areas of Africa, Asia and South America. The virus commonly persists in animal feed and is able to survive environmentally for up to one month. Eradication of FMD in endemic areas has been difficult, despite the availability of a vaccine.[1]

Equine rhinitis A virus (ERAV) was first isolated from horses in the 1960s and 1970s showing acute febrile respiratory disease signs, including fever, cough, clear nasal discharge and lethargy. Given its similarity to the common cold in humans (caused by another picornavirus, rhinovirus), ERAV was initially named "equine rhinovirus 1". Modern molecular biology techniques such as nucleotide sequencing demonstrated that ERAV was in fact more closely related to FMDV, and was reclassified to the genus Aphthovirus.[7]

See also


  1. ^ a b c Martinez-Salas; et al. (2008). "Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus". Animal Viruses: Molecular Biology. Caister Academic Press. ISBN 978-1-904455-22-6.
  2. ^ a b c "Viral Zone". ExPASy. Retrieved 12 June 2015.
  3. ^ a b c Jamal, Syed M.; Belsham, Graham J. (2013-12-05). "Foot-and-mouth disease: past, present and future". Veterinary Research. 44 (1): 116. doi:10.1186/1297-9716-44-116. ISSN 1297-9716. PMC 4028749. PMID 24308718.
  4. ^ Büchen-Osmond, C. (Ed). " Aphthovirus". ICTVdB - The Universal Virus Database, version 4. New York, USA: Columbia University. Archived from the original on December 3, 2008.
  5. ^ King, A. M.; McCahon, D.; Slade, W. R.; Newman, J. W. (1982). "Biochemical evidence of recombination within the unsegmented RNA genome of aphthovirus". Journal of Virology. 41 (1): 66–77. doi:10.1128/JVI.41.1.66-77.1982. PMC 256726. PMID 6283129.
  6. ^ King, Andrew M.Q.; McCahon, David; Saunders, Keith; Newman, John W.I.; Slade, William R. (1985). "Multiple sites of recombination within the RNA genome of foot-and-mouth disease virus". Virus Research. 3 (4): 373–384. doi:10.1016/0168-1702(85)90437-x. PMC 7134178. PMID 3000107.
  7. ^ Wutz G, Auer H, Nowotny N, Grosse B, Skern T, Kuechler E (1996). "Equine rhinovirus serotypes 1 and 2: relationship to each other and to aphthoviruses and cardioviruses". J Gen Virol. 77 ( Pt 8) (8): 1719–30. doi:10.1099/0022-1317-77-8-1719. PMID 8760418.

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Aphthovirus: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Aphthovirus (from the Greek aphtha-, vesicles in the mouth) is a viral genus of the family Picornaviridae. Aphthoviruses infect split-hooved animals, and include the causative agent of foot-and-mouth disease, Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV). There are seven FMDV serotypes: A, O, C, SAT 1, SAT 2, SAT 3 and Asia 1, and four non-FMDV serotypes belonging to three additional species Bovine rhinitis A virus (BRAV), Bovine rhinitis B virus (BRBV) and Equine rhinitis A virus (ERAV).

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wikipedia EN

Aphthovirus ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Los Aphthovirus es un género de virus perteneciente a la familia Picornaviridae.

Es el causante de la fiebre aftosa.

Posee 7 serotipos diferentes (A, O, C, SAT-1, SAT-2, SAT-3 y ASIA 1) y más de 60 subtipos.

El Aphthovirus es un ácido nucleico, ARN de cadena positiva, envuelto por una cápside proteica.

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Афтовирусы ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Класс: incertae sedis
Порядок: Picornavirales
Семейство: Пикорнавирусы
Род: Афтовирусы
Международное научное название


Группа по Балтимору

IV: (+)оцРНК-вирусы

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
NCBI 12109EOL 1378833

Афтовирусы[2] (лат. Aphthovirus) — род вирусов семейства пикорнавирусов. Вирусы нестабильны при рН ниже 5,0. Вызывают генерализованные инфекции с везикулезной сыпью у коров, свиней, овец, коз и лошадей, в том числе ящур. Размножаются в клеточных культурах многих видов.


Род выделен Международным комитетом по таксономии вирусов (ICTV) из рода Rhinovirus в 1978 году[3]. С момента создания род пережил две ревизии пикорнавирусов: в 1979 году — разделение, например, типовой вид (вирус ящура) разделён на 2 отдельных вида (Aphthovirus A и Aphthovirus O) и добавлены ещё 5 родственных видов[4], а в 1999 году — слияние, все 7 антигенных типов были объединены в один вид, которому вернули изначальное название[5].

По данным ICTV, на май 2016 г. в род включают 4 вида[6]:


  1. Таксономия вирусов (англ.) на сайте Международного комитета по таксономии вирусов (ICTV).
  2. Сергеев В. А., Непоклонов Е. А., Алипер Т. И. Вирусы и вирусные вакцины. — М. : Библионика, 2007. — С. 452. — ISBN 5-98685-012-2.
  3. Minutes of the 4th meeting of the I.C.T.V. : [англ.] // ICTVonline. — 1978. — P. 1.
  4. Matthews, R. E. F. Classification and nomenclature of viruses. Third report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses : [англ.] // Intervirology. — ICTV 3rd Report. — 1979. — Vol. 12. — P. 241.
  5. van Regenmortel, M.H.V., Fauquet, C.M., Bishop, D.H.L., Carstens, E.B., Estes, M.K., Lemon, S.M., Maniloff, J., Mayo, M.A., McGeoch, D.J., Pringle, C.R. and Wickner, R.B. Virus taxonomy. Seventh report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses : [англ.]. — ICTV 7th Report. — San Diego : Academic Press, 2000. — P. 671.
  6. Таксономия вирусов (англ.) на сайте Международного комитета по таксономии вирусов (ICTV). (Проверено 5 июля 2016).

Аденовирус Это заготовка статьи по вирусологии. Вы можете помочь проекту, дополнив её.  title=
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Афтовирусы: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Афтовирусы (лат. Aphthovirus) — род вирусов семейства пикорнавирусов. Вирусы нестабильны при рН ниже 5,0. Вызывают генерализованные инфекции с везикулезной сыпью у коров, свиней, овец, коз и лошадей, в том числе ящур. Размножаются в клеточных культурах многих видов.

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