Die manglietvisvanger (Halcyon senegaloides) is 'n skaars plaaslike trekvoël. Dit broei tydens die somer in kuswoud en oewerruigtes. Die voël oorwinter in manglietmoerasse. In Engels staan die voël bekend as die Mangrove Kingfisher.
Die voël is 22 tot 24 cm lank en weeg 75 tot 90 gram. Die snawel is rooi (nie rooi-en-swart) asook die bene. Daar is 'n swart gewrigsvlek aan die ondervlerk en die kop is donkerder grys. Die voël is effens swaaarder as die bosveldvisvanger. Die rug is ligblou wat die voël onderskei van ander spesies in dieselfde genus. Die jong voël het 'n bruinerige snawel en die bors is donker geskub.
Die manglietvisvanger (Halcyon senegaloides) is 'n skaars plaaslike trekvoël. Dit broei tydens die somer in kuswoud en oewerruigtes. Die voël oorwinter in manglietmoerasse. In Engels staan die voël bekend as die Mangrove Kingfisher.
Halcyon senegaloides[2] ye una especie d'ave coraciforme de la familia Halcyonidae que vive nes mariñes del este d'África
Estender poles selves costeres y manglares dende'l sur de Somalia hasta Sudáfrica.[3]
Halcyon senegaloides ye una especie d'ave coraciforme de la familia Halcyonidae que vive nes mariñes del este d'África
Diredig ar mangrovennoù(Daveoù a vank) a zo ur spesad evned, Halcyon senegaloides an anv skiantel anezhañ.
Ar spesad a gaver an daou isspesad anezhañ[1] :
Diredig ar mangrovennoù(Daveoù a vank) a zo ur spesad evned, Halcyon senegaloides an anv skiantel anezhañ.
L'alció de manglar (Halcyon senegaloides) és un ocell de la família dels alcedínids (Alcedinidae) que habita les boscos costaners i manglars des de les costes del sud de Somàlia, cap al sud fins a l'est de Sud-àfrica, incloent les illes de Zanzíbar, Pemba i Mafia.
L'alció de manglar (Halcyon senegaloides) és un ocell de la família dels alcedínids (Alcedinidae) que habita les boscos costaners i manglars des de les costes del sud de Somàlia, cap al sud fins a l'est de Sud-àfrica, incloent les illes de Zanzíbar, Pemba i Mafia.
Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Pysgotwr mangrof Affrica (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: pysgotwyr mangrofau Affrica) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Halcyon senegaloides; yr enw Saesneg arno yw African mangrove kingfisher. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Pysgotwyr (Lladin: Alcedinidae) sydd yn urdd y Coraciiformes.[1]
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn H. senegaloides, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2]
Mae'r pysgotwr mangrof Affrica yn perthyn i deulu'r Pysgotwyr (Lladin: Alcedinidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:
Rhestr Wicidata:
rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Pysgotwr bach Swlawesi Ceyx fallax Pysgotwr bach y Dwyrain Ceyx erithacus Pysgotwr brith mawr Megaceryle lugubris Pysgotwr bychan Chloroceryle aenea Pysgotwr cain Ceyx lepidus Pysgotwr coch a gwyrdd Chloroceryle inda Pysgotwr coed penlas Actenoides monachus Pysgotwr coed y Philipinau Ceyx melanurus Pysgotwr gwregysog Megaceryle alcyon Pysgotwr gwyrdd Chloroceryle americana Pysgotwr mawr Megaceryle maxima Pysgotwr mwstasiog Actenoides bougainvillei Pysgotwr yr Amason Chloroceryle amazonaAderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Pysgotwr mangrof Affrica (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: pysgotwyr mangrofau Affrica) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Halcyon senegaloides; yr enw Saesneg arno yw African mangrove kingfisher. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Pysgotwyr (Lladin: Alcedinidae) sydd yn urdd y Coraciiformes.
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn H. senegaloides, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.
Der Mangrovenliest (Halcyon senegaloides) ist ein an den Küstengebieten im Osten Afrikas lebender Eisvogel.
Der Mangrovenliest ist etwa 22 Zentimeter groß und hat einen vollständig roten Schnabel, der größer als der des Senegalliest ist. Die Unterseite der Flügel ist weiß mit einer kleinen schwarzen Stelle an den Achselfedern.
Der Mangrovenliest lebt meistens nicht weiter als 20 km von der Küste entfernt. Sein Verbreitungsgebiet ist von etwa 3°Nord in Somalia bis etwa 33°Süd in der östlichen Kapprovinz, südlich bis zum Great Kei River und Great Fish River. Es erstreckt sich bis zu 150 Kilometer landeinwärts im Tal des Juba, entlang des Sambesi bis nach Sena in Mosambik und gelegentlich in den Kruger-Nationalpark.
Der Mangrovenliest lebt in Wäldern und offenem Land mit bewaldeten Flüssen. Außerhalb der Brutzeit hält er sich in bewaldete Mündungen, Mangrovenwäldern, bewaldeten Küsten und kultivierten Gegenden, Dornenfeldern, lichten Wäldern, Stadtparks, Fischbecken und Gärten auf.
Der Mangrovenliest (Halcyon senegaloides) ist ein an den Küstengebieten im Osten Afrikas lebender Eisvogel.
The mangrove kingfisher (Halcyon senegaloides) is a kingfisher in the genus Halcyon. It is similar in appearance to the woodland kingfisher. It is found along the eastern coastline of Sub-Saharan Africa, living in woodland, along rivers, and in estuaries and mangrove. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has assessed it as being of least concern.
This species was described by Andrew Smith in 1834, using a specimen collected around Port Natal (now Durban).[2] It is a close relative of the woodland kingfisher (Halcyon senegalensis). The mangrove kingfisher is a monotypic species. Northern populations are sometimes separated as subspecies ranivorus, but the differences do not appear to be large enough.[3]
The mangrove kingfisher is about 22 cm (8.7 in) long. The male and female are alike. The head is dark grey-brown, with black lores and a narrow white line above the eye, and the cheeks and sides of the neck are brown-grey. The grey breast and flanks are vermiculated (having dense, irregular lines). There is a black patch under the wing. The rest of the plumage is similar to the woodland kingfisher, having black and blue covert and flight feathers. The beak of the mangrove kingfisher is red, the eyes are dark brown, and the legs are dark grey-brown. The juvenile bird is duller, has coarser vermiculations and a yellowish-buff wash on the breast, and has a brown beak. Birds in the south tend to have slightly longer wings and narrower beaks.[4]
This species is found near the eastern coast of Africa,[4] from Somalia, south through Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique, to South Africa.[1][5] One individual has been recorded in eastern Zambia.[3] It usually occurs within 20 km (12 mi) of the coast, but is also found inland along the Jubba and Zambezi rivers. It is considered a partial migrant. When not breeding, it lives in estuaries and mangrove, and also wooded shores, thornveld, forest, cultivated land, parks and gardens. To breed, it leaves estuaries and mangrove, moving to woodland and wooded rivers; these are generally farther inland, an exception being that they breed in the Zanzibar Archipelago.[4]
This kingfisher catches fish and also eats crabs, prawns, lizards and insects. The song is a raucous, accelerating series of tchi notes, and the breeding display includes spreading the wings.[4] Breeding has been recorded from October to January.[4][5] Nests have been recorded in tree holes and termite nests.[6]
The population appears to be declining because of habitat loss, but the decline is not rapid, and the species has a large range, so the IUCN has assessed it as a least-concern species.[1] Juveniles sometimes collide with human structures while migrating.[4]
The mangrove kingfisher (Halcyon senegaloides) is a kingfisher in the genus Halcyon. It is similar in appearance to the woodland kingfisher. It is found along the eastern coastline of Sub-Saharan Africa, living in woodland, along rivers, and in estuaries and mangrove. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has assessed it as being of least concern.
El alción de manglar (Halcyon senegaloides)[2] es una especie de ave coraciforme de la familia Halcyonidae que vive en las costas del este de África
Se extiende por las selvas costeras y manglares desde el sur de Somalia hasta Sudáfrica.[3]
El alción de manglar (Halcyon senegaloides) es una especie de ave coraciforme de la familia Halcyonidae que vive en las costas del este de África
Halcyon senegaloides Halcyon generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Alcedinidae familian sailkatua dago.
Halcyon senegaloides Halcyon generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Alcedinidae familian sailkatua dago.
Halcyon senegaloides
Le Martin-chasseur des mangroves (Halcyon senegaloides) est une espèce d'oiseau appartenant à la famille des Alcedinidae. C'est une espèce monotypique.
Halcyon senegaloides
Le Martin-chasseur des mangroves (Halcyon senegaloides) est une espèce d'oiseau appartenant à la famille des Alcedinidae. C'est une espèce monotypique.
Il martin pescatore delle mangrovie (Halcyon senegaloides A. Smith, 1834) è un uccello della famiglia Alcedinidae, diffuso in Africa.
Popola le aree forestali litoranee della costa orientale dell'Africa, dalla Somalia al Sudafrica, inclusa l'isola di Zanzibar[1].
Il suo habitat sono le mangrovie e le foreste litoranee in prossimità di lagune, estuari e insenature.
Il martin pescatore delle mangrovie (Halcyon senegaloides A. Smith, 1834) è un uccello della famiglia Alcedinidae, diffuso in Africa.
De mangrove-ijsvogel (Halcyon senegaloides) is een vogel uit de familie Alcedinidae (IJsvogels).
Deze soort komt voor aan de oostelijke en zuidoostelijke kusten van Afrika.
De mangrove-ijsvogel (Halcyon senegaloides) is een vogel uit de familie Alcedinidae (IJsvogels).
Kustkungsfiskare[2] (Halcyon senegaloides) är en fågel i familjen kungsfiskare inom ordningen praktfåglar.[3] IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.[1]
Kustkungsfiskare delas in i två underarter:[3]
Kustkungsfiskare (Halcyon senegaloides) är en fågel i familjen kungsfiskare inom ordningen praktfåglar. IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.
Kustkungsfiskare delas in i två underarter:
H. s. ranivorus - förekommer i kustområden från Somalia till Tanzania, Zanzibar, Pemba- och Mafiaön H. s. senegaloides - förekommer i kustområden i sydöstra Afrika, från Moçambique till Sydafrika.Sả rừng đước (danh pháp hai phần: Halcyon senegaloides) là một loài chim thuộc họ Sả. Loài này phân bố rộng khắp vùng duyên hải phía đông châu Phi, từ Somalia tới Nam Phi và không chịu nguy cơ tuyệt chủng.
Sả rừng đước (danh pháp hai phần: Halcyon senegaloides) là một loài chim thuộc họ Sả. Loài này phân bố rộng khắp vùng duyên hải phía đông châu Phi, từ Somalia tới Nam Phi và không chịu nguy cơ tuyệt chủng.
Halcyon senegaloides A. Smith, 1834
Охранный статусМа́нгровая альцио́на[1] (лат. Halcyon senegaloides) — птица семейства зимородковых, обитающая на восточном побережье Африки.
Мангровая альциона величиной примерно 22 см, клюв полностью красный, больше клюва сенегальской альционы. Нижняя сторона крыльев белая с небольшим чёрным пятном на плечевых перьях.
Мангровая альциона чаще не удаляется от побережья дальше 20 км. Область распространения примерно от 3° севера в Сомали примерно до 33° юга в восточной Капской провинции, к югу до реки Большой Кей и Great Fish River. Она простирается до 150 км вглубь страны в долине Джубы, вдоль Замбези до Сена в Мозамбике и при случае в Национальный парк Крюгер.
Мангровая альциона обитает в лесах и на равнине с поросшими лесом реками. Вне периода инкубации держится в поросших лесом устьях рек, мангровых лесах, на поросших лесом побережьях и возделываемых землях, в светлых лесах, городских парках и садах.
Ма́нгровая альцио́на (лат. Halcyon senegaloides) — птица семейства зимородковых, обитающая на восточном побережье Африки.