collected by Joseph P. Tracy # 16,868 on May 11, 1941
collected by Joseph P. Tracy # 16,868 on May 11, 1941
collected by Joseph P. Tracy # 16,868 on May 11, 1941
collected by Joseph P. Tracy # 16,868 on May 11, 1941
collected by Joseph P. Tracy # 16,868 on May 11, 1941
# collected by Joseph P. Tracy # 16,868 on May 11, 1941
collected by Annie M. Alexander #3808 and Louise Kellog on July 4, 1944
collected by Annie M. Alexander #3808 and Louise Kellog on July 4, 1944
collected by Annie M. Alexander #3808 and Louise Kellog on July 4, 1944
collected by Annie M. Alexander #3808 and Louise Kellog on July 4, 1944
collected by Annie M. Alexander #3808 and Louise Kellog on July 4, 1944
collected by Annie M. Alexander #3808 and Louise Kellog on July 4, 1944