Imagem de Dendropsophus rubicundulus (Reinhardt & Lütken 1862)
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Dendropsophus rubicundulus (Reinhardt & Lütken 1862)

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por AmphibiaWeb articles
The SVL varies from 18-23 mm in males and from 21-25 mm in females. Snout truncate or rounded. Head as long as wide. The tympanum is distinct and nearly circular. Nostrils dorsolateral. The dorsal surface is smooth. Hands with a distinct palmar tubercle; subarticular tubercles rounded. Prepollex distinct. Legs slender. Toes not robust. The color in life also varies, but almost all the specimens have a dark green or dark brown color pattern. A dark brown stripe bordered by a white stripe is visible on the flanks and canthus rostralis. Belly white. Toe and finger discs are reddish. Many specimens bear two divergent dorsal brown stripes, from the anterior section of the head to nearly the middle of the body (Napoli and Caramaschi 1999).The tadpole has a total length of 30 mm at Gosner stage 35. The body is depressed dorsoventrally in lateral view and violin-shaped in dorsal view; body length approximately 35% of total length; snout slightly triangular in dorsal and ventral views; nostrils large, elliptical. Spiracle sinistral, short, not projecting, located at the beginning of the posterior third of the body, with inner wall present. Vent tube short, dextral, attached to ventral fin. Tail has terminal flagellum; dorsal fin begins at the posterior edge of the body. Oral disc anteroventral reduced to U-shaped yoke around mouth and modified into a projecting tube. Papillae, denticles, and dermal ridges between the beak and lower lip are absent. In life, the tadpole body is reddish brown with a conspicuous median brown mark dorsally and a brown stripe from the tip of the snout through the eye to the posterior margin of the body. Tail pale brown anteriorly, reddish brown with yellowish spots posteriorly (Pugliese et al. 2001).Dendropsophus rubicundulus belongs to the D. microcephalus species group (Faivovich et al., 2005); it was formerly placed in the D. rubicundulus species group (Napoli and Caramaschi 1999). Rabello (1970) and Gruber et al. (2005) reported a 30-chromosome karyotype in D. rubicundulus, with the majority being telocentric and subtelocentric chromosomes.


  • Annunziata, B. B., Fontenele, W. M., Castro, I. S., Gurgel, R. F., and do Nascimento, K. A. (2007). ''Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae, Dendropsophus rubicundulus: Distribution extension.'' Check List, 3, 242-243.
  • Barreto, L. and Moreira, G. (1996). ''Seasonal variation in age structure and spatial distribution of a savanna larvaI anuran assembIage in Central Brazil.'' Journal of Herpetology, 30, 87-92.
  • Cardoso, A. J., and Vielliard, J. M. E. (1985). ''Caracterização bio-ac猹tica da população topotípica de Hyla rubicundula (Amphibia, Anura).'' Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 2, 423-426.
  • Gruber, S. L., Haddad, C. F. B. and Kasahara, L. (2005). ''Evaluating the karyotypic diversity in species of Hyla (Anura; Hylidae) with 2n = 30 chromosomes based on the analysis of ten species.'' Folia Biologica, 51, 68-75.
  • Haddad, C. F. B., Andrade, G. V. and Cardoso, A.J. (1988). ''Anfíbios anuros do Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, Estado de Minas Gerais.'' Brasil Florestal, 64, 9-20.
  • Napoli, M. F. and Caramaschi, U. (1999). ''Geographic variation of Hyla rubicundula and Hyla anataliasiasi, with a description of a new species (Anura, Hylidae).'' Alytes, 16, 165-189.
  • Pugliese, A., Alves, A. C. R. and Pombal Jr., J. P. (2001). ''The tadpole of Hyla rubicundula (Anura, Hylidae).'' Journal of Herpetology, 35, 686-688.
  • Rabello, M.N. (1970). ''Chromosomal studies in Brazilian anurans.'' Caryologia, 23, 45–59.

Diogo Borges Provete
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Distribution and Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por AmphibiaWeb articles
Dendropsophus rubicundulus lives in open areas, near temporary and permanent ponds. The species' distribution is associated with the biome Cerrado, in the States of Minas Gerais, Goiás, Distrito Federal, Bahia, Tocantins, Piauí and in the far northern of São Paulo, Brazil (Napoli and Caramaschi 1999).
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors ( Inglês )

fornecido por AmphibiaWeb articles
Its range is within several protected areas, like the Parque Estadual Nova Baden, at Lambari-MG, Floresta Nacional de Silvania, at Silvania-GO (Bastos et al. 2003), Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipo, at Jaboticatubas-MG (Pugliese et al. 2001), Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, at Delfinopolis-MG (Haddad et al. 1988), Parque Nacional Grande Sertao Veredas, and others located in the Cerrado domain in the State of Minas Gerais, Estação Ecologica de Aguas Emendadas, at Planaltina-DF (Brandao and Araujo 1998)., Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades, at Piracuruca-PI (Annunziata et al. 2007). It is a relatively common species within its range (Brandao and Araujo 1998).
Diogo Borges Provete
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors ( Inglês )

fornecido por AmphibiaWeb articles
This species can be found from October to January, at the forest edge and in open areas, such as grasslands, pasturelands and natural Cerrado fields (Brasileiro et al. 2008; pers. obs.).Males of Dendropsophus rubicundulus call at the beginning of the night (19:00 to 21:00) from herbaceous vegetation, on branches or leaves (usually 40-50 cm above the ground) near temporary ponds (such as rain-filled pools, rice fields, farm ponds, and swamps) and permanent ponds (such as pools and rivulets) (Cardoso and Vielliard 1985; Haddad et al. 1988; Bastos et al. 2003). The chorus size can vary from 10-40 calling males (pers. obs.). The advertisement call was described by Cardoso and Vielliard (1985) and Napoli and Caramaschi (1999). Call is composed of 2 notes; notes are given at the interval of 0.3s; note duration: 0.02s. The advertisement call can be heard in Toledo et al. (2008). Amplexus is axillary (Bastos et al. 2003). Adults lay eggs in lentic water bodies (reproductive mode 1 of Haddad and Prado, 2005); the tadpole is benthic and can be found from November to April (Barreto and Moreira 1996; pers. obs.). Development lasts about 30 days (Barreto and Moreira 1996).
Diogo Borges Provete
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Dendropsophus rubicundulus ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Dendropsophus rubicundulus és una espècie de granota que viu a Bolívia, Brasil i Paraguai.

Es troba amenaçada d'extinció per la pèrdua del seu hàbitat natural.


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Dendropsophus rubicundulus: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Dendropsophus rubicundulus és una espècie de granota que viu a Bolívia, Brasil i Paraguai.

Es troba amenaçada d'extinció per la pèrdua del seu hàbitat natural.

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wikipedia CA

Dendropsophus rubicundulus ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Dendropsophus rubicundulus (common name: Lagoa Santa treefrog) is a species of frog in the family Hylidae. It is found in Bolivia and Brazil. Earlier records from Paraguay are probably based on misidentified Dendropsophus jimi and Dendropsophus elianeae, but it is still likely to be also found in that country.[2]

Dendropsophus rubicundulus is very common in Brazil but not elsewhere. It is found in the cerrado ecoregion and inhabits emergent or marginal herbaceous vegetation near ponds, pools, or lagoons in open areas. It is suffering from habitat loss.[1]


  1. ^ a b Guarino Colli, Steffen Reichle, Débora Silvano (2004). "Dendropsophus rubicundulus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2004: e.T55634A11345176. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2004.RLTS.T55634A11345176.en. Retrieved 11 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ Frost, Darrel R. (2014). "Dendropsophus rubicundulus (Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862)". Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.0. American Museum of Natural History. Retrieved 5 April 2014.
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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Dendropsophus rubicundulus: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Dendropsophus rubicundulus (common name: Lagoa Santa treefrog) is a species of frog in the family Hylidae. It is found in Bolivia and Brazil. Earlier records from Paraguay are probably based on misidentified Dendropsophus jimi and Dendropsophus elianeae, but it is still likely to be also found in that country.

Dendropsophus rubicundulus is very common in Brazil but not elsewhere. It is found in the cerrado ecoregion and inhabits emergent or marginal herbaceous vegetation near ponds, pools, or lagoons in open areas. It is suffering from habitat loss.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Dendropsophus rubicundulus ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Dendropsophus rubicundulus es una especie de anfibios de la familia Hylidae. Habita en Bolivia, Brasil y Paraguay. Sus hábitats naturales incluyen sabanas secas, zonas de arbustos, praderas parcialmente inundadas, marismas de agua dulce y corrientes intermitentes de agua. Está amenazada de extinción por la destrucción de su hábitat natural.


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wikipedia ES

Dendropsophus rubicundulus: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Dendropsophus rubicundulus es una especie de anfibios de la familia Hylidae. Habita en Bolivia, Brasil y Paraguay. Sus hábitats naturales incluyen sabanas secas, zonas de arbustos, praderas parcialmente inundadas, marismas de agua dulce y corrientes intermitentes de agua. Está amenazada de extinción por la destrucción de su hábitat natural.

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Dendropsophus rubicundulus ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Dendropsophus rubicundulus Dendropsophus generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Hylidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.


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wikipedia EU

Dendropsophus rubicundulus: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Dendropsophus rubicundulus Dendropsophus generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Hylidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.

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wikipedia EU

Dendropsophus rubicundulus ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Dendropsophus rubicundulus est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Hylidae[1].


Cette espèce se rencontre dans le biome de Cerrado[1] :

Sa présence est incertaine dans l'est du Paraguay.

Dendropsophus rubicundulus
Dendropsophus rubicundulus

Publication originale

  • Reinhardt & Lütken, 1862 "1861" : Bidrag til Kundskab om Brasiliens Padder og Krybdyr. Förste Afdeling Paddern og Oglerne. Videnskabelige meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske forening i Kjöbenhavn, vol. 1861, no 10/15, p. 143-242 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Dendropsophus rubicundulus: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Dendropsophus rubicundulus est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Hylidae.

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wikipedia FR

Dendropsophus rubicundulus ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Dendropsophus rubicundulus is een kikker uit de familie boomkikkers (Hylidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke van de soort werd als Hyla rubicundula in 1862 gepubliceerd door Johannes Theodor Reinhardt en Christian Frederik Lütken.[2]

De soort komt voor in het noordoosten van Brazilië, van Piauí en Ceará verder naar het zuiden via Pará, Tocantins, Bahia, Goiás, Mato Grosso en Mato Grosso do Sul tot in centraal Minas Gerais en São Paulo; daarnaast in Santa Cruz in Bolivia, en vermoedelijk ook in oostelijk centraal Paraguay.[1][3]


  • Hyla elongata Lutz, 1925
  1. a b Darrel R. Frost
  2. Reinhardt, J.T. & Lütken, C.F. (1862). Bidrag til Kundskab om Brasiliens Padder og Krybdyr. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening i Kjöbenhavn ser. 2, 3: 197
  3. AmphibiaWeb
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wikipedia NL

Dendropsophus rubicundulus: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Dendropsophus rubicundulus is een kikker uit de familie boomkikkers (Hylidae). De wetenschappelijke van de soort werd als Hyla rubicundula in 1862 gepubliceerd door Johannes Theodor Reinhardt en Christian Frederik Lütken.

De soort komt voor in het noordoosten van Brazilië, van Piauí en Ceará verder naar het zuiden via Pará, Tocantins, Bahia, Goiás, Mato Grosso en Mato Grosso do Sul tot in centraal Minas Gerais en São Paulo; daarnaast in Santa Cruz in Bolivia, en vermoedelijk ook in oostelijk centraal Paraguay.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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wikipedia NL

Dendropsophus rubicundulus ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Dendropsophus rubicundulus é uma espécie de anura da família Hylidae.

Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Bolívia, Brasil e Paraguai.

Está ameaçada por perda de habitat.


  1. Guarino Colli, Steffen Reichle, Débora Silvano (2004). «Dendropsophus rubicundulus». Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas. 2004: e.T55634A11345176. doi:. Consultado em 11 de novembro de 2021
direitos autorais
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia PT

Dendropsophus rubicundulus: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Dendropsophus rubicundulus é uma espécie de anura da família Hylidae.

Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Bolívia, Brasil e Paraguai.

Está ameaçada por perda de habitat.

direitos autorais
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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site do parceiro
wikipedia PT

Dendropsophus rubicundulus ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Dendropsophus rubicundulus là một loài ếch thuộc họ Nhái bén. Loài này có ở Bolivia, Brasil, và Paraguay. Môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng là xavan ẩm, vùng cây bụi ẩm khu vực nhiệt đới hoặc cận nhiệt đới, vùng cây bụi nhiệt đới hoặc cận nhiệt đới vùng đất cao, đồng cỏ nhiệt đới hoặc cận nhiệt đới vùng ngập nước hoặc lụt theo mùa, đầm nước ngọt, và đầm nước ngọt có nước theo mùa. Chúng hiện đang bị đe dọa vì mất môi trường sống.

Hình ảnh

Tham khảo

  1. ^ Colli, G., Bastos, R. & Silvano, D. (2004). Dendropsophus rubicundulus. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2013.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 5 tháng 4 năm 2014.

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Dendropsophus rubicundulus: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Dendropsophus rubicundulus là một loài ếch thuộc họ Nhái bén. Loài này có ở Bolivia, Brasil, và Paraguay. Môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng là xavan ẩm, vùng cây bụi ẩm khu vực nhiệt đới hoặc cận nhiệt đới, vùng cây bụi nhiệt đới hoặc cận nhiệt đới vùng đất cao, đồng cỏ nhiệt đới hoặc cận nhiệt đới vùng ngập nước hoặc lụt theo mùa, đầm nước ngọt, và đầm nước ngọt có nước theo mùa. Chúng hiện đang bị đe dọa vì mất môi trường sống.

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