Coccothrinax argentata is found in the Florida Keys and extreme southern Florida as far north as the vicinity of Boca Raton, Palm Beach County. It also occurs in the Bahamas. It is usually a small, single-trunked palm but occasionally develops multiple stems. It is most easily distinguished from Thrinax morrisii, with which it is sometimes confused in Florida, by the obscure transverse venation in the leaves and the purple-black fruits on long pedicels (versus conspicuous transverse venation and white fruits on short pedicels in T. morrisii).
This species has been reported (C. E. Nauman 1990) to produce sterile natural hybrids with Thrinax morrissii in the Florida Keys where the two species are sympatric.
Coccothrinax argentata, commonly called the Florida silver palm,[4] is a species of palm tree. It is native to south Florida, southeast Mexico, Colombia and to the West Indies, where it is found in the Bahamas, the southwest Caribbean and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Its natural habitat is rocky, calcareous soil in coastal scrubland and hammock communities.
It is a small (2–6 m tall), slow-growing fan palm with leaves that are dark blue-green above and silver-coloured below.[5] Measurements in Fairchild Tropical Garden showed an average growth rate of 12 centimetres (4.7 in) per year.[6] Flowers are white and small on light orange branches. The fruits are globose and half an inch in diameter. They are initially green and turn purple or black when ripe.
Silver palms in their natural habitat often grow among saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) and cabbage palmetto (Sabal palmetto) which have similar fronds. Silver Palms can be distinguished by its smooth vertical trunk, and its small, crescent-shaped hastula.[7]
Coccothrinax argentata was first described in 1803 by Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin as Palma argentata. It was transferred to the genus Coccothrinax by Liberty Hyde Bailey in 1939.[3]
Coccothrinax argentata is native to Florida in the southeastern United States, southeast Mexico, Colombia, and parts of the Caribbean, where it is found in the Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands Hispanola (in the Dominican Republic), the southwest Caribbean, including the Colombian Caribbean islands,[8] the Honduran Bay Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands.[3][9] Its natural habitat is rocky, calcareous soil, including coastal scrubland and hammock communities.[7]
Populations on the Atlantic Coastal Ridge in Southern Florida are now recognized as Coccothrinax argentata garberi. This subspecies can be distinguished from Coccothrinax argentata argentata by shorter petioles and reduced stature.[10][11]
Bahia Honda State Park in the Florida Keys has one of the largest stands of silver palms in the United States.[12] They can be found on a nature walk just off of Sandspur Beach.
The endangered Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium) are known to feed on the fruits of the silver palm.
Coccothrinax argentata, commonly called the Florida silver palm, is a species of palm tree. It is native to south Florida, southeast Mexico, Colombia and to the West Indies, where it is found in the Bahamas, the southwest Caribbean and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Its natural habitat is rocky, calcareous soil in coastal scrubland and hammock communities.
Coccothrinax argentata es una palma de la familia Arecaceae.
Tiene un tronco de 5-10 metros y 12 cm de diámetro, hojas en forma de abanico, ceniciento-plateadas en el envés, divididas en 40-50 segmentos con las extremidades curvadas.[2]Inflorescencia corta, recurvada y ramificada. Frutos globulares, de color negro, cuando están maduros. Tolerante con suelos salinos y arenosos.
Es nativa de las Bahamas, sur de Florida, incluyendo los Cayos de Florida,[3] sureste de México e isla de San Andrés y Providencia.[4] También ha sido colectada en Swan Islands (Islas del Cisne) de Honduras. (Nelson, C. Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Honduras. Espermatofitas. SERNA [Secretaría de Recursos Narurales y Ambiente]. Editorial Guaymuras. Tegucigalpa. 2008.)
Palma de plata de Florida, yuruguana de costa, palmicha, Florida silver palm, silver palm, silver thatch palm, Biscayne palm, palmeira prateada de leque.
Coccothrinax argentata fue descrita por (Jacq.) L.H.Bailey y publicado en Gentes Herbarum; Occasional Papers on the Kinds of Plants 4(6): 223. 1939.[5]
Coccothrinax: nombre genérico que deriva probablemente de coco = "una baya", y la palma Thrinax nombre genérico.[6]
argentata: epíteto latino que significa "plateada".[7]
Coccothrinax argentata est une plante de la famille des Arécacées.
Coccothrinax argentata là loài thực vật có hoa thuộc họ Arecaceae. Loài này được (Jacq.) L.H.Bailey mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1939.[2]
Coccothrinax argentata là loài thực vật có hoa thuộc họ Arecaceae. Loài này được (Jacq.) L.H.Bailey mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1939.