Cephaleuros is a genus of parasitic thalloid green algae comprising approximately 14 species. Its common name is red rust. Specimens can reach around 10 mm in size. Dichotomous branches are formed. The alga is parasitic on some important economic plants of the tropics and subtropics such as tea, coffee, mango and guava causing damage limited to the area of algal growth on leaves (algal leaf spot), or killing new shoots, or disfiguring fruit.[3] Members of the genera may also grow with a fungus to form a lichen that does not damage the plants.[3]
The species currently recognised are:
Cephaleuros is a genus of parasitic thalloid green algae comprising approximately 14 species. Its common name is red rust. Specimens can reach around 10 mm in size. Dichotomous branches are formed. The alga is parasitic on some important economic plants of the tropics and subtropics such as tea, coffee, mango and guava causing damage limited to the area of algal growth on leaves (algal leaf spot), or killing new shoots, or disfiguring fruit. Members of the genera may also grow with a fungus to form a lichen that does not damage the plants.
Cephaleuros, rod zelenih algi. dio porodice Trentepohliaceae, smještena u vlastiti red Trentepohliales. Postoji zasada 19 priznartih vrsta[1].
Za fosilnu vrstu C. villosus (D.L.Dilcher) R.H.Thompson & Wujek, taksonomski status je nepoznat, a bazionim joj je Pelicothallos villosus D.L.Dilcher.
Cephaleuros, rod zelenih algi. dio porodice Trentepohliaceae, smještena u vlastiti red Trentepohliales. Postoji zasada 19 priznartih vrsta.
Za fosilnu vrstu C. villosus (D.L.Dilcher) R.H.Thompson & Wujek, taksonomski status je nepoznat, a bazionim joj je Pelicothallos villosus D.L.Dilcher.
Облігатний ендофіт листя сотень видів рослин, включаючи каву, чай та інші. Представники роду викликають захворювання вищих рослин, що відомі як «іржа».[1]
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