Mursen yn nheulu'r Synlestidae yw'r Episynlestes cristatus sydd o fewn y grŵp (neu'r 'genws') a elwir yn Episynlestes.
Fel llawer o fursennod (a elwir yn gyffredinol hefyd yn 'weision neidr') eu cynefin yw pyllau o ddŵr, llynnoedd, nentydd neu afonydd glân.
Mursen yn nheulu'r Synlestidae yw'r Episynlestes cristatus sydd o fewn y grŵp (neu'r 'genws') a elwir yn Episynlestes.
Fel llawer o fursennod (a elwir yn gyffredinol hefyd yn 'weision neidr') eu cynefin yw pyllau o ddŵr, llynnoedd, nentydd neu afonydd glân.
Episynlestes cristatus is a species of Australian damselfly in the family Synlestidae,[3] commonly known as a tropical whitetip.[4] It is endemic to north-eastern Queensland, where it inhabits streams in rainforest.[5]
Episynlestes cristatus is a large, very slender damselfly, coloured a dull bronze-black with white markings. It often perches with its wings outspread.[6]
Episynlestes cristatus is a species of Australian damselfly in the family Synlestidae, commonly known as a tropical whitetip. It is endemic to north-eastern Queensland, where it inhabits streams in rainforest.
Episynlestes cristatus is a large, very slender damselfly, coloured a dull bronze-black with white markings. It often perches with its wings outspread.
Episynlestes cristatus is een libellensoort uit de familie van de Synlestidae, onderorde juffers (Zygoptera).[1]
De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1977 door Watson & Moulds.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesEpisynlestes cristatus – gatunek ważki z rodzaju Episynlestes należącego do rodziny Synlestidae.
Episynlestes cristatus – gatunek ważki z rodzaju Episynlestes należącego do rodziny Synlestidae.
Episynlestes cristatus là loài chuồn chuồn trong họ Synlestidae. Loài này được Watson & Moulds mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1977.[1]
Episynlestes cristatus là loài chuồn chuồn trong họ Synlestidae. Loài này được Watson & Moulds mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1977.