Imagem de Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius 1775)
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Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius 1775)

from wikipedia ( Inglês )

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Australian cockroach From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  data-file-height= This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (September 2007) Australian cockroach  data-file-height= Australian cockroach top view Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Blattodea Family: Blattidae Genus: Periplaneta Species: P. australasiae Binomial name Periplaneta australasiae
Fabricius, 1775 Synonyms
  • Periplaneta repanda Walker, F., 1868[1]
  • Blatta australasiae Fabricius 1775
  • Blatta aurantiaca Stoll 1813
  • Blatta domingensis Palisot de Beauvois 1805
  • Periplaneta zonata Haan 1842
  • Periplaneta subcincta Walker, F., 1868
  • Polyzosteria subornata Walker, F., 1871
  • Periplaneta inclusa Walker, F., 1868
  • Periplaneta emittens Walker, F., 1871

The Australian cockroach (Periplaneta australasiae) is a common species of tropical cockroach, with a length of 23–35 millimetres (0.91–1.38in).[2][3] It is brown in colour. Tegmina have a conspicuous lateral pale stripe or margin, and the pronotum (head shield) has a sharply contrasting pale or yellow margin.[2] It is very similar in appearance to the American cockroach and may be easily mistaken for it. It is however, slightly smaller than the American cockroach, has a yellow margin on the thorax and yellow streaks at its sides near the wing base.

Despite its name, the Australian cockroach is a cosmopolitan species, and an introduced species in Australia.[4] P. australasiae probably originated in Africa.[3] It is very common in the southern United States and in tropical climates, and can be found in many locations throughout the world due to its travels via shipping and commerce between locations. It can be found in Florida, California, and other coastal states.[citation needed]

 class=  height= Australian cockroach side view

The insect can travel quickly, often darting out of sight when someone enters a room, and can fit into small cracks and under doors despite its fairly large size. It is known to be very mobile; it also has wings which allow it to be quite a capable flier.[citation needed]

It prefers warmer climates and is not cold tolerant, however, it may be able to survive indoors in colder climates. It does well in moist conditions but also can tolerate dry conditions as long as water is available. It often lives around the perimeter of buildings. It appears to prefer eating plants more than its relatives do, but can feed on a wide array of organic (including decaying) matter. Like most cockroaches, it is a scavenger.[citation needed]

It may come indoors to look for food and even to live, however, in warm weather it may move outdoors and enter buildings looking for food.[citation needed]

References  data-file-height= Wikimedia Commons has media related to Periplaneta australasiae.
  1. "Synonyms of Australian cockroach (Periplaneta australasiae)". Encyclopedia of Life. Retrieved 2 January 2014.
  2. Furman, Deane Philip; Catts, E. Paul (1982). Manual of Medical Entomology. CUP Archive. p.37. ISBN978-0-521-29920-6.
  3. Hill, Dennis S. (30 September 2002). Pests of Stored Foodstuffs and Their Control. Springer. p.145. ISBN978-1-4020-0736-1.
  4. "Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius)". Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. 11 November 2004. Retrieved 24 July 2010.
External links
  • Black and white photographs of top view of P. australasiae male and female specimens, from Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections.
  • Drawings of body parts of a male P. australasiae; plate VII, figures 17-19 show detail of pronotum, end of abdomen with cerci, and enlarged view of the genital process. From a 1917 article by Morgan Hebard, with a key to the figures on pages 280-281.
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Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius)
1775. [Bhitta] aiislndasiac Fabricius. Syst. Ent., p. 271. ["In nave e mare Pacifico
et regionibus incognitis revertente."]
This species is fully discussed on page 185; it is constantly being introduced north of the regions in which it has become established, but is evidently much more decidedly affected by cold than P. americana, and in consequence has never become permanently established in the United States north of the areas in which the winter climate is comparatively mild. In the colder regions of the United States, when it has appeared in greenhouses and such artificially heated places, it has been found to breed and increase in numbers with great rapidity, temporarily becoming a dangerous pest, so that vigorous efforts have been found necessary to exterminate such a colony. ^^^
North of Pennsylvania, occasional adventive specimens of the species are constantly being reported; such records are found from Montreal, Quebec; Toronto, Ontario; Wellesley, Massachusetts; Wallingford and New Haven, Connecticut, and from Minnesota.
The following adventive material is now before us.
Rutherford, New Jersey, XI. 19, 1915, (H. B. Weiss; in greenhouse), 2 d", [A. N. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, VI, 30, 1898, i c?, [A. N. S. P.].
Radnor, Pa., I, 14, 1905, (J. Hurley; swarming in greenhouses and adjacent homes), 3 a", i 9 , i juv. c?, 2 juv. 9 , [A. N. S. P. and Hebard Cln.].
citação bibliográfica
Hebard, M. 1917. The Blattidae of North America. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 2. Philadelphia, USA

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius) (Plate VII, figures 17 to 19.) 1775. [Blalta] austnilaside Fabricius, Syst. Ent., p. 271. ["In nave e mare
citação bibliográfica
Hebard, M. 1917. The Blattidae of North America. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 2. Philadelphia, USA

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius)
1775. [Blatta] australasiae Fabricius, Syst. Ent., p. 271. [" In nave e mare Pacifico
et regionibus incognitis revertente."] 17 to 19. (Detailed diagnosis.)
Gatun. Canal Zone, Panama, VII, 2S to VIII, 22, 1916, (Harrower), i cf, i 9,
2 juv.
Rio Trinidad, Pan., VI, 6, 1912, (Busck), i d". Argas, Pan., IV, 28, 191 1, (Busck), 2 juv.
citação bibliográfica
Hebard, M. 1919. The Blattidae of Panama. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 4. Philadelphia, USA

Australian cockroach ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Australian cockroach (Periplaneta australasiae) is a common species of tropical cockroach, with a length of 23–35 mm (0.91–1.38 in).[2][3] It is brown overall, with the tegmina having a conspicuous lateral pale stripe or margin, and the pronotum (head shield) with a sharply contrasting pale or yellow margin.[2][4] It is very similar in appearance to the American cockroach and may be easily mistaken for it. It is, however, slightly smaller than the American cockroach, and has a yellow margin on the thorax and yellow streaks at its sides near the wing base.


Despite its name, the Australian cockroach is a cosmopolitan species, and an introduced species in Australia.[5] P. australasiae probably originated in Africa.[3] It is very common in the southern United States and in tropical climates, and can be found in many locations throughout the world due to its travels by shipping and commerce between locations.

Lateral view


It prefers warmer climates and is not cold-tolerant, but it may be able to survive indoors in colder climates. It does well in moist conditions, but also can tolerate dry conditions as long as water is available. It often lives around the perimeter of buildings. It appears to prefer eating plants more than its relatives do, but can feed on a wide array of organic (including decaying) matter. Like most cockroaches, it is a scavenger.

It may come indoors to look for food and even to live, but in warm weather, it may move outdoors and enter buildings looking for food. This species can be found in nature in tropical parts of Australia; it has also been found along the east coast of Australia, from Cape York to the Victorian border.[6]


Wikimedia Commons has media related to Periplaneta australasiae.
Wikispecies has information related to Periplaneta australasiae.
  1. ^ "Synonyms of Australian cockroach (Periplaneta australasiae)". Encyclopedia of Life. Retrieved 2 January 2014.
  2. ^ a b Furman, Deane Philip; Catts, E. Paul (1982). Manual of Medical Entomology. CUP Archive. p. 37. ISBN 978-0-521-29920-6.
  3. ^ a b Hill, Dennis S. (30 September 2002). Pests of Stored Foodstuffs and Their Control. Springer. p. 145. ISBN 978-1-4020-0736-1.
  4. ^ Hebard, Morgan (1917). "The Blattidae of North America north of the Mexican boundary". Memoirs of the American Entomological Society. American Entomological Society (2): 185–188. (The article comprises the whole issue.)
  5. ^ "Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius)". Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. 11 November 2004. Retrieved 24 July 2010.
  6. ^ Rentz, David (2014). A Guide to the Cockroaches of Australia. CSIRO Publishing. ISBN 9780643103207.

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wikipedia EN

Australian cockroach: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Australian cockroach (Periplaneta australasiae) is a common species of tropical cockroach, with a length of 23–35 mm (0.91–1.38 in). It is brown overall, with the tegmina having a conspicuous lateral pale stripe or margin, and the pronotum (head shield) with a sharply contrasting pale or yellow margin. It is very similar in appearance to the American cockroach and may be easily mistaken for it. It is, however, slightly smaller than the American cockroach, and has a yellow margin on the thorax and yellow streaks at its sides near the wing base.

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wikipedia EN

Blatte australienne ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Periplaneta australasiae

La blatte australienne (Periplaneta australasiae) est une espèce de blattes cosmopolites de la famille des Blattidae appartenant à l'ordre des Blattodea (Blattaria). Il s'agit d'un insecte qui est considéré comme nuisible à cause de ses interactions avec l'homme.


Vue dorsale de la blatte australienne

L'adulte mesure entre 23 et 35 mm. Cette blatte est de couleur brune. Son pronotum est foncé avec un motif contrastant jaune avec une tache noire en son centre. La marge du haut des ailes antérieures (tegmines) a une coloration jaunâtre[1]. La femelle est légèrement plus robuste que le mâle.

Elle est très similaire en apparence à la blatte américaine (Periplaneta americana) et elles peuvent être confondues. La blatte australienne est toutefois de taille légèrement inférieure.

Reproduction et développement

Ces insectes ont un développement hémimétabole qui se déroule en trois étapes principales : l'œuf, la nymphe et l'adulte. La nymphe est relativement similaire à l'adulte. Elle est cependant plus petite, ses ailes ne sont pas développées et ses organes sexuels ne sont pas encore à maturité. Au cours de sa croissance, elles ressembleront de plus en plus à l'adulte et c'est à leur dernière mue, que les ailes finissent par se déployer complètement (chez les espèces à longues ailes).

Une fois fécondée, la femelle produit une oothèque à l'intérieur de son abdomen. L'oothèque est placée dans une zone abritée et les nymphes en émergent après une quarantaine de jours. Ils complètent leur développement en 1 an[2].

Au cours de sa vie, la femelle peut pondre 20 à 30 oothèques et chacune d'elles peut contenir jusqu'à 16 œufs[2]. Les adultes ont une longévité de près de 240 jours[3].

Répartition et habitat

Malgré son nom, cette blatte est une espèce cosmopolite et elle a été introduite en Australie[4]. Elle est probablement originaire d'Afrique[5]. Cette espèce préfère les climats chauds et ses habitats sont semblables à la blatte américaine (Periplaneta americana). Les deux espèces peuvent coexister dans les mêmes endroits. À l'extérieur, cette blatte se retrouve sous les écorces, sous des piles de journaux, dans la végétation en décomposition et dans d'autres milieux qui peuvent garder l'humidité[3].


La blatte australienne est omnivore. À l'extérieur, ils vont se nourrir de décomposition de la matière animale et végétale. À l'intérieur des habitations, elles apprécient les aliments sucrés, les graisses et la viande. Elle est également connue pour manger les cheveux, les chaussures en cuir, des insectes morts, les rognures d'ongles, des reliures de livres et du papier[6].

Méthodes de lutte

Blatte australienne

Une infestation de blatte australienne peut être difficile à contrôler. Pour être en mesure de gérer les populations, la méthode utilisée doit être soutenue et systématique; la survie de quelques femelles ou oothèques est assez pour régénérer une nouvelle population.

On retrouve deux principaux moyens de lutte contre la blatte orientale. La première est une méthode non chimique qui consiste à attraper ou aspirer les blattes pour réduire l'infestation. On peut également ajouter un traitement par congélation, par surchauffage ou encore par vapeur à l'aide d'un gaz non toxique. Certaines de ces techniques nécessitent un équipement spécialisé et doivent être réalisées par des spécialistes en extermination[7].

La seconde méthode est l'utilisation de produits chimiques. Plusieurs types d'insecticides sont commercialisés pour tuer la blatte orientale. Ils peuvent être appliqués par aérosol, en appât et en granules dans les fissures et les crevasses ou encore à l'intérieur d'une trappe.

Risque sanitaire pour l'homme

Chez les blattes, la texture de la cuticule est idéale pour la fixation des germes et on retrouve également la présence de ces pathogènes dans leur intestin. Ces insectes se promènent sur le sol, cherchant un accès à de la nourriture ou encore à de la chaleur. Lorsqu'ils entrent en contact avec des aliments, ces pathogènes sont déposés directement ou encore indirectement, par le contact avec les excréments de l'animal. La consommation de ces aliments infectés peut provoquer des gastroentérites, de la diarrhée et autres types d'infections intestinales[7].


  1. Furman, Deane Philip; Catts, E. Paul (1982). Manual of Medical Entomology. CUP Archive. p. 37. (ISBN 978-0-521-29920-6).
  2. a et b (en) « The Australian Cockroach, Periplaneta australiasiae », sur www.pestcontrolsydney.com.au (consulté le 4 février 2015)
  3. a et b Gerozisis J. and P. Hadlington, 2004. Urban Pest Management in Australia. Edition UNSW Press, Sydney. 104-113 p.
  4. "Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius)". Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. 11 November 2004. Retrieved 24 July 2010.
  5. Hill, Dennis S. (30 September 2002). Pests of Stored Foodstuffs and Their Control. Springer. p. 145. (ISBN 978-1-4020-0736-1).
  6. (en) « Australian Cockroach- Periplaneta australasiae », sur www.bugsed.com (consulté le 4 février 2015)
  7. a et b Donald G. Cochran, « », Encyclopedia of Insects - second edition, 2009, p. 108-111 (ISBN 978-0-12-374144-8)

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wikipedia FR

Blatte australienne: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Periplaneta australasiae

La blatte australienne (Periplaneta australasiae) est une espèce de blattes cosmopolites de la famille des Blattidae appartenant à l'ordre des Blattodea (Blattaria). Il s'agit d'un insecte qui est considéré comme nuisible à cause de ses interactions avec l'homme.

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wikipedia FR

Australische kakkerlak ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De Australische kakkerlak (Periplaneta australasiae) is een insect uit de orde kakkerlakken (Blattodea) en de familie Blattidae.


De Australische kakkerlak heeft een lichaamslengte van 23 tot 30 millimeter. Hij is donker roodbruin van kleur. Het halsschild heeft een lichte scherp afgetekende rand.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

De Australische kakkerlak komt van oorsprong voor in de tropen.

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wikipedia NL

Australische kakkerlak: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De Australische kakkerlak (Periplaneta australasiae) is een insect uit de orde kakkerlakken (Blattodea) en de familie Blattidae.

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wikipedia NL

Przybyszka australijska ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
Periplaneta australasiae Fabricius 1775 Karaczan australijski Systematyka Domena eukarionty Królestwo zwierzęta Typ stawonogi Podtyp tchawkowce Gromada owady Rząd karaczany Rodzina karaczanowate Podrodzina Blattinae Rodzaj Periplaneta Gatunek przybyszka australijska

Przybyszka australijska, karaczan australijski (Periplaneta australasiae) – gatunek synantropijny z rzędu karaczanów, rodzina karaczanowate.

patrz: karaczany, karaczany Polski

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wikipedia POL

Przybyszka australijska: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Przybyszka australijska, karaczan australijski (Periplaneta australasiae) – gatunek synantropijny z rzędu karaczanów, rodzina karaczanowate.

patrz: karaczany, karaczany Polski

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Barata-australiana ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT
A periplaneta australasiae dentro de uma casa na Austrália.

A barata-australiana (Periplaneta australasiae) é uma espécie de barata de cor marrom, dotada de asas e de aspecto semelhante a barata americana, tanto que elas são facilmente confundidas. Contudo, a australiana é menor que a barata americana (medindo em média 3,5 cm), tem uma margem amarela no tórax e listras amarelas nos lados das bases das asas.


Apesar de seu nome, a barata-australiana tem sua origem na Ásia e é bem comum no sul dos Estados Unidos e em regiões de clima tropical, podendo ser encontrada em diversos lugares do mundo, para onde acaba acidentalmente transportada em traslados comerciais, geralmente de alimentos. A barata-australiana é frequentemente encontrada entre cachos de banana importados, estufas e outras fontes de calor (artificial ou não). Em virtude da movimentação de alimentos importados nos portos americanos, as regiões e estados costeiros são os que possuem as maiores populações de baratas-australianas em todo o país, fato que se mostra mais evidente na Flórida e na Califórnia (onde vivem no perímetro de edifícios e são uma das espécies mais comuns de baratas).

A barata-australiana, até pelo fato de ser um invertebrado de hábitos noturnos, prefere climas mais quentes e não é tolerante ao frio, a menos que esteja vivendo em lugares fechados. Geralmente não encontra problemas para se adaptar a condições úmidas e consegue tolerar condições de seca moderada.

A barata pode entrar em lugares fechados, como casas e estabelecimentos comerciais, para procurar alimento ou para viver. Porém, em dias quentes a tendência é que fique ao aberto e só entre em lugares fechados para procurar comida.


Quando ameaçada ou em perigo, a barata-australiana foge se arremessando em algum buraco, isso ocorre frequentemente quando alguém entra no cômodo em que a barata está. Como a maioria dos integrantes de sua família, a barata-australiana consegue entrar em buracos relativamente pequenos (apesar de seu tamanho não ser favorável). Instintivamente ela opta por estes buracos por se assemelharem com os buracos das árvores, que são o seu esconderijo natural. É conhecida por ser muito ágil, e tem asas que a ajudam a ser uma boa voadora. Curiosamente, quando é encontrada em casas, esta barata tem o hábito de comer roupas e capas de livros.

A barata-australiana tem uma preferência por comer plantas bastante incomum na família a qual pertence, mas pode se alimentar de uma grande variedade de matéria orgânica e em decomposição. Como a maioria das baratas, ela é uma decompositora.

Estes insetos desenvolvem uma metamorfose interna. Os ovos são criados na ooteca (ou saco de ovos), que são presos pelo fim do abdômen da fêmea.

O ciclo de vida da barata-australiana é de aproximadamente 6 meses (apenas as fêmeas). A ooteca leva pelo menos 40 dias para chocar. Existem 24 ovos por cápsula de ovos, 16 em cada chocada. Cada fêmea produz de 20 a 30 ootecas.

Ao passo de que a barata-australiana pode ser encontrada fora de lugares fechados e tem uma incomum preferência alimentar por plantas, aplicações de inseticidas em plantações, pilhas de madeira e palha são bastante usadas para evitar eventuais infestações. Os aerossóis de barreira residual provaram ser bons para afastar as baratas-australianas de casas e zonas residenciais.

Ver também

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Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia PT

Barata-australiana: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT
 src= A periplaneta australasiae dentro de uma casa na Austrália.

A barata-australiana (Periplaneta australasiae) é uma espécie de barata de cor marrom, dotada de asas e de aspecto semelhante a barata americana, tanto que elas são facilmente confundidas. Contudo, a australiana é menor que a barata americana (medindo em média 3,5 cm), tem uma margem amarela no tórax e listras amarelas nos lados das bases das asas.

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wikipedia PT

Australisk kackerlacka ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Australisk kackerlacka (Periplaneta australasiae)[2][7] är en kackerlacksart som först beskrevs av Johan Christian Fabricius 1775. Den ingår i släktet Periplaneta och familjen storkackerlackor.[8][9][10] Inga underarter finns listade.[8]


Arten är rödbrun till mörkbrun med ett ljusgult band längs vingarnas ytterkant nära vingbasen.[11] Ryggskölden har även den tydliga, ljusgula kanter[12]. Nymfen (så kallas larven hos insekter med ofullständig förvandling) liknar den vuxna insekten, men saknar vingar och har ljusgula fläckar på bakkroppens ryggsida. Båda könen har vingar, och är även i övrigt lika. Hanen har emellertid, förutom ett par cerci (analspröt) i bakkroppsspetsen, även två mindre spröt (styli) vid sidan av sina cerci. Honan har bara cerci.[11] Honan har en kroppslängd av 28 till 32 mm, och en vinglängd av 22 till 26 mm. Motsvarande mått för hanen är 27 till 34 mm (kroppen) respektive 21 till 28 mm (vingarna). Äggkapseln är 9 till 12 mm lång, och med en bredd av 5 mm.[13]


Trots sitt namn kommer inte kackerlackan från Australien, utan från tropiska Afrika.[13] Även i Australien är arten införd, och finns i Queensland och New South Wales[14]. Den har sedan spritt sig över större delen av världen, och är numera att betrakta som kosmopolit. Till Sverige, där arten är reproducerande,[10] kom den på 1700-talet[13]. Kackerlackan förekommer även i Finland, där den betraktas som en invasiv art.[15]


Den australienska kackerlackan är en nattaktiv art. Den är en allätare som främst lever på dött material.[16]. I varmare klimat förekommer den främst utomhus där den lever i kolonier. Den kan påträffas under bark, i vedupplag och i fuktiga utrymmen.[11] I kyligare områden drar den sig inomhus och kan då uppträda i varma och fuktiga miljöer som växthus (där den kan skada plantor), vattenrör, under tvättfat och diskbänkar, toalettutrymmen,[11] lagerbyggnader samt varuhus[13]. Båda könen kan flyga vid varmt väder, men den föredrar att ta sig fram till fots.[13]


Arten har ofullständig förvandling: De larver som kläcks ur äggen, ser ut som de vuxna insekterna fast mindre. De växer genom att ömsa hud fem gånger.[11] Omkring 24 dygn efter parningen bildar honan en äggkapsel[11] som rymmer mellan 20 och 26 ägg. Långt före kläckningen gömmer hon kapseln eller gräver ner den i jorden.[13] Äggen kläcks efter omkring 40 dygn, och nymferna är fullbildade efter omkring ett år. Som fullbildad insekt lever arten i fyra till sex månader.[11]

Betydelse för människan

Arten är en smittospridare, och man har konstaterat att den kan fungera som en vektor för salmonella. Dessutom kan arten orsaka allergier, bland annat astma.[11]



  1. ^ [a b] Walker, F. (1871) , Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum. Part V. Supplement to the Catalogue of Blattariae, British Museum (Natural History) London : British Museum (Natural History), London 40
  2. ^ [a b c d e f g h i] Princis In Beier [Ed.] (1966) Blattariae: Suborbo [sic] Blattoidea. Fam.: Blattidae, Nocticolidae., Orthopterorum Catalogus, W. Junk, s'Gravenhage(8)
  3. ^ [a b c] Walker, F. (1868) , Catalogue of the Specimens of Blattariae in the Collection of the British Museum, British Museum (Natural History), London 239
  4. ^ Haan In Temminck [Ed.] (1842) , Verhand. natuurl. Geschied. Nederl. overz. Besitt. 16, Zool. No. 6, Leiden
  5. ^ Stoll (1813) , Represent. exact. coloree d'apres nature d. Spectres.. 2, Amsterdam
  6. ^ Palisot de Beauvois (1805) , Ins. rec. Afr. et Amer., Paris
  7. ^ [a b] Fabricius (1775) , Syst. ent., Flensburgi et Lipsiae
  8. ^ [a b] Roskov Y., Abucay L., Orrell T., Nicolson D., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., DeWalt R.E., Decock W., De Wever A., Nieukerken E. van, Zarucchi J., Penev L. (red.) (2017). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2017 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Naturalis, Leiden, Nederländerna. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2017/search/all/key/periplaneta+australasiae/match/1. Läst 2 december 2017.
  9. ^ BlattodeaSF: Blattodea Species File. Beccaloni G.W., 2010-04-28
  10. ^ [a b] Dyntaxa Periplaneta australasiae
  11. ^ [a b c d e f g h] Shiyao Jiang och Phillip E. Kaufman (Mars 2015). ”Australian cockroach” (på engelska). Featured Creatures. University of Florida. http://entomology.ifas.ufl.edu/creatures/urban/roaches/australian_cockroach.htm. Läst 2 december 2017.
  12. ^ Furman, Deane Philip; Catts, E. Paul (1982). Manual of Medical Entomology. CUP Archive. sid. 37. ISBN 978-0-521-29920-6. https://books.google.com/books?id=Sw44AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA37
  13. ^ [a b c d e f] Didrik Vanhoenacker (9 juli 2013). ”Kackerlackor inomhus”. Naturhistoriska riksmuseet. http://www.nrm.se/faktaomnaturenochrymden/djur/insekterochspindeldjur/kackerlackor/inomhuslevandearter.176.html. Läst 1 december 2017.
  14. ^ Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius)” (på engelska). Australian Government - Department of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. 11 november 2004. http://www.ces.csiro.au/aicn/system/c_481.htm.
  15. ^ Anders Albrecht. ”Australisk kackerlacka — Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius, 1775)”. Finlands artdatacenter. https://vanha.laji.fi/taxon/MX.52981?locale=sv#show. Läst 3 december 2017.
  16. ^ Lynette Elliott, Hannah Nendick-Mason, Beatriz Moisset och John Carlson (4 april 2010). ”Species Blattella vaga - Field Cockroach” (på engelska). BugGuide. Iowa State University - Department of Entomology. https://bugguide.net/node/view/31621. Läst 3 december 2017.

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wikipedia SV

Australisk kackerlacka: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Australisk kackerlacka (Periplaneta australasiae) är en kackerlacksart som först beskrevs av Johan Christian Fabricius 1775. Den ingår i släktet Periplaneta och familjen storkackerlackor. Inga underarter finns listade.

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Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
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wikipedia SV

Gián Úc ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Gián Úc (danh pháp hai phần: Periplaneta australasiae) là một loài gián, có cánh, có chiều dài 30–35 mm[2]. Chúng có màu nâu. Bề ngoài rất tương tự gián Mỹ và có thể bị nhầm lẫn với nó một cách dễ dàng. Tuy nhiên, nó là hơi nhỏ hơn so với gián Mỹ, có lề màu vàng trên ngực, và sọc màu vàng ở hai bên của nó gần chân cánh.

Mặc dù tên của nó, gián Úc là một loài phân bố toàn cầu, và là một loài được du nhập Úc[3].

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ “Synonyms of Australian cockroach (Periplaneta australasiae)”. Encyclopedia of Life. Truy cập ngày 2 tháng 1 năm 2014.
  2. ^ Amalgamated Pest Control
  3. ^ “Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius)”. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. Ngày 11 tháng 11 năm 2004. Truy cập ngày 24 tháng 7 năm 2010.

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Gián Úc: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Gián Úc (danh pháp hai phần: Periplaneta australasiae) là một loài gián, có cánh, có chiều dài 30–35 mm. Chúng có màu nâu. Bề ngoài rất tương tự gián Mỹ và có thể bị nhầm lẫn với nó một cách dễ dàng. Tuy nhiên, nó là hơi nhỏ hơn so với gián Mỹ, có lề màu vàng trên ngực, và sọc màu vàng ở hai bên của nó gần chân cánh.

Mặc dù tên của nó, gián Úc là một loài phân bố toàn cầu, và là một loài được du nhập Úc.

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wikipedia VI

コワモンゴキブリ ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
Question book-4.svg

コワモンゴキブリ(小輪紋蜚蠊、学名:Periplaneta australasiae)とは、ゴキブリゴキブリ科に属する昆虫の一種である[1][出典無効]




本州中部の場合、一般に5 - 7月に羽化し、5 - 10月に産卵を続ける。卵鞘には22 - 26個の卵が入っており、27℃では41日で孵化する。孵化後300 - 350日後に成虫になるものが多く、成虫は25℃で200日前後生存する。雌成虫は一生で20 - 30個の卵鞘を産む。[要出典]











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wikipedia 日本語

コワモンゴキブリ: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語

コワモンゴキブリ(小輪紋蜚蠊、学名:Periplaneta australasiae)とは、ゴキブリゴキブリ科に属する昆虫の一種である[出典無効]。

direitos autorais
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wikipedia 日本語

잔이질바퀴 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

잔이질바퀴왕바퀴과바퀴벌레이다. 오스트레일리아바퀴(Australian Cockroach)라고도 한다. 대형종으로 몸 길이는 3cm 정도 된다. 앞가슴등판은 황색이고 이질바퀴보다 더 크고 진한 짙은 흑색 무늬가 있다. 앞날개 가두리는 황색으로 이질바퀴와 구분된다. 열대 지방과 전 세계에 널리 분포한다.[1] 대표적인 위생 해충이다.



  1. 한국의 메뚜기, 바퀴목-잔이질바퀴
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