Imagem de Arenivaga apacha (Saussure 1893)
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Arenivaga apacha (Saussure 1893)

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Arenivaga apacha (Saussure) (Plate IX, figures 14 to 16.)
1893. [Homoeogamia] apacha Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool., i, fasc. 2, p. 296. [cf;
Chihuahua, Mexico.] 1905. [Homoeogamia] apacha infuscatu Caudell. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xxviii, pp.
462 to 463. [cf ; Phoenix, Arizona.]
Comparison of this species with its nearest ally, A. erratica, is made under that species.
Normally the shield-shaped dark blotch of the pronotum in males of this species is sharply defined, with darker markings decided, strongly pictured; however, very great color variation is shown, specimens of maximum recession being paler than the normal condition of erratica, with shield-shaped blotch greatly reduced and no darker markings. A number of specimens of the maximum intensive coloration have all but the cephalic margin of the pronotum very dark brown, the tegmina, excepting the pale marginal field, being of the same shade, with a few dots of the paler color. This condition has been named injuscata; as it merely indicates a certain degree of color variation, we place the name in synonymy. In addition to the characters given in the key, the following features are of diagnostic value in the male. Though the width between the eyes is normally subequal to that between the ocelli, several specimens before us have this dimension appreciably less. Concealed genital hook and dcxtro-dorsal genital plate as in crratica. The dextro-vcntral concealed genital plate is a smooth, somewhat convex, chitinous plate, from the inner side of which springs a long, heavy, chitinous spike, directed toward the inner extremity of the dextro-dorsal plate.
The female of apacha, described by Saussure and Zehntncr'^*^'^ as possibly immature, was in all probability adult. This sex of the present species is very similar to females of erratica. The dorsal surface is somewhat more hairy, with margin, particularly in cephalic portion, bearing more and longer hairs. The limbs are shorter and stouter, this particularly apparent in the tibiae. The abdominal segments are unicolorous above and below, no trace of spots being found as is frequent in erratica. It would be illadvised in our opinion, however, to attempt to determine uniciue females of the species without attendant males, unless the student has a first-hand knowledge of this sex of hoth. apacha and erratica. Measurements (/» niiUimeters)
Phoenix, Arizona
Fort Cirant, Arizona .... Kern County, California Strawberry Valley, California
San Diego, California. . . Ehrenberg, Arizona .... Fresno County, California
Death Valley, California Palm Springs, California Sonoita, Sonora, Mexico.
The length of the caudal tiliia in this series of females ranges from 4 to 4.6 mm.
Coloration. — cf. (Maximum recessive.) General coloration light ochraceous-buff. Head with eyes and face blackish brown; ocelli weakly zinc orange; clypeus, including the prominent bilobate portion, light ochraceous-buff. Limbs and ventral surface ochraceous-buff. Pronotum light ochraceous-buff, disk ochraceousbuff". with a picturing of tawny. Tegmina transparent, faintly
3'"' Biol. Cent.-Amer., Orth., i, p. 108, (1894).
tinged with light ochraceous-buff. Wings transparent, clear, with a narrow, opaque, buffy area meso-distad on the costal margin. (Maximum intensive.) Head with eyes and face blackish brown; ocelli, clypeus, limbs and ventral surface light ochraceous-buff. Pronotum blackish chestnut brown, except for a broad band of light ochraceous-buff, which extends along the cephalic margin to, and including, the latero-caudal angles. Tegmina transparent, heavily suffused with blackish chestnut brown, which shows small, irregular, almost colorless blotches, excepting marginal fields, which are light ochraceous-buff. Wings transparent, suffused with blackish chestnut brown, showing in anterior field blotches similar to those of the tegmina. Every gradation between these extremes is shown by the material before us. In the frequent examples showing a color condition about intermediate between the extremes, the pronotal picturing is, in the present species, usually sharply defined in dark brown. The wings frequently have a narrow brown line running across the mesal portion of the anterior and posterior fields, this line is sometimes tawny. The posterior field of the wings is weakly iridescent, sometimes decidedly so.
9 . Dorsal surface immaculate russet, slightly paler toward the cephalic margin of the pronotum. Hairy covering coppery. Head, ventral surface, coxae and femora weak ochraceous-tawny. Tibiae and tarsi darker, with spines deep mars brown. X'entral surface of abdomen russet.
This species has been recorded from Nogales, Arizona, in addition to the localities given below.
Specimens Examined: 78; 56 males, 6 females and 16 immature individuals.
Fort Grant, Graham County, Arizona, i cf , [Hebard Cln.].
Huachuca, Ariz., (R. H Kunze), i cf , [Hebard Cln.].
Oracle, Ariz., VII, 10 to 23, 2 cf , [U. S. N. M. and Hebard Cln.].
Catalina Springs. Ariz., VII, 4, i cf, [U. S. N. M.].
Lowell Ranger Station, Pima County, Ariz., 2550 feet, VII, 6 and 20, igi6, (Lutz and Rehn), 40^, [A. M. N. H. and A. N. S. P.].
Sabino Canyon, Santa Catalina Mountains, Ariz., II, 25 to XI, 2, 1915 and 1916, (J. F. Tucker), 4 cf , 4 juv., [Hebard Cln.].
Tucson, Ariz., XII, 23, 1896, (H. G. Hubbard; from nest of wood rat, Neotoma sp.), I cf,[U. S. X. M.|.
Santa Rita Mountains, Ariz., VI, 15 to VII, 7, (E. A. Schwarz), 4 o [U. S. N. M. and Hebard Cln. J. Coyote Mountains. Ariz., 'III. 4 to 7, 1916. (Lutz and Rehn), 2 jin.. [A. M. X. H. and A. N. S. P.].
Kits Peak Rincon. Baboqiiivari Mountains. Ariz., about 4050 feet. 'III. i to 4, 1916. (Lutz and Rehn). 6 o [A. M. N. H. and A. X. S. P.].
Sycamore Canyon. Baboquiari Mountains, Ariz., c. 3700 feet, X, 6 to 9, 1910, (Rehn and Hebard; attracted to camp fire), i J', [Hebard Cln.].
Phoenix, Ariz., IV, 9 to 29. 1902, (Oslar; Kunze), 3 cT, [A. X. S. P.]; VI, 7 to VII. I, 1904, (R. E. Kunze), 3 d^. [Hebard Chi.];ll, 16 to 18, (H. Wickham) i cf , [Hebard Cln.].
Tempe. Ariz., IV, 26, 1902, (E. J. Oslar), i d^. [A. X. S. P.].
Florence, Ariz., VI, 8 to VII, 21, 1903, (C. R. Biederman), 12 cf, I juv. 9 , [A. X. S. P. and Hebard Cln.].
Ehrenberg, Ariz., (E. Palmer), 2 c?, i ? , [M. C. Z. and Hebard Cln.].
Yuma, California. (H. Wickham), i cf , [Hebard Cln.].
Death Valley. Cal., IV, 1891, (A. Koebele). i 9, [Hebard Cln.].
Fresno County, Cal., (A. E. Bush; in moist ground), i 9 , [U. S. X. M.].
Monterey, Cal., VII, 12, (E. A. Schwarz). i juv. 9, [U. S. X. M.].
Kern County, Cal., \ i d", [Hebard Cln.].
Lancaster. Cal., VIII, 10, (H. Wickham). i 9 , [Hebard Cln.].
Mount Wilson, Los Angeles County, Cal., 'III, 10, 1909, (F. Grinnell Jr.), 1 (f , Claremont, Cal., i a^, [U. S. X. M.].
Salton, Cal., -265 feet, 'III, 20, (H. Wickham), 2 ]uv.<f, 4 juv. 9 , [U. S. X. M. and Hebard Cln.].
Palm Springs, Cal., II. 7, (H. G. Hubbard), i juv. 9. [U. S. X. M.]; HI. 19, (Hubbard and Schwarz), i 9, [Hebard Cln.].
Strawberry Valley. San Jacinto Mountains, Cal., HI, 4, 1910, (F. Grinnell Jr.), Td^, [A. X. S. P.]. •
San Diego, Cal., (G. R. Crotch), i d^, [Hebard Cln.].
La Sierra de San Francisco, Sonoita, Sonora, Mexico, i 9, i juv. 9, [M. C. Z. and Hebard Cln.].
citação bibliográfica
Hebard, M. 1917. The Blattidae of North America. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 2. Philadelphia, USA

Arenivaga apacha ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Arenivaga apacha, the Apache sand cockroach, is a species of cockroach in the family Corydiidae. It is found in North America.[1][2][3]


  1. ^ "Arenivaga apacha Report". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 2019-09-23.
  2. ^ "Arenivaga apacha". GBIF. Retrieved 2019-09-23.
  3. ^ Beccaloni, G.W. (2019). "Cockroach species file online, Version 5.0". Retrieved 2019-07-02.
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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Arenivaga apacha: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Arenivaga apacha, the Apache sand cockroach, is a species of cockroach in the family Corydiidae. It is found in North America.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Arenivaga apacha ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Латинское название Arenivaga apacha (Saussure, 1893) Синонимы

на Викивидах

Поиск изображений
на Викискладе

ITIS 666679

Arenivaga apacha (лат.) — вид песчаных тараканов-черепашек рода Arenivaga из семейства Corydiidae (или Polyphagidae)[1]. Обнаружены в Северной Америке: США, штат Аризона[2].


Среднего размера тараканы овально-вытянутой формы: длина тела от 16 до 23 мм; ширина тела (GW) около 1 см; ширина пронотума (PW) около 6 мм; длина пронотума (PL) около 4 мм. Соотношение длины тела к его наибольшей ширине у голотипа = TL/GW 2,15. Основная окраска оранжево-коричневая (песчаная). Имеют по 2 коготка на лапках. Ноги средней и задней пары покрыты шипиками [2]. Обитают в песчаной почве. Роют норки в холмиках кенгуровых крыс (Dipodomys ). Питаются, предположительно, как и другие виды своего рода, микоризными грибами, листовым детритом пустынных кустарников и семенами, собранными млекопитающими. В надземных условиях живут только крылатые самцы (отличаются ярко выраженным половым диморфизмом: самки рода Arenivaga бескрылые, внешне напоминают мокриц). Вид был впервые описан в 1893 году швейцарским энтомологом Анри де Соссюром (1829—1905)[2][3].


  1. Beccaloni G. W., Eggleton P. (2011). Order Blattodea Brunner von Wattenwil, 1882. In: Zhang Z-Q (Ed) Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness (англ.) // Zootaxa : Журнал. — Auckland, New Zealand: Magnolia Press. — Vol. 3148. — P. 199—200. — ISSN 1175-5326.
  2. 1 2 3 Heidi Hopkins. A revision of the genus Arenivaga (Rehn) (Blattodea, Corydiidae), with descriptions of new species and key to the males of the genus (англ.) // ZooKeys : Журнал. — Sofia: Pensoft Publishers, 2014. — Vol. 384. — P. 1-256. — ISSN 1313-2970.
  3. Saussure H. de. (1893). Revue Suisse de Zoologie et Annals du Musee D'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve, Tome I. Aubert-Schuchardt, Geneva
direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Arenivaga apacha: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Arenivaga apacha (лат.) — вид песчаных тараканов-черепашек рода Arenivaga из семейства Corydiidae (или Polyphagidae). Обнаружены в Северной Америке: США, штат Аризона.

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Zookeys
Male. NB: Ventral surface of holotype shellacked. Measurements. Holotype TL = 20.9 mm, GW = 9.7 mm, PW = 6.07 mm, PL = 4.27 mm, TL/GW = 2.15, PL/PW = 0.70. EW = 0.40 mm; OW = 0.40 mm. Among paratypes range of TL 16.7–23.0 mm; range of GW 7.3–10.4 mm; range of PW 5.06–6.30 mm; range of PL 3.98–4.90 mm. Head. Two ocelli large, ovoid and protruding (0.35 × 0.25 mm); vertex medium brown, with small ridges between apices of eyes and extending onto ocellar tubercles; interocellar space concave, medium brown. Frons light brown, concave with occasional very long setae; bound on either side by ridges extending from inner apex of ocelli outwards to lateral edges of clypeus. Anterior portion of frons light brown, bulbous; clypeal suture demarcates light brown anteclypeus. See Fig. 21d. Pronotum. Pronotum translucent waxy beige, often only along anterior margin depending on specimen with remainder of pronotum medium orange-brown; variable length orange-brown setae along anterior margin; dorsal surface of pronotum covered with short orange-brown setae; pronotal pattern “panther face” ranging from light brown through every shade of orange-brown and brown with many shades of aura, usually extensive, depending on specimen; detail ranges from clear to indiscernible. See Fig. 21c. Body. Wing brace present. Legs and body light orange-brown; subgenital plate light orange-brown; asymmetrical with posterior edge emarginated, rounded apices. See Fig. 21b. Forewings. Wings extended beyond abdominal apex (up to ~40% of total wing length); dark-orange brown densely blotchy; majority of specimens with medium to dark brown or orange-brown densely blotchy wings; occasional specimens light or very dark, or with uniform coloration; surface opaque and matte. See Fig. 21a. Genitalia. Right dorsal phallomere composed of bulbous lightly sclerotized narrow hook-shaped lobe, articulated with right ventral phallomere on lateral side; central field broad, slightly sclerotized; medial margin heavily sclerotized, sinuous, with toothed edge; long posteriorly projecting spine and shorter anterior spine; anterior spine of varying sizes depending on specimen. Teeth along medial edge may be variously lengthened depending on specimen. Small central sclerite deeply concave, punctate, with medially projecting punctate lobe on ventral end. Right ventral phallomere extends from articulation into smooth lobe with prominent medially projecting spine at posteroventral corner; increasingly punctate and sclerotized anteriorly; after narrow gap, wide rounded concave shagreened arm extending beyond the depth of rest of phallomere. Folded anterior portion of left phallomere narrow, trifold, punctate, otherwise unmodified. Genital hook (missing from holotype) with moderate extension to pointed head with slight concavity on moderate hook; arm narrow and smoothly curved. See Fig. 22.
direitos autorais
Heidi Hopkins
citação bibliográfica
Hopkins H (2014) A revision of the genus Arenivaga (Rehn) (Blattodea, Corydiidae), with descriptions of new species and key to the males of the genus ZooKeys 384: 1–256
Heidi Hopkins
visite a fonte
site do parceiro

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por Zookeys
Arenivaga apacha is found in in the entire southeastern portion of Arizona and northwestwards from there. The appearance on the map that the distribution ends at the Mexican and New Mexican borders is without doubt a collection artifact. See Fig. 23.
direitos autorais
Heidi Hopkins
citação bibliográfica
Hopkins H (2014) A revision of the genus Arenivaga (Rehn) (Blattodea, Corydiidae), with descriptions of new species and key to the males of the genus ZooKeys 384: 1–256
Heidi Hopkins
visite a fonte
site do parceiro