Imagem de Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Linnaeus 1758)
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Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Linnaeus 1758)

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors
The saw-toothed grain beetle occurs worldwide. The biology of O. surinamensis suggests a tropical origin as it is most similar to an African species (O. parallelus) and a Middle Eastern species (O. abeilli) (Halstead 1980).
direitos autorais
Claudia Sotgia
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EOL authors

Life Cycle ( Inglês )

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Egg Eggs are generally white in colour, becoming ochre-yellow as they age, symmetrically oblong about 0.71 mm long and 0.24 mm wide at their broadest diameter with the anterior and posterior ends of almost identical shape, regularly rounded, or with the anterior end slightly narrower. Freshly laid eggs are glossy, smooth, non-opalescent, with both ends pellucid. During embryo development, eggs lose their gloss. An oblong depression is usually formed on the ventral side. The dark red eyespots and the ochre spot of mouth parts (mandibles and cibarial sclerite) are visible through the chorion at the anterior end (Kucerová & Stejskal 2002). Eggs are laid loosely in flour or other food product, or are lodged in crevices in whole grain. The female lays approximately 400 eggs either loosely in flour or other milled grain products or tucked in a crevice of a grain kernel (SGRL-CSIRO, Lyon-undated, Mason 2003). Egg laying begins about 5 days after emergence and reaches a maximum during the 2nd or 3rd week and then declines rapidly after about 10 weeks (Mason 2003). Eggs hatch in 3 - 8 days (Anon. 2009, Lyon-undated, Mason 2003) and the larvae begin to feed within a few hours of hatching (Mason 2003). Larva There are usually 3 or 4 larval instars. Larvae are creamy white in colour with a brown head and 3 pairs of legs. Larvae pupate without forming a special chamber (Halstead 1993). Tergites of abdominal segments 2-7 bearing four long setae antero-laterally, inner pair shorter (Cutler 1971). Larvae are typically free-living, mobile and not concealed. They are unable to develop on undamaged wheat (Surtees 1965, SGRL-CSIRO, Mason 2003). Under favourable conditions, larvae complete their development in 12 – 15 days. Pupa A pupal case is formed from bits of food material glued together and the pupal stage lasts from one to three weeks; total development time from egg to adult varies from 21 to 51 days, depending on temperature (Calvin 1990, Lyon-undated) Adult Length 2.2-3.1 mm, males slightly more elongate than females; usually dark brown; setae golden; dorsal side moderately shining to dull, ventral side shining. Head in males about as broad or broader than long, but in larger females may be slightly narrower than long; genae moderately raised in both sexes; slight depressions above antennal insertions; clypeus shallowly emarginate; eyes large, prominent, up to 3 times as long as broad; temples short, about one-quarter of eye length; antennae with club segments transverse, other segments particularly 8, variable; vertex with shallow punctuation; area of frontal triangle behind antennal depressions has most punctures smaller than eye facets; ventrally head reticulate punctuate; maxillary palps; 11-segmented antennae with segments 9 and 10 broader than in O. surinamensis, with their lateral margin outlines angled when viewed dorsally; club segments transverse but segment 8 and others variable. Pronotum slightly more elongate in males than females; median ridge well developed, frequently as high or higher medially than lateral ridges; lateral ridges pronounced, weakly curved laterally; anterior angles (tooth 1) moderately developed; punctures similar to that at sides of head. Elytra slightly longer than in O. surinamensis, elytral margin may be slightly produced before junction with suture; 3rd and alternate interstriae, slightly raised; setae decumbent, at sides of and along raised interstriae frequently overlapping, usually not appearing rigidly ordered. Prosternum obviously depressed between anterior margin and process; prosternal process raised at basal third, where procoxae inserted (Halstead 1980, Halstead 1993, Slow 1958). Adults live six to 10 months.
direitos autorais
Claudia Sotgia
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EOL authors

Taxonomy ( Inglês )

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The saw-toothed grain beetle belongs to the genus Oryzaephilus of the family Silvanidae, to the sub-family Silvaninae of the Cucujidae. Some history. Linnaeus (1767) made the original description of the species at which time he placed surinamensis in the genus Dermestes. He received specimens of this insect from Surinam (Dutch Guiana) and for that reason gave it the specific name surinamensis. This species was described under several names after Linnaeus account. Geer (1775) placed it in the genus Tenebrio and named it Tenebrio surinamensis. Fabricius, in the same year (1775), described it as Anobium frumentarium. Oliver (1790) named it as Ips frumentaria. Fabricius (1792) placed it in still another genus, referring to it as Colydium frumentarium and in the same year (1792) he described the same species under the names Dermestes sexdentatus and Scarites cursor. Kugelann (1794) described it as Lyctus sexdentatus, Paykull (1800) as Colydium sexdentatum, and Gyllenhal (1813) as Silvanus sexdentatus. Stephens (1830) followed Gyllenhal in placing the species in genus Silvanus and used the specific name surinamensis, and from then until comparatively recently it was known as Silvanus surinamensis. In 1899, Ganglbauer divided the genus Silvanus into two subgenera, Oryzaephilus with six teeth on the lateral margins of the thorax, and Silvanus with two or none, and placed the species surinamensis in the new subgenus Oryzaephilus. Reitter (1911) raised these two subgenera to the status of genera, and the saw-toothed grain beetle is now known as Oryzaephilus surinamensis.
direitos autorais
Claudia Sotgia
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EOL authors

Biology and Morphology ( Inglês )

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The biology of O.surinamensis has been studied in detail by Howe (1956) who found that eggs hatched at temperatures from 17.5 to 40 °C. Low humidity had little effect on the egg period and did not affect the length of the stadia. He observed that the preoviposition period at 30 and 33 °C was 3 to 8 days, usually about 5. O.surinamensis reached a peak of 6 to 10 eggs per female per day. The oviposition period he observed was over 2 months. The average number of eggs laid was about 375. The usual number of larval moults before pupation was 3, but a few individuals had 4 or 2. The optimum temperature for O.surinamensis is about 30 to 35° C. On coconut meal at 30 °C and 70% R.H., he found O.mercator grew faster than O.surinamensis. Both species could not complete development on groundnut meal unless yeast powder was added. On weighing adults, Howe found that Oryzaephilus beetles weighed only about 0.3 to 0.5 mg, he made no mention of either species or sex; these could not be weighed with accuracy, he claimed, since no torsion balance was available to him. The length of individuals of adults has been studied by many authors. Back and Cotton (1926) gave the average length of O.surinamensis as about 2.54 mm. Haydak (1936) gave the average length of O.surinamensis as 2.20 mm for the male, 2.26 mm for the female. Slow (1958) found that the adult of O.surinamensis was from about 2.75 to 3.25 mm long. Slow (1958) working on the morphology of adult O.surinamensis and O.mercator, measured the eye/temple ratio and round that it differed considerably in the two species. She found no other measurement or ratio which did not overlap. The male genitalia of some Cucujidae have been described by Sharp and Muir (1912), Tanner (1927), and Wilson (1930), and all of them observed that the male genital structures in the species are of a highly complex character. Agrawal (1955) gave a more detailed description of the male genitalia of O.surinamensis. The saw-toothed grain beetle is quite resistant to low temperature. De Ong (1921) working with cold storage control of insects, claimed that an exposure of 3 months at temperatures or 10° to 36° F. was needed to kill the larvae, pupae, and adults of this insects. Back and Cotton (1926) found that all stages of O.surinamensis were killed in 1 week within a temperature range of 20° to 25° F., and exposure to 0° to 5° F. killed all stages in l day. Thomas and Shepard (1940), working on the lethal effects of low temperature on the adult stage of O.surinamensis, found that adult saw-toothed grain beetles exposed at 10 °C and 2 °C gave 50 per cent mortality values at 30 days and 105 hours respectively. Solomon and Adamson (1955) exposed Oryzaephilus to winter conditions in various kinds of buildings in Britain, and found that O.surinamensis survived in all their tests.
direitos autorais
Claudia Sotgia
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EOL authors

Lesák skladištní ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Lesák skladištní (Oryzaephilus surinamensis)[1] je štíhlý plochý brouk se šesti zoubky na každé straně štítu, barvy od hnědočervené – světle hnědé až tmavohnědé. Krovky má zbrázděné, vzadu zaokrouhlené, vpředu zaúhlené, na bocích předohrudi jsou výrazné zoubky. Jeho larva má na hřbetě prvních tří článku dvě hnědé skvrny, tělo je řídce porostlé chloupky, barvy bílé až žluté se žlutohnědou hlavou. Je velmi pohyblivá. Velikost larvy se pohybuje od 2,9 – 3,8 mm, velikost dospělce 2,5–3 mm.

Životní cyklus

Vývoj s proměnou dokonalou: z vajíčka 22 dní, larva má stádium 40 dní, kukla 20 dní při 18 °C. Průměrný vývoj trvá 80 dní, při teplotě 35 °C se vývoj urychluje až na 21 dní. Pod 18 °C se vývoj téměř zastavuje.[2] Dospělec se dožívá až 12 měsíců. Je odolný proti nízkým do −14 °C i vysokým teplotám do +52 °C, které přežije po několik hodin.[3] Samice klade 200 až 350 podlouhlých, lesklých, bílých vajíček za rok volně do přírody nebo přímo do potravin. Během roku může mít ve skladech 2 až 7 generací. Vhodné podmínky jsou v rozmezí teplot 20 °C až 35 °C.[4]


V přírodě se vyskytují pod kůrou stromů, kde se živí lýkem.[5] Nejčastěji se vyskytuje především ve skladech, silech a v domácnosti v potravinách. Lesák skladištní je nebezpečný invazivní škůdce, který dovede proniknout velice malými skulinami, proniknout do uzavřených obalů (larvy se dovedou prokousat skrz igelitový nebo papírový obal). V napadeném zboží (potravině) se velmi rychle množí a šíří. Živí se především obilím, moukou a moučnými výrobky (těstoviny, sušenky, pečivo, atd.), rýži, olejnatými semeny, luštěniny. Napadá i sušené ovoce, tabák, čaje, čokoládu nebo i sušené maso nebo koření. Napadá obilniny poškozené pilousi. V obilních skladech může zapříčinit ohniska záhřevu.[4][2][3]

Ochrana, prevence, likvidace

V domácnostech uchovávat potraviny ve skleněných nebo porcelánových dobře uzavřených obalech (nádobách). Udržovat čistotu ve skladovacích prostorách, občas je vyčistit horkou vodou nebo parním čističem. Napadení potraviny beze zbytku zničit. Skladovací prostor vymýt a ošetřit chemickými přípravky proti hmyzu. Obaly nenapadených potravin zkontrolovat (záhyby, škvíry spojů). Je možné likvidovat lesáka lesního zmrazením potravin pod −20 °C po dobu 7 dní nebo zahřátím na +60 °C po dobu jedné hodiny.

Ve skladech se likviduje mechanicky pročištěním skladovaného zboží nebo jeho úplnou likvidací. Skladové prostory s mohou ošetřit fyzikálně – sníženou teplotou na −20 °C po dobu 7 dní nebo teplotou +60 °C po dobu 1 hodiny. Chemicky ošetřením reziduálními chemickými prostředky nebo fumigací[p. 1].


S lesákem skladištním se obvykle vyskytuje i lesák moučný (Cryptolestes ferrugineus).



  1. Zaplynováním uzavřených prostor toxickými látkami (klasifikace T+).


  1. Lesák skladištní | Škůdci. www.skudci.com [online]. [cit. 2016-10-03]. Dostupné online.
  2. a b Lesák skladištní. www.desinsekta.cz [online]. [cit. 2016-10-03]. Dostupné online.
  3. a b Lesák skladištní. www.deraplus.cz [online]. [cit. 2016-10-03]. Dostupné online.
  4. a b Untitled Document. cit.vfu.cz [online]. [cit. 2016-10-03]. Dostupné online.
  5. Lesák skladištní | katalpa. www.katalpa.cz [online]. [cit. 2016-10-03]. Dostupné online.

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Lesák skladištní: Brief Summary ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Lesák skladištní (Oryzaephilus surinamensis) je štíhlý plochý brouk se šesti zoubky na každé straně štítu, barvy od hnědočervené – světle hnědé až tmavohnědé. Krovky má zbrázděné, vzadu zaokrouhlené, vpředu zaúhlené, na bocích předohrudi jsou výrazné zoubky. Jeho larva má na hřbetě prvních tří článku dvě hnědé skvrny, tělo je řídce porostlé chloupky, barvy bílé až žluté se žlutohnědou hlavou. Je velmi pohyblivá. Velikost larvy se pohybuje od 2,9 – 3,8 mm, velikost dospělce 2,5–3 mm.

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Getreideplattkäfer ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Getreideplattkäfer (Oryzaephilus surinamensis) ist ein Käfer aus der Familie der Raubplattkäfer (Silvanidae).


Getreideplattkäfer werden 2,5 bis 3,5 Millimeter lang. Sie sind braun und fein anliegend hell behaart. Ihr Kopf ist breit und hat vorstehende Facettenaugen. Der Halsschild trägt an den Seiten je sechs Zähnchen. Die Halsschildscheibe hat drei Längsrippen. Die Deckflügel sind geringfügig breiter als der Halsschild und tragen erhabene Längsrippen, zwischen denen Punktreihen verlaufen. Die Männchen unterscheiden sich von den Weibchen durch einen Zahn auf den Schenkeln (Femora) der Hinterbeine. Die Art kann sehr leicht mit Oryzaephilus mercator verwechselt werden. Diese Art besitzt jedoch Schläfen, die nicht etwa gleich lang wie die Facettenaugen sind, sondern kürzer als die halbe Länge der Augen.

Verbreitung und Lebensweise

Die Tiere sind typische Kulturfolger und kosmopolitisch verbreitet. Sie bewohnen Vorräte, insbesondere von Getreiden, Mehl und Nüssen; man findet sie jedoch auch in Kompost, faulendem Heu, unter Rinde und in ähnlichen Lebensräumen. Sie machen dort hauptsächlich Jagd auf Insektenlarven, die insbesondere an den Vorräten fressen. Nur selten fressen sie bereits befallene Körner.




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Getreideplattkäfer: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Getreideplattkäfer (Oryzaephilus surinamensis) ist ein Käfer aus der Familie der Raubplattkäfer (Silvanidae).

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Суринама унчулу ( Quirguiz )

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Суринама унчулу.

Суринама унчулу (лат. Oryzaephilus surinamensis) — жалпак коңуздардын бир түрү.

Колдонулган адабияттар

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Oryzaephilus surinamensis ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Oryzaephilus surinamensis, the sawtoothed grain beetle,[1] is a beetle in the superfamily Cucujoidea.[2] It is a common, worldwide pest of grain and grain products as well as chocolate, drugs, and tobacco.[2] The species's binomial name, meaning "rice-lover from Suriname," was coined by Carl Linnaeus, who received specimens of the beetle from Surinam.[3] It is also known as the malt beetle and may be referenced in the poem This Is The House That Jack Built in the line "....the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built" the malt referenced may not be actual malted grain but a sawtoothed grain beetle.

Description and Identification

O. surinamensis is a slender, dark brown beetle 2.4–3 mm in size, with characteristic "teeth" running down the side of the prothorax.[4] It is nearly identical to Oryzaephilus mercator, or the Merchant Grain Beetle,[2] however, O. surinamensis has smaller eyes and a broader, more triangular head;[2] O. surinamensis unlike O. mercator are unable to fly.[4]


O. surinamensis can be found worldwide.[2] The beetle is one of the most commonly encountered stored product pests[2] and is widespread within the food industry and can be found in food manufacturing, storage, and retail facilities,[5] as well as in home pantries.[2] O. surinamensis is less common in colder climates such as Canada and the Northern United States[2]

Life Cycle


A female can produce 43-285 eggs in their six to ten month average lifespan which are deposited on a food mass.[6] The ideal temperature range for larvae development within eggs is about 27-29°C (80-85°F[6]), under such conditions they hatch in three to five days.[6]


Larvae are yellow-white with brown heads and grow up to 3mm.[2] They crawl freely around the food mass and feed on broken pieces of grain or grain kernels damaged by other insects,[2] larger larvae may bore into kernels.[6] Larvae account for the majority of damage done to grain.[5] Larvae molt two to four times before pupation[2]


Larvae pupate by constructing cocoon-like coverings using broken pieces of grain.[2][6] Emergence as adults occurs after about one week[6]


Adults can live on average six to ten months, though they can live as long as three years.[6] The total life cycle is 27 – 51 days at 85–95 °F (29–35 °C).[4] Adults seek out new sources of food for breeding.[2] In areas which have severe infestations of O. surinamensis adults have been reported to nibble on the skin of people, however, these bites are not harmful.[2]

Role as a Stored Product Pest and Control of Infestations

O. surinamensis is one of the most commonly encountered insects in grain, pet foods, and seeds.[2] Feeding results in shrinkage of the dry mass of the infested product and in increased water content due to the metabolic activity of the insects which can result in mold growth.[6] In grain, insect damage decreases value and can make it unfit for use; sufficient numbers of insect fragments or live insects can result in rejection by the purchaser.[6]

In the home, infestations can be avoided by storing dried food products in sealed containers.[2] To control already present infestations, the infested material needs to be identified and disposed of,[4] or frozen- as all life stages of the beetle can be killed by being frozen for six days.[2] In food processing operations and warehouses other means of control may be necessary and fumigation is commonly used,[2] in large-scale grain storage operations a pesticide application may be needed for storage over six months.[6] Fumigation is commonly used to control stored product pests in food and grain, this involves the treatment of product with gasses which are able to diffuse throughout the treated area.[2] The gasses used in fumigation (most often phosphine[7]) are highly toxic to both insects and mammals (including humans)[7] but when applied properly, no fumigant will remain in product after treatment is complete.[2] Because of the high toxicity of fumigants, their use is restricted to qualified applicators[2][6] and areas which can be tightly sealed.[2]


  1. ^ a b "Oldstyle id: 777c79319c97eee584a3931389ab020b". Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life. Species 2000: Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Hedges, Stoy A.; Dr. Lacey, Mark S. (1996). PTC Field Guide for the Management of Structure Infesting Beetles Volume II: Stored Product Beetles/ Occasional & Overwintering Beetles. G.I.E., Inc. pp. 124–127. ISBN 1-883751-03-9.
  3. ^ Crawford, Rob. "Sawtoothed Grain Beetle". crawford.tardigrade.net.
  4. ^ a b c d Lyon, William F., Sawtoothed and Merchant Grain Beetles, Ohio State University Extension, Entomology
  5. ^ a b "Sawtoothed Grain Beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis". Entomology and Plant Pathology. Oklahoma State University Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Retrieved 26 October 2017.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k "Sawtoothed and Merchant Grain Beetle". Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Department of Entomology. The Pennsylvania State University. Retrieved 26 October 2017.
  7. ^ a b Harein, Phil; Subramanyam, Bh. "Fumigating stored grain". University of Minnesota Extension. University of Minnesota. Retrieved 1 November 2017.

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Oryzaephilus surinamensis: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Oryzaephilus surinamensis, the sawtoothed grain beetle, is a beetle in the superfamily Cucujoidea. It is a common, worldwide pest of grain and grain products as well as chocolate, drugs, and tobacco. The species's binomial name, meaning "rice-lover from Suriname," was coined by Carl Linnaeus, who received specimens of the beetle from Surinam. It is also known as the malt beetle and may be referenced in the poem This Is The House That Jack Built in the line "....the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built" the malt referenced may not be actual malted grain but a sawtoothed grain beetle.

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Aidalamesklane ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET

Aidalamesklane (Oryzaephilus surinamensis) on mardikaliste seltsi kuuluv putukaliik.

Putukat on ka Eestis.[1]


  1. Michael Chinery, 2005. Euroopa putukad. Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus. Lk 274


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Aidalamesklane: Brief Summary ( Estônio )

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Aidalamesklane (Oryzaephilus surinamensis) on mardikaliste seltsi kuuluv putukaliik.

Putukat on ka Eestis.

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Riisihärö ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Riisihärö (Oryzaephilus surinamensis) on 2,5-3,5 millimetriä pitkä kaitahäröjen heimoon kuuluva kovakuoriaislaji. Aikuinen riisihärö on väriltään musta tai tummanruskea, rakenteeltaan litteä ja etuselän reunoissa on piikkimäiset lisäkkeet sekä pyöristynyt piikkimäinen lisäke silmien takana. Riisihärön toukat ovat 3 mm pitkiä ja vaaleita. Riisihärö on pitkäikäinen ja voivat elää jopa kolmevuotiaaksi. Laji tarvitsee lämpöä lisääntyäkseen, sillä 18 C asteen lämpötilassa laji ei enää lisäänny. Kehitys munasta aikuiseksi tapahtuu 20 C asteen lämpötilassa vajaassa kahdessa kuukaudessa.

Riisihärö on haitallinen tuholainen myllyissä, leipä- ja suklaatehtaissa, kaupan ketjussa sekä kotitalouksissa vaikkakaan siitä ei todennäköisesti ole hygieenistä haittaa. Riisihärö leviää mm. leipäviljan, kuivattujen hedelmien, pähkinöiden ja öljyväkirehujen mukana paikasta toiseen. Laji on levinnyt maailmanlaajuisesti kaikille mantereille. Riisihärö luokitellaan Suomessa vieraslajiksi.

Riisihärön torjunta perustuu puhtauteen ja desinfiointiin sekä saastuneiden tuotepakkausten hävittämiseen tai niiden pakastamiseen ainakin yhden viikon ajaksi -25 -30 C asteen lämpötilaan.

Riisihärön saalistajia luonnossa ovat ainakin seuraavat: Amphibolus venator, Blattisocius tarsalis, latolude (Lyctocoris campestris), viljapehkiäinen (Tenebroides mauritanicus), vakkakuoriainen (Tribolium castaneum), keloheiverölude (Xylocoris cursitans) ja Xylocoris flavipes.[1]

Pähkinähärö eli kauppahärö (Oryzaephilus mercator) muistutta riisihäröä sillä erotuksella, että kauppahärön etuselässä ei ole piikkejä.


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Riisihärö: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Riisihärö (Oryzaephilus surinamensis) on 2,5-3,5 millimetriä pitkä kaitahäröjen heimoon kuuluva kovakuoriaislaji. Aikuinen riisihärö on väriltään musta tai tummanruskea, rakenteeltaan litteä ja etuselän reunoissa on piikkimäiset lisäkkeet sekä pyöristynyt piikkimäinen lisäke silmien takana. Riisihärön toukat ovat 3 mm pitkiä ja vaaleita. Riisihärö on pitkäikäinen ja voivat elää jopa kolmevuotiaaksi. Laji tarvitsee lämpöä lisääntyäkseen, sillä 18 C asteen lämpötilassa laji ei enää lisäänny. Kehitys munasta aikuiseksi tapahtuu 20 C asteen lämpötilassa vajaassa kahdessa kuukaudessa.

Riisihärö on haitallinen tuholainen myllyissä, leipä- ja suklaatehtaissa, kaupan ketjussa sekä kotitalouksissa vaikkakaan siitä ei todennäköisesti ole hygieenistä haittaa. Riisihärö leviää mm. leipäviljan, kuivattujen hedelmien, pähkinöiden ja öljyväkirehujen mukana paikasta toiseen. Laji on levinnyt maailmanlaajuisesti kaikille mantereille. Riisihärö luokitellaan Suomessa vieraslajiksi.

Riisihärön torjunta perustuu puhtauteen ja desinfiointiin sekä saastuneiden tuotepakkausten hävittämiseen tai niiden pakastamiseen ainakin yhden viikon ajaksi -25 -30 C asteen lämpötilaan.

Riisihärön saalistajia luonnossa ovat ainakin seuraavat: Amphibolus venator, Blattisocius tarsalis, latolude (Lyctocoris campestris), viljapehkiäinen (Tenebroides mauritanicus), vakkakuoriainen (Tribolium castaneum), keloheiverölude (Xylocoris cursitans) ja Xylocoris flavipes.

Pähkinähärö eli kauppahärö (Oryzaephilus mercator) muistutta riisihäröä sillä erotuksella, että kauppahärön etuselässä ei ole piikkejä.

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Oryzaephilus surinamensis ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Le silvain, ou cucujide dentelé des grains[1] (Oryzaephilus surinamensis), est une espèce d'insectes coléoptères de la famille des Silvanidae et de la superfamille Cucujoidea[2]. Le nom binomial de l'espèce, qui signifie "amoureux du riz du Surinam", lui a été donné par Carl von Linné, qui reçut des spécimens de ce coléoptère du Suriname[3].

Cet insecte à répartition cosmopolite est un ravageur des grains de céréales entreposées, de préférence les grains endommagés ou humides, et plus généralement de toutes les denrées dérivées ou riches en amidon (farines, pâtes, biscuits, etc.) ainsi que du chocolat, des médicaments et du tabac[2].

Description et identification

dents sur le prothorax

O. surinamensis est un coléoptère brun mince et de 2,4 à 3 mm de long, avec des «dents» caractéristiques descendant le long du prothorax[4] Il est presque identique à Oryzaephilus mercator (en)[2]. Cependant, O. surinamensis a des yeux plus petits et une tête plus large, plus triangulaire[2] et contrairement à O. mercator, il ne peut pas voler[4].


Oryzaephilus surinamensis est présent dans le monde entier[2]. Ce coléoptère est l’un des organismes nuisibles les plus fréquemment rencontrés dans le stockage de produits alimentaires[2]. Il est trouvé dans les installations de fabrication, de stockage et de vente au détail de produits alimentaires[5], ainsi que dans les garde-manger domestiques[2]. O. surinamensis est moins commun dans les climats plus froids tels qu'au Canada et le nord des États-Unis[2].

Cycle de la vie


Une femelle peut produire entre 43 et 285 œufs au cours de sa vie moyenne de six à dix mois, qui les dépose sur une masse alimentaire[6]. La température idéale pour le développement des larves dans les œufs est d'environ 27 à 29 °C[6]. Dans de telles conditions, ils éclosent en trois à cinq jours[6].


Les larves sont des vers jaune-blanc avec des têtes brunes et atteignent 3 mm[2]. Ils rampent librement autour de la masse de nourriture et se nourrissent de morceaux de grains cassés ou de grains de grains endommagés par d'autres insectes[2], de plus grosses larves peuvent creuser des noyaux de fruit[6]. Les larves représentent la majorité des dommages causés aux céréales[5]. Les larves muent deux à quatre fois avant la nymphose[2].


Les larves se métamorphosent en construisant des cocons à l'aide de morceaux de grains cassés[2],[6]. L’émergence à l’âge adulte survient au bout d’une semaine environ[6].


Les adultes peuvent vivre en moyenne six à dix mois, mais ils peuvent vivre aussi longtemps que trois ans[6]. Le cycle de vie total est de 27 à 51 jours à une température de 29 à 35 °C[4]. Les adultes recherchent de nouvelles sources de nourriture pour la reproduction[2]. Dans les zones gravement infestées par O. surinamensis, il a été rapporté que des adultes peuvent ronger la peau de personnes, mais que ses piqûres ne sont pas nocives[2].

Rôle en tant que nuisible de produits stockés et contrôle des infestations

O. surinamensis est l'un des insectes les plus couramment rencontrés dans les céréales, les aliments pour animaux de compagnie et les graines[2]. Son alimentation entraîne un diminution de la masse sèche du produit infesté et une augmentation de la teneur en eau en raison de l'activité métabolique des insectes, qui peut entraîner la croissance de moisissures[6]. Sur les grains, les dégâts causés par les insectes diminuent leur valeur et peuvent les rendre impropres à l’utilisation; un nombre suffisant de fragments d'insectes ou d'insectes vivants peut entraîner le rejet d'un acheteur[6].

Dans les maisons particulières, les infestations peuvent être évitées en stockant les produits alimentaires séchés dans des récipients fermés[2]. Pour contrôler les infestations déjà présentes, le matériel infesté doit être identifié et éliminé[4] ou gelé, car tous les stades de développement du coléoptère peuvent être tués en étant gelés pendant six jours[2]. Dans les opérations de transformation des aliments et les entrepôts, d'autres moyens de contrôle peuvent s'avérer nécessaires et la fumigation est couramment utilisée[2], dans les opérations de stockage à grande échelle des céréales, une application de pesticide peut être nécessaire pendant plus de six mois[6]. La fumigation est couramment utilisée pour lutter contre les parasites des produits stockés présents dans les aliments et les céréales. Elle implique le traitement des produits avec des gaz capables de diffuser dans toute la zone traitée. Les gaz utilisés lors de la fumigation (le plus souvent la phosphine[7]) sont hautement toxiques pour les insectes et les mammifères (y compris les humains)[7], mais une fois correctement appliqué, aucun fumigant ne reste dans le produit une fois le traitement terminé[2]. En raison de la forte toxicité des fumigants, leur utilisation est réservée à des agents applicateurs qualifiés[2],[6] et à des zones pouvant être correctement scellées[2].

Notes et références

  • (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé .
  1. Oryzaephilus surinamensis, Catalogue of Life, ITIS, Species 2000.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t et u Stoy A. Hedges, Dr. Mark S. Lacey, PTC Field Guide for the Management of Structure Infesting Beetles, Volume II: Stored Product Beetles/ Occasional & Overwintering Beetles, G.I.E. Inc., pp. 124–127. (ISBN 1-883751-03-9).
  3. (en) Rob Crawford, Sawtoothed Grain Beetlesur crawford.tardigrade.net]
  4. a b c et d William F. Lyon, Sawtoothed and Merchant Grain Beetles, Ohio State University Extension, Entomology.
  5. a et b Sawtoothed Grain Beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis, Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State University, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, consulté le 26 octobre 2017.
  6. a b c d e f g h i j et k Sawtoothed and Merchant Grain Beetle, Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Department of Entomology, The Pennsylvania State University, consulté le 26 october 2017
  7. a et b Phil Harein, Bh. Subramanyam, Fumigating stored grain, University of Minnesota Extension, University of Minnesota, consulté le 1 novembre 2017.

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wikipedia FR

Oryzaephilus surinamensis: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Le silvain, ou cucujide dentelé des grains (Oryzaephilus surinamensis), est une espèce d'insectes coléoptères de la famille des Silvanidae et de la superfamille Cucujoidea. Le nom binomial de l'espèce, qui signifie "amoureux du riz du Surinam", lui a été donné par Carl von Linné, qui reçut des spécimens de ce coléoptère du Suriname.

Cet insecte à répartition cosmopolite est un ravageur des grains de céréales entreposées, de préférence les grains endommagés ou humides, et plus généralement de toutes les denrées dérivées ou riches en amidon (farines, pâtes, biscuits, etc.) ainsi que du chocolat, des médicaments et du tabac.

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Oryzaephilus surinamensis ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Oryzaephilus surinamensis is een keversoort uit de familie Silvanidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1758 door Linnaeus.[1]

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Oryzaephilus surinamensis ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Oryzaephilus surinamensis é uma espécie de insetos coleópteros polífagos pertencente à família Silvanidae.[1]

A autoridade científica da espécie é Linnaeus, tendo sido descrita no ano de 1758.

Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português.


  1. «Oryzaephilus surinamensis» (em inglês). Fauna Europaea. Consultado em 22 de setembro de 2019

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Oryzaephilus surinamensis: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Oryzaephilus surinamensis é uma espécie de insetos coleópteros polífagos pertencente à família Silvanidae.

A autoridade científica da espécie é Linnaeus, tendo sido descrita no ano de 1758.

Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português.

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Sågtandad plattbagge ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Sågtandad plattbagge (Oryzaephilus surinamensis) är en skalbagge i familjen plattbaggar. Den sågtandade plattbaggen återfinns ibland inomhus, där den bland annat lever på mjölprodukter, torkad frukt och kryddor.[1]



  1. ^ Förrådskadeinsekter – skalbaggar (Anticimex)

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Sågtandad plattbagge: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

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Sågtandad plattbagge (Oryzaephilus surinamensis) är en skalbagge i familjen plattbaggar. Den sågtandade plattbaggen återfinns ibland inomhus, där den bland annat lever på mjölprodukter, torkad frukt och kryddor.

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Oryzaephilus surinamensis ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Oryzaephilus surinamensis là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Silvanidae. Loài này được Linnaeus miêu tả khoa học năm 1758.[1]

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Oryzaephilus surinamensis: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Oryzaephilus surinamensis là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Silvanidae. Loài này được Linnaeus miêu tả khoa học năm 1758.

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