Latouchia swinhoei is a spider from the family Halonoproctidae found in Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands.[1] The spider was thriving in the locations they were found in.[2]
Latouchia swinhoei are generally smaller than other trapdoor spiders, their coloration is prominently black, and as they mature, their dense black color begins to fade to a grey-brown mix. They have a pair of jaws and mandibles and eight legs, and eight eyes. The females are generally larger than the males, but the males have larger mandibles.[3]
Latouchia swinhoei like other trapdoor spiders are docile, and hunt for prey using a burrow to hide and ambush their prey.[4] If an insect were to walk near the premises of the burrow, it will lunge out and bites the prey and then drag it into the burrow. The spider's primary staple is any small animal that walks on the ground, such as beetles, millipedes, centipedes, worms, maggots, larvae, and most winged insects. They are also known to eat other spiders.[5][6]
Latouchia swinhoei is a spider from the family Halonoproctidae found in Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands. The spider was thriving in the locations they were found in.
Latouchia swinhoei est une espèce d'araignées mygalomorphes de la famille des Halonoproctidae[1].
Cette espèce est endémique de l'archipel Nansei au Japon[1].
Le mâle holotype mesure 12 mm[2].
Cette espèce est nommée en l'honneur de Robert Swinhoe[2].
Latouchia swinhoei est une espèce d'araignées mygalomorphes de la famille des Halonoproctidae.
Latouchia swinhoei is een spinnensoort in de taxonomische indeling van de valdeurspinnen (Ctenizidae).[1]
Het dier behoort tot het geslacht Latouchia. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1901 door Mary Agard Pocock.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesLatouchia swinhoei là một loài nhện trong họ Ctenizidae.[1]
Loài này thuộc chi Latouchia. Latouchia swinhoei được miêu tả năm 1901 bởi Mary Agard Pocock.
Latouchia swinhoei là một loài nhện trong họ Ctenizidae.
Loài này thuộc chi Latouchia. Latouchia swinhoei được miêu tả năm 1901 bởi Mary Agard Pocock.
西威氏拉土蛛(学名:Latouchia swinhoei)为盤腹蛛科拉土蛛属的动物。在中国大陆,分布于南京等地及日本琉球群島有分布,生活习性为穴居。该物种的模式产地在南京。[1]