Galerucella is a genus of leaf beetles in the family Chrysomelidae described by George Robert Crotch in 1873. It is widely distributed but absent in the Neotropics. Some species feed on waterlilies and are used as biocontrol of introduced, invasive waterlilies.[1] Galerucella tenella feed on strawberry plants.[2]
Adults are 3.5-4.2 mm long, yellowish brown, metathorax and abdomen black; elytra evenly convex. The eggs measure 0.5-0.6 mm, globose, reddish yellow. Larvae 5–6 mm long, yellowish brown with rows of dark transverse bands and warts with setae; legs and head are black. Pupae 3.5–4 mm, black.
The immature beetles hibernate under plant remains. In the spring, in the second half of April, at a temperature of 13-14 °C, the beetles leave the wintering grounds and in addition feed: they skeletonize the leaves and gnaw through the sinuous holes. Less often damage the petioles of leaves, inflorescences and flowers. During the extension of the buds, the females lay 1 or 2 eggs each day in the gnawed holes on the underside of the leaves. The period of egg laying is stretched, up to 30 to 45 days. Fertility - 150-200 eggs. Embryonic development lasts from 12 to 20 days. Larvae live 25 to 30 days, skeletonize the leaves. After completing its development, they pass to the surface layer of the soil near the plants and pupate. Beetles that come out after 8 to 12 days, eat leaves for a while, after which they pass to wintering. One generation per year develops.
Galerucella contains the following species, divided into two subgenera Galerucella and Neogalerucella (the latter of which is sometimes considered a separate genus):[3]
Subgenus Galerucella Crotch, 1873
Subgenus Neogalerucella Chûjô, 1962:
Galerucella is a genus of leaf beetles in the family Chrysomelidae described by George Robert Crotch in 1873. It is widely distributed but absent in the Neotropics. Some species feed on waterlilies and are used as biocontrol of introduced, invasive waterlilies. Galerucella tenella feed on strawberry plants.
Adults are 3.5-4.2 mm long, yellowish brown, metathorax and abdomen black; elytra evenly convex. The eggs measure 0.5-0.6 mm, globose, reddish yellow. Larvae 5–6 mm long, yellowish brown with rows of dark transverse bands and warts with setae; legs and head are black. Pupae 3.5–4 mm, black.
The immature beetles hibernate under plant remains. In the spring, in the second half of April, at a temperature of 13-14 °C, the beetles leave the wintering grounds and in addition feed: they skeletonize the leaves and gnaw through the sinuous holes. Less often damage the petioles of leaves, inflorescences and flowers. During the extension of the buds, the females lay 1 or 2 eggs each day in the gnawed holes on the underside of the leaves. The period of egg laying is stretched, up to 30 to 45 days. Fertility - 150-200 eggs. Embryonic development lasts from 12 to 20 days. Larvae live 25 to 30 days, skeletonize the leaves. After completing its development, they pass to the surface layer of the soil near the plants and pupate. Beetles that come out after 8 to 12 days, eat leaves for a while, after which they pass to wintering. One generation per year develops.
Galerucella es un género de coleópteros de la familia Chrysomelidae. El género fue descrito por Crotch en 1873.
Las larvas y adultos se alimentan de hojas de plantas, como otros crisomélidos. Los adultos miden de 3.5 a 4.2 mm, las larvas llegan a medir 5 a 6 mm y las pupas miden de 3.5 a 4 mm. Pasan el invierno como larvas, en el suelo, bajo las plantas de que se alimentan. Tienen una generación anual. Son de distribución amplia pero ausentes en el Neotrópico.
Lista de especies:[1]
Galerucella es un género de coleópteros de la familia Chrysomelidae. El género fue descrito por Crotch en 1873.
Las larvas y adultos se alimentan de hojas de plantas, como otros crisomélidos. Los adultos miden de 3.5 a 4.2 mm, las larvas llegan a medir 5 a 6 mm y las pupas miden de 3.5 a 4 mm. Pasan el invierno como larvas, en el suelo, bajo las plantas de que se alimentan. Tienen una generación anual. Son de distribución amplia pero ausentes en el Neotrópico.
Lista de especies:
Galerucella aludela Maulik, 1936 Galerucella amboinensis (Jacoby, 1894) Galerucella angulosa (Pic, 1928) Galerucella aurata Maulik, 1936 Galerucella aquatica Geoffroy, 1785 Galerucella bataviensis (Hornstedt, 1788) Galerucella birmanica (Jacoby, 1889) Galerucella bruneiensis (Chujo, 1964) Galerucella brunneipennis Bryant, 1954 Galerucella calmariensis (Linnaeus, 1767) Galerucella celebensis (Weise, 1892) Galerucella chujoi Komiya, 2005 Galerucella consentanea Hope, 1924 Galerucella digambara (Maulik, 1936) Galerucella dufresni Klug, 1835 Galerucella fairmairei (Laboissiere, 1922) Galerucella fossata (Chen, 1942) Galerucella funesta Jacoby, 1887 Galerucella grisescens Joannis, 1865 Galerucella hageni (Jacoby, 1887) Galerucella inconspicus (Jacoby, 1899) Galerucella kerstensi Lohse, 1989 Galerucella laterimaculata Jacoby, 1886 Galerucella lineola Fabricius, 1781 Galerucella maculicornis (Faldermann, 1837) Galerucella malaisei Bryant, 1952 Galerucella marginipennis (jacoby, 1894) Galerucella mindorana Weise, 1913 Galerucella multicostata Pic, 1928 Galerucella nipponensis (Laboissiere, 1921) Galerucella nymphaeae Linnaeus, 1758 Galerucella ohkurai Kimoto & Takahashi, 1992 Galerucella ornatipennis Lopatin, 2002 Galerucella ozeana (Nakane, 1963) Galerucella philippinensis (Boheman, 1859) Galerucella picea (Scudder, 1879) Galerucella pici (Laboissiere, 1913) Galerucella pusilla Duftschmid, 1825 Galerucella quadrimaculata (Redtenbacher, 1850) Galerucella quebecensis (Brown, 1938) Galerucella rubi (Tamanuki, 1938) Galerucella rubromarginata Laboissiere, 1929 Galerucella sagittariae (Gyllenhal, 1813) Galerucella scutellata (Hope, 1831) Galerucella semipullata (Clark, 1864) Galerucella setulosa (Sahlberg, 1913) Galerucella solarii Burlini, 1942 Galerucella stefanssoni (Brown, 1938) Galerucella tenella Linnaeus, 1761 Galerucella thoracica (Baly, 1886) Galerucella umbrolineata (Laboissiere, 1929) Galerucella unicostata Pic, 1937 Galerucella vartiani Lopatin, 1966 Galerucella wallacei Baly, 1886Galerucella est un genre d'insectes coléoptères de la famille des Chrysomelidae.
Galerucella est un genre d'insectes coléoptères de la famille des Chrysomelidae.