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Ceratophysella boletivora (Packard & AS 1873)
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Ceratophysella boletivora (Packard & AS 1873)
Espécies foi reconhecido por
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Taxon de referência de MolluscaBase in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Ceratophysella boletivora
Espécies foi reconhecido por
Mexico Species List
North Pacific Species List
, and
United States Species List
Ceratophysella boletivora
(Packard 1873)
Espécies foi reconhecido por
GBIF classification
Hypogastrura boletivora
Reconhecido por
Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology
Ceratophysella boletivora
Espécies foi reconhecido por
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Simpson et al 2020
, and
iNaturalist Taxonomy with vernacular names
Ceratophysella boletivora
Reconhecido por
BHL data coverage
Ceratophysella boletivora (A. S. Packard 1873)
Espécies foi reconhecido por
GBIF data coverage
Ceratophysella boletivora (Packard & AS 1873)
Espécies foi reconhecido por
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Ceratophysella boletivora (Packard 1873)
Espécies foi reconhecido por
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Hypogastrura boletivora
Espécies foi reconhecido por
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Nomes alternativos
Achorutes boletivorus Packard 1873
Invalid de acordo com
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Hypogastrura boletivora (Packard 1873)
Invalid de acordo com
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Nomes comuns
Reconhecido por
Simpson et al 2020
Hierarquias selecionadas para Ceratophysella boletivora (Packard & AS 1873)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Ceratophysella boletivora (Packard & AS 1873)
(essa página)
Ceratophysella adexilis Stach & J 1964
Ceratophysella ainu (Yosii & R 1972)
Ceratophysella annae (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella armata (Nicolet & H 1842)
Ceratophysella ateruii (Tamura 2001)
Ceratophysella bengtssoni (Ågren & H 1904)
Ceratophysella biclavata Park, K-H, Park & N-Y 2006
Ceratophysella biloba (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980)
Ceratophysella bispinata Loksa 1977
Ceratophysella borealis Martynova 1977
Ceratophysella brevis (Christiansen, K, Bellinger & P 1980)
Ceratophysella brevisensillata Yosii 1961
Ceratophysella caucasica Martynova 1964
Ceratophysella cavicola (Börner 1901)
Ceratophysella citri (Bacon 1914)
Ceratophysella communis (Folsom & JW 1898)
Ceratophysella cylindrica Cassagnau & P 1959
Ceratophysella czelnokovi Martynova 1978
Ceratophysella czukczorum Martynova & Bondarenko 1978
Ceratophysella denisana (Yosii & R 1956)
Ceratophysella densornata (Maynard & EA 1951)
Ceratophysella denticulata (Bagnall 1941)
Ceratophysella dolsana (Lee, B-H, Kim & J-T 1995)
Ceratophysella duplicispinosa (Yosii 1954)
Ceratophysella empodialis (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella engadinensis (Gisin 1949)
Ceratophysella engeli Ellis & WN 1968
Ceratophysella falcifer Cassagnau & P 1959
Ceratophysella flectoseta Lin & Xia 1983
Ceratophysella fujisana Itoh 1985
Ceratophysella gibbosa (Bagnall & RS 1940)
Ceratophysella glancei Hammer 1953
Ceratophysella granulata Stach & J 1949
Ceratophysella granulifera Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella guthriei (Folsom & JW 1916)
Ceratophysella impedita Skarzynski & D 2002
Ceratophysella indica Salmon 1956
Ceratophysella indovaria Salmon 1970
Ceratophysella ionescui (Börner 1922)
Ceratophysella isabellae Fjellberg 1985
Ceratophysella jondavi (Wray 1946)
Ceratophysella jonescoi (Bonet 1930)
Ceratophysella kapoviensis (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella katraensis (Tyagi & Baijal 1982)
Ceratophysella kolchidica (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella kutyrevae Babenko 1994
Ceratophysella laricis Martynova 1977
Ceratophysella lawrencei (Gisin 1963)
Ceratophysella liguladorsi (Lee 1974)
Ceratophysella longispina (Tullberg & T 1877)
Ceratophysella lucifuga (Packard 1888)
Ceratophysella macrocantha Stach & J 1946
Ceratophysella macrospinata (Maynard 1951)
Ceratophysella maheuxi (Butler 1966)
Ceratophysella maya Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella meridionalis (Nosek & Cervek 1967)
Ceratophysella michalinae Skarzynski & D 2005
Ceratophysella microchaeta (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella mocambicensis Cardoso & MA 1973
Ceratophysella moroni Villalobos & Palacios-Vargas 1986
Ceratophysella morula Deharveng & Bourgeois 1991
Ceratophysella mosquensis (Becker 1905)
Ceratophysella mucronata Deharveng & Bourgeois 1991
Ceratophysella multilobata Skarzynski & D 2006
Ceratophysella najtae Villalobos & Palacios-Vargas 1986
Ceratophysella neomeridionalis Nosek & Cervek 1970
Ceratophysella norensis Cassagnau & P 1964
Ceratophysella orizabae Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella palustris Martynova 1978
Ceratophysella paraliguladorsi Nguyen 2001
Ceratophysella pecki (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980)
Ceratophysella penicillifer Cassagnau & P 1964
Ceratophysella planipila Yosii 1966
Ceratophysella platyna Park, K-H, Park & N-Y 2006
Ceratophysella pratorum (Packard & AS 1873)
Ceratophysella proserpinae (Yosii & R 1956)
Ceratophysella quinquesetosa Gisin 1958
Ceratophysella recta Cassagnau & P 1959
Ceratophysella robustiseta (Skarzynski, D, Smolis & A 2006)
Ceratophysella sakayorii Tamura 1997
Ceratophysella scotica (Carpenter & Evans 1899)
Ceratophysella scotti Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella sedecimocellata (Yosii 1962)
Ceratophysella semnacantha (Börner ex Schille 1912)
Ceratophysella sextensis Cassagnau 1968
Ceratophysella sibirica Martynova 1974
Ceratophysella sigillata (Uzel 1891)
Ceratophysella silvatica Rusek 1964
Ceratophysella sinensis Stach & J 1964
Ceratophysella sinetertiaseta (Lee 1974)
Ceratophysella sphagni (Becker 1905)
Ceratophysella stercoraria (Stach 1963)
Ceratophysella succinea (Gisin 1949)
Ceratophysella tergilobata (Cassagnau & P 1954)
Ceratophysella tolteca Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella tuberculata Cassagnau & P 1959
Ceratophysella vargovychi Skarzynski, D, Kaprus, I, Shrubovych & J 2001
Ceratophysella varians (Stach & J 1967)
Ceratophysella wrayia (Uchida, H, Tamura & H 1968)
Ceratophysella yakushimana Yosii & R 1965
37 irmãos adicionais truncado por brevidade.
Veja o
arquivo de recurso
para uma lista completa.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Collembola Lubbock J 1870
Poduromorpha Börner C 1913
Hypogastruroidea Salmon JT 1964
Hypogastruridae Börner 1906
Ceratophysella Börner ex Brohmer 1932
Ceratophysella boletivora (Packard & AS 1873)
(essa página)
Ceratophysella adexilis Stach & J 1964
Ceratophysella ainu (Yosii & R 1972)
Ceratophysella alachuensis Skarzynski & D 2007
Ceratophysella alani (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella annae (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella anshanensis (Wu & Xie 2007)
Ceratophysella armata (Nicolet & H 1842)
Ceratophysella ateruii (Tamura 2001)
Ceratophysella attenuata (Gisin 1960)
Ceratophysella baichengensis Wu & Yin 2007
Ceratophysella baltica (Tyagi & Baijal 1982)
Ceratophysella bengtssoni (Ågren & H 1904)
Ceratophysella biclavata Park, K-H, Park & N-Y 2006
Ceratophysella biloba (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980)
Ceratophysella bispinata Loksa 1977
Ceratophysella borealis Martynova 1977
Ceratophysella brevis (Christiansen, K, Bellinger & P 1980)
Ceratophysella brevisensillata Yosii 1961
Ceratophysella californica (Bacon 1914)
Ceratophysella caucasica Martynova 1964
Ceratophysella cavicola (Börner 1901)
Ceratophysella citri (Bacon 1914)
Ceratophysella communis (Folsom & JW 1898)
Ceratophysella comosa Nakamori & T 2013
Ceratophysella cylindrica Cassagnau & P 1959
Ceratophysella czelnokovi Martynova 1978
Ceratophysella czukczorum Martynova & Bondarenko 1978
Ceratophysella denisana (Yosii & R 1956)
Ceratophysella densornata (Maynard & EA 1951)
Ceratophysella denticulata (Bagnall 1941)
Ceratophysella dolsana (Lee, B-H, Kim & J-T 1995)
Ceratophysella duplicispinosa (Yosii 1954)
Ceratophysella empodialis (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella engadinensis (Gisin 1949)
Ceratophysella engeli Ellis & WN 1968
Ceratophysella falcifer Cassagnau & P 1959
Ceratophysella flectoseta Lin & Xia 1983
Ceratophysella franzi (Butschek & Gisin 1949)
Ceratophysella fujisana Itoh 1985
Ceratophysella gibbomucronata (Hammer 1953)
Ceratophysella gibbosa (Bagnall & RS 1940)
Ceratophysella glancei Hammer 1953
Ceratophysella granulata Stach & J 1949
Ceratophysella granulifera Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella guthriei (Folsom & JW 1916)
Ceratophysella hermosa (Wray 1953)
Ceratophysella hiawatha (Yosii 1962)
Ceratophysella horrida (Yosii 1960)
Ceratophysella hystrix (Handschin & E 1924)
Ceratophysella impedita Skarzynski & D 2002
Ceratophysella indica Salmon 1956
Ceratophysella indovaria Salmon 1970
Ceratophysella ionescui (Börner 1922)
Ceratophysella isabellae Fjellberg 1985
Ceratophysella jondavi (Wray 1946)
Ceratophysella jonescoi (Bonet & F 1930)
Ceratophysella kapoviensis (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella katraensis (Tyagi & Baijal 1982)
Ceratophysella kennethi Skarzynski & D 2007
Ceratophysella kolchidica (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella krafti (Scott 1962)
Ceratophysella kutyrevae Babenko 1994
Ceratophysella laricis Martynova 1977
Ceratophysella lawrencei (Gisin & H 1963)
Ceratophysella liguladorsi (Lee 1974)
Ceratophysella lobata Babenko, A, Skarzynski & D 2011
Ceratophysella longispina (Tullberg & T 1877)
Ceratophysella loricata (Yosii 1960)
Ceratophysella lucifuga (Packard 1886)
Ceratophysella macrocantha Stach & J 1946
Ceratophysella macrospinata (Maynard 1951)
Ceratophysella maheuxi (Butler 1966)
Ceratophysella maya Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella mediolobata Nakamori T ex Nakamori, T, Ichisawa, K, Pham, Hn-D, Terashima & Y 2020
Ceratophysella michalinae Skarzynski & D 2005
Ceratophysella microchaeta (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella moroni Villalobos & Palacios-Vargas 1986
Ceratophysella morula Deharveng & Bourgeois 1991
Ceratophysella mosambicensis Cardoso & MA 1973
Ceratophysella mosquensis (Becker 1905)
Ceratophysella mucronata Deharveng & Bourgeois 1991
Ceratophysella multilobata Skarzynski & D 2006
Ceratophysella najtae Villalobos & Palacios-Vargas 1986
Ceratophysella narkandae (Baijal & HN 1955)
Ceratophysella nataliae Cipola NG, Bellini BC & Palacios-Vargas JG ex Palacios-Vargas, JG, Cipola, NG, Bellini & BC 2017
Ceratophysella neomeridionalis (Nosek, J, Cervek & S 1970)
Ceratophysella norensis Cassagnau & P 1964
Ceratophysella orizabae Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella palustris Martynova 1978
Ceratophysella paraliguladorsi Nguyen 2001
Ceratophysella pauciseta Greenslade, Ireson & Skarzynski 2014
Ceratophysella pecki (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980)
Ceratophysella penicillifer Cassagnau & P 1964
Ceratophysella pilosa (Yosii & R 1956)
Ceratophysella quinquesetosa Gisin 1958
Ceratophysella sigillata (Uzel 1891)
Ceratophysella sinetertiaseta (Lee 1974)
Ceratophysella stachi Skarzynski D, Smolis A & Porco D ex Skarzynski, D, Smolis, A, Kovác, L, Porco & D 2021
Ceratophysella troglodytes (Yosii & R 1956)
Ceratophysella zhangi (Zhao ex Tamura & Zhao 1998)
38 irmãos adicionais truncado por brevidade.
Veja o
arquivo de recurso
para uma lista completa.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Ceratophysella boletivora (Packard & AS 1873)
(essa página)
Ceratophysella adexilis Stach & J 1964
Ceratophysella ainu (Yosii & R 1972)
Ceratophysella annae (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella armata (Nicolet & H 1842)
Ceratophysella ateruii (Tamura 2001)
Ceratophysella bengtssoni (Ågren & H 1904)
Ceratophysella biclavata Park, K-H, Park & N-Y 2006
Ceratophysella biloba (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980)
Ceratophysella bispinata Loksa 1977
Ceratophysella borealis Martynova 1977
Ceratophysella brevis (Christiansen, K, Bellinger & P 1980)
Ceratophysella brevisensillata Yosii 1961
Ceratophysella caucasica Martynova 1964
Ceratophysella cavicola (Börner 1901)
Ceratophysella citri (Bacon 1914)
Ceratophysella communis (Folsom & JW 1898)
Ceratophysella cylindrica Cassagnau & P 1959
Ceratophysella czelnokovi Martynova 1978
Ceratophysella czukczorum Martynova & Bondarenko 1978
Ceratophysella denisana (Yosii & R 1956)
Ceratophysella densornata (Maynard & EA 1951)
Ceratophysella denticulata (Bagnall 1941)
Ceratophysella dolsana (Lee, B-H, Kim & J-T 1995)
Ceratophysella duplicispinosa (Yosii 1954)
Ceratophysella empodialis (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella engadinensis (Gisin 1949)
Ceratophysella engeli Ellis & WN 1968
Ceratophysella falcifer Cassagnau & P 1959
Ceratophysella flectoseta Lin & Xia 1983
Ceratophysella fujisana Itoh 1985
Ceratophysella gibbosa (Bagnall & RS 1940)
Ceratophysella glancei Hammer 1953
Ceratophysella granulata Stach & J 1949
Ceratophysella granulifera Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella guthriei (Folsom & JW 1916)
Ceratophysella impedita Skarzynski & D 2002
Ceratophysella indica Salmon 1956
Ceratophysella indovaria Salmon 1970
Ceratophysella ionescui (Börner 1922)
Ceratophysella isabellae Fjellberg 1985
Ceratophysella jondavi (Wray 1946)
Ceratophysella jonescoi (Bonet 1930)
Ceratophysella kapoviensis (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella katraensis (Tyagi & Baijal 1982)
Ceratophysella kolchidica (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella kutyrevae Babenko 1994
Ceratophysella laricis Martynova 1977
Ceratophysella lawrencei (Gisin 1963)
Ceratophysella liguladorsi (Lee 1974)
Ceratophysella longispina (Tullberg & T 1877)
Ceratophysella lucifuga (Packard 1888)
Ceratophysella macrocantha Stach & J 1946
Ceratophysella macrospinata (Maynard 1951)
Ceratophysella maheuxi (Butler 1966)
Ceratophysella maya Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella meridionalis (Nosek & Cervek 1967)
Ceratophysella michalinae Skarzynski & D 2005
Ceratophysella microchaeta (Babenko AB ex Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella mocambicensis Cardoso & MA 1973
Ceratophysella moroni Villalobos & Palacios-Vargas 1986
Ceratophysella morula Deharveng & Bourgeois 1991
Ceratophysella mosquensis (Becker 1905)
Ceratophysella mucronata Deharveng & Bourgeois 1991
Ceratophysella multilobata Skarzynski & D 2006
Ceratophysella najtae Villalobos & Palacios-Vargas 1986
Ceratophysella neomeridionalis Nosek & Cervek 1970
Ceratophysella norensis Cassagnau & P 1964
Ceratophysella orizabae Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella palustris Martynova 1978
Ceratophysella paraliguladorsi Nguyen 2001
Ceratophysella pecki (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980)
Ceratophysella penicillifer Cassagnau & P 1964
Ceratophysella planipila Yosii 1966
Ceratophysella platyna Park, K-H, Park & N-Y 2006
Ceratophysella pratorum (Packard & AS 1873)
Ceratophysella proserpinae (Yosii & R 1956)
Ceratophysella quinquesetosa Gisin 1958
Ceratophysella recta Cassagnau & P 1959
Ceratophysella robustiseta (Skarzynski, D, Smolis & A 2006)
Ceratophysella sakayorii Tamura 1997
Ceratophysella scotica (Carpenter & Evans 1899)
Ceratophysella scotti Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella sedecimocellata (Yosii 1962)
Ceratophysella semnacantha (Börner ex Schille 1912)
Ceratophysella sextensis Cassagnau 1968
Ceratophysella sibirica Martynova 1974
Ceratophysella sigillata (Uzel 1891)
Ceratophysella silvatica Rusek 1964
Ceratophysella sinensis Stach & J 1964
Ceratophysella sinetertiaseta (Lee 1974)
Ceratophysella sphagni (Becker 1905)
Ceratophysella stercoraria (Stach 1963)
Ceratophysella succinea (Gisin 1949)
Ceratophysella tergilobata (Cassagnau & P 1954)
Ceratophysella tolteca Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella tuberculata Cassagnau & P 1959
Ceratophysella vargovychi Skarzynski, D, Kaprus, I, Shrubovych & J 2001
Ceratophysella varians (Stach & J 1967)
Ceratophysella wrayia (Uchida, H, Tamura & H 1968)
Ceratophysella yakushimana Yosii & R 1965
37 irmãos adicionais truncado por brevidade.
Veja o
arquivo de recurso
para uma lista completa.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Ceratophysella boletivora (Packard & AS 1873)
(essa página)
Ceratophysella adexilis Stach & J 1964
Ceratophysella ainu (Yosii & R 1972)
Ceratophysella annae (Babenko AB in Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella armata (Nicolet & H 1842)
Ceratophysella ateruii (Tamura 2001)
Ceratophysella bengtssoni (Ågren & H 1904)
Ceratophysella biclavata Park, K-H, Park & N-Y 2006
Ceratophysella biloba (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980)
Ceratophysella bispinata Loksa 1977
Ceratophysella borealis Martynova 1977
Ceratophysella brevis (Christiansen, K, Bellinger & P 1980)
Ceratophysella brevisensillata Yosii 1961
Ceratophysella caucasica Martynova 1964
Ceratophysella cavicola (Börner 1901)
Ceratophysella citri (Bacon 1914)
Ceratophysella communis (Folsom & JW 1898)
Ceratophysella cylindrica Cassagnau & P 1959
Ceratophysella czelnokovi Martynova 1978
Ceratophysella czukczorum Martynova & Bondarenko 1978
Ceratophysella denisana (Yosii & R 1956)
Ceratophysella densornata (Maynard & EA 1951)
Ceratophysella denticulata (Bagnall 1941)
Ceratophysella dolsana (Lee, B-H, Kim & J-T 1995)
Ceratophysella duplicispinosa (Yosii 1954)
Ceratophysella empodialis (Babenko AB in Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella engadinensis (Gisin 1949)
Ceratophysella engeli Ellis & WN 1968
Ceratophysella falcifer Cassagnau & P 1959
Ceratophysella flectoseta Lin & Xia 1983
Ceratophysella fujisana Itoh 1985
Ceratophysella gibbosa (Bagnall & RS 1940)
Ceratophysella glancei Hammer 1953
Ceratophysella granulata Stach & J 1949
Ceratophysella granulifera Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella guthriei (Folsom & JW 1916)
Ceratophysella impedita Skarzynski & D 2002
Ceratophysella indica Salmon 1956
Ceratophysella indovaria Salmon 1970
Ceratophysella ionescui (Börner 1922)
Ceratophysella isabellae Fjellberg 1985
Ceratophysella jondavi (Wray 1946)
Ceratophysella jonescoi (Bonet 1930)
Ceratophysella kapoviensis (Babenko AB in Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella katraensis (Tyagi & Baijal 1982)
Ceratophysella kolchidica (Babenko AB in Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella kutyrevae Babenko 1994
Ceratophysella laricis Martynova 1977
Ceratophysella lawrencei (Gisin 1963)
Ceratophysella liguladorsi (Lee 1974)
Ceratophysella longispina (Tullberg & T 1877)
Ceratophysella lucifuga (Packard 1888)
Ceratophysella macrocantha Stach & J 1946
Ceratophysella macrospinata (Maynard 1951)
Ceratophysella maheuxi (Butler 1966)
Ceratophysella maya Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella meridionalis (Nosek & Cervek 1967)
Ceratophysella michalinae Skarzynski & D 2005
Ceratophysella microchaeta (Babenko AB in Babenko, AB, Chernova, NM, Potapov, MB, Stebaeva & SK 1994)
Ceratophysella mocambicensis Cardoso & MA 1973
Ceratophysella moroni Villalobos & Palacios-Vargas 1986
Ceratophysella morula Deharveng & Bourgeois 1991
Ceratophysella mosquensis (Becker 1905)
Ceratophysella mucronata Deharveng & Bourgeois 1991
Ceratophysella multilobata Skarzynski & D 2006
Ceratophysella najtae Villalobos & Palacios-Vargas 1986
Ceratophysella neomeridionalis Nosek & Cervek 1970
Ceratophysella norensis Cassagnau & P 1964
Ceratophysella orizabae Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella palustris Martynova 1978
Ceratophysella paraliguladorsi Nguyen 2001
Ceratophysella pecki (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980)
Ceratophysella penicillifer Cassagnau & P 1964
Ceratophysella planipila Yosii 1966
Ceratophysella platyna Park, K-H, Park & N-Y 2006
Ceratophysella pratorum (Packard & AS 1873)
Ceratophysella proserpinae (Yosii & R 1956)
Ceratophysella quinquesetosa Gisin 1958
Ceratophysella recta Cassagnau & P 1959
Ceratophysella robustiseta (Skarzynski, D, Smolis & A 2006)
Ceratophysella sakayorii Tamura 1997
Ceratophysella scotica (Carpenter & Evans 1899)
Ceratophysella scotti Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella sedecimocellata (Yosii 1962)
Ceratophysella semnacantha (Börner in Schille 1912)
Ceratophysella sextensis Cassagnau 1968
Ceratophysella sibirica Martynova 1974
Ceratophysella sigillata (Uzel 1891)
Ceratophysella silvatica Rusek 1964
Ceratophysella sinensis Stach & J 1964
Ceratophysella sinetertiaseta (Lee 1974)
Ceratophysella sphagni (Becker 1905)
Ceratophysella stercoraria (Stach 1963)
Ceratophysella succinea (Gisin 1949)
Ceratophysella tergilobata (Cassagnau & P 1954)
Ceratophysella tolteca Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella tuberculata Cassagnau & P 1959
Ceratophysella vargovychi Skarzynski, D, Kaprus, I, Shrubovych & J 2001
Ceratophysella varians (Stach & J 1967)
Ceratophysella wrayia (Uchida, H, Tamura & H 1968)
Ceratophysella yakushimana Yosii & R 1965
37 irmãos adicionais truncado por brevidade.
Veja o
arquivo de recurso
para uma lista completa.
GBIF classification
Ceratophysella Börner 1932
Ceratophysella boletivora (Packard 1873)
(essa página)
Ceratophysella adexilis Stach 1964
Ceratophysella ainu Yosii 1972
Ceratophysella annae (Babenko 1994)
Ceratophysella armata (Nicolet 1842)
Ceratophysella ateruii Tamura 2001
Ceratophysella bengtssoni (Ågren 1904)
Ceratophysella biclavata Park & Park 2006
Ceratophysella biloba (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980)
Ceratophysella bispinata Loksa 1977
Ceratophysella borealis Martynova 1977
Ceratophysella brevis (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980)
Ceratophysella brevisensillata Yosii 1961
Ceratophysella californica Bacon 1914
Ceratophysella caucasica Martynova 1971
Ceratophysella cavicola (Börner 1901)
Ceratophysella citri (Bacon 1914)
Ceratophysella communis (Folsom 1897)
Ceratophysella cylindrica Cassagnau 1959
Ceratophysella czelnokovi Martynova 1978
Ceratophysella czukczorum Martynova & Bondarenko 1978
Ceratophysella denisana (Yosii 1956)
Ceratophysella densornata (Maynard 1951)
Ceratophysella denticulata (Bagnall 1941)
Ceratophysella duplicispinosa (Yosii 1954)
Ceratophysella empodialis Babenko 1994
Ceratophysella engeli Ellis 1968
Ceratophysella falcifer Cassagnau 1959
Ceratophysella flectoseta Lin & Xia 1983
Ceratophysella fujisana Itoh 1985
Ceratophysella gibbosa (Bagnall 1940)
Ceratophysella glancei Hammer 1953
Ceratophysella granulifera Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella gravesi Wray 1971
Ceratophysella guthriei (Folsom 1916)
Ceratophysella horrida Yosii 1960
Ceratophysella impedita Skarzynski 2002
Ceratophysella indica Salmon 1956
Ceratophysella indovaria Salmon 1970
Ceratophysella ionescui (Börner 1922)
Ceratophysella isabellae Fjellberg 1985
Ceratophysella jondavi (Wray 1946)
Ceratophysella jonescoi (Bonet 1930)
Ceratophysella kennethi Skarzynski 2007
Ceratophysella kolchidica (Babenko 1994)
Ceratophysella kutyrevae Babenko 1994
Ceratophysella laricis Martynova 1977
Ceratophysella lawrencei (Gisin 1963)
Ceratophysella liguladorsi Lee 1974
Ceratophysella lobata Babenko & Skarzynski 2011
Ceratophysella longispina (Tullberg 1876)
Ceratophysella lucifuga (Packard 1889)
Ceratophysella macrocantha Stach 1946
Ceratophysella macrospinata (Maynard 1951)
Ceratophysella maya Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella meridionalis (Nosek & Cervek 1967)
Ceratophysella michalinae Skarzynski 2005
Ceratophysella microchaeta Babenko 1994
Ceratophysella mocambicensis Cardoso 1973
Ceratophysella moroni Villalobos & Palacios-Vargas 1986
Ceratophysella morula Deharveng & Bourgeois 1991
Ceratophysella mosquensis (Becker 1905)
Ceratophysella mucronata Deharveng & Bourgeois 1991
Ceratophysella multilobata Skarzynski 2006
Ceratophysella neomeridionalis Nosek & Cervek 1970
Ceratophysella norensis Cassagnau 1964
Ceratophysella orizabae Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella palustris Martynova 1978
Ceratophysella paraliguladorsi Nguyen 2001
Ceratophysella pecki (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980)
Ceratophysella penicillifer Cassagnau 1964
Ceratophysella pilosa
Ceratophysella planipila Yosii 1966
Ceratophysella platyna Park & Park 2006
Ceratophysella quinquesetosa Gisin 1958
Ceratophysella recta Cassagnau 1959
Ceratophysella robustiseta Skarzynski & Smolis 2006
Ceratophysella sakayorii Tamura 1997
Ceratophysella scotica (Carpenter & Evans 1899)
Ceratophysella scotti Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella sedecimocellata (Yosii 1962)
Ceratophysella semnacantha (Börner 1912)
Ceratophysella sextensis Cassagnau 1968
Ceratophysella sibirica Martynova 1974
Ceratophysella silvatica Rusek 1964
Ceratophysella sinensis Stach 1964
Ceratophysella sinetertiaseta (Lee 1974)
Ceratophysella sphagni (Becker 1905)
Ceratophysella stercoraria Stach 1963
Ceratophysella succinea (Gisin 1949)
Ceratophysella tergilobata (Cassagnau 1954)
Ceratophysella tolteca Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella tomosvaryi Loksa 1964
Ceratophysella tuberculata Cassagnau 1959
Ceratophysella vargovychi Skarzynski, Kaprus & Shrubovych 2002
Ceratophysella varians (Stach 1967)
Ceratophysella virga Christiansen & Bellinger 1980
Ceratophysella vulgaris Yosii 1960
Ceratophysella wallmoi Fjellberg 1985
Ceratophysella wrayia (Uchida & Tamura 1968)
Ceratophysella yakushimana Yosii 1965
24 irmãos adicionais truncado por brevidade.
Veja o
arquivo de recurso
para uma lista completa.
iNaturalist Taxonomy with vernacular names
Ceratophysella boletivora
(essa página)
Ceratophysella armata
Ceratophysella bengtssoni
Ceratophysella brevis
Ceratophysella communis
Ceratophysella denticulata
Ceratophysella engadinensis
Ceratophysella gibbosa
Ceratophysella guthriei
Ceratophysella longispina
Ceratophysella maheuxi
Ceratophysella maya
Ceratophysella moroni
Ceratophysella najtae
Ceratophysella orizabae
Ceratophysella pratorum
Ceratophysella scotica
Ceratophysella scotti
Ceratophysella sedecimocellata
Ceratophysella sigillata
Ceratophysella succinea
Ceratophysella tolteca
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Ceratophysella Börner ex Brohmer 1932
Ceratophysella boletivora (Packard 1873)
(essa página)
Ceratophysella adexilis Stach 1964
Ceratophysella ainu Yosii 1972
Ceratophysella annae (Babenko ex Babenko, Chernova, Potapov & Stebaeva 1994)
Ceratophysella armata (Nicolet 1842)
Ceratophysella ateruii Tamura 2001
Ceratophysella bengtssoni (Ågren 1904)
Ceratophysella biclavata Park & Park 2006
Ceratophysella biloba (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980)
Ceratophysella bispinata Loksa 1977
Ceratophysella borealis Martynova 1977
Ceratophysella brevis (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980)
Ceratophysella brevisensillata Yosii 1961
Ceratophysella caucasica Martynova 1971
Ceratophysella cavicola (Börner 1901)
Ceratophysella citri (Bacon 1914)
Ceratophysella communis (Folsom 1897)
Ceratophysella cylindrica Cassagnau 1959
Ceratophysella czelnokovi Martynova 1978
Ceratophysella czukczorum Martynova & Bondarenko 1978
Ceratophysella denisana (Yosii 1956)
Ceratophysella densornata (Maynard 1951)
Ceratophysella denticulata (Bagnall 1941)
Ceratophysella dolsana (Lee & Kim 1995)
Ceratophysella duplicispinosa (Yosii 1954)
Ceratophysella empodialis Babenko ex Babenko, Chernova, Potapov & Stebaeva 1994
Ceratophysella engadinensis (Gisin 1949)
Ceratophysella engeli Ellis 1968
Ceratophysella falcifer Cassagnau 1959
Ceratophysella flectoseta Lin & Xia 1983
Ceratophysella fujisana Itoh 1985
Ceratophysella gibbosa (Bagnall 1940)
Ceratophysella glancei Hammer 1953
Ceratophysella granulata Stach 1949
Ceratophysella granulifera Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella gravesi Wray 1971
Ceratophysella guthriei (Folsom 1916)
Ceratophysella impedita Skarzynski 2002
Ceratophysella indica Salmon 1956
Ceratophysella indovaria Salmon 1970
Ceratophysella ionescui (Börner 1922)
Ceratophysella isabellae Fjellberg 1985
Ceratophysella jondavi (Wray 1946)
Ceratophysella jonescoi (Bonet 1930)
Ceratophysella kapoviensis (Babenko ex Babenko, Chernova, Potapov & Stebaeva 1994)
Ceratophysella katraensis (Tyagi & Baijal 1972)
Ceratophysella kolchidica (Babenko ex Babenko, Chernova, Potapov & Stebaeva 1994)
Ceratophysella kutyrevae Babenko 1994
Ceratophysella laricis Martynova 1977
Ceratophysella lawrencei (Gisin 1963)
Ceratophysella liguladorsi Lee 1974
Ceratophysella longispina (Tullberg 1876)
Ceratophysella lucifuga (Packard 1889)
Ceratophysella macrocantha Stach 1946
Ceratophysella macrospinata (Maynard 1951)
Ceratophysella maheuxi (Butler 1966)
Ceratophysella maya Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella meridionalis (Nosek & Cervek 1967)
Ceratophysella michalinae Skarzynski 2005
Ceratophysella microchaeta Babenko ex Babenko, Chernova, Potapov & Stebaeva 1994
Ceratophysella mocambicensis Cardoso 1973
Ceratophysella moroni Villalobos & Palacios-Vargas 1986
Ceratophysella morula Deharveng & Bourgeois 1991
Ceratophysella mosquensis (Becker 1905)
Ceratophysella mucronata Deharveng & Bourgeois 1991
Ceratophysella multilobata Skarzynski 2006
Ceratophysella najtae Villalobos & Palacios-Vargas 1986
Ceratophysella neomeridionalis Nosek & Cervek 1970
Ceratophysella norensis Cassagnau 1964
Ceratophysella orizabae Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella palustris Martynova 1978
Ceratophysella paraliguladorsi Nguyen 2001
Ceratophysella pecki (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980)
Ceratophysella penicillifer Cassagnau 1964
Ceratophysella planipila Yosii 1966
Ceratophysella platyna Park & Park 2006
Ceratophysella pratorum (Packard 1873)
Ceratophysella proserpinae (Yosii 1956)
Ceratophysella quinquesetosa Gisin 1958
Ceratophysella recta Cassagnau 1959
Ceratophysella robustiseta Skarzynski & Smolis 2006
Ceratophysella sakayorii Tamura 1997
Ceratophysella scotica (Carpenter & Evans 1899)
Ceratophysella scotti Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella sedecimocellata (Yosii 1962)
Ceratophysella semnacantha (Börner ex Schille 1912)
Ceratophysella sextensis Cassagnau 1968
Ceratophysella sibirica Martynova 1974
Ceratophysella sigillata (Uzel 1891)
Ceratophysella silvatica Rusek 1964
Ceratophysella sinensis Stach 1964
Ceratophysella sinetertiaseta (Lee 1974)
Ceratophysella sphagni (Becker 1905)
Ceratophysella stercoraria Stach 1963
Ceratophysella succinea (Gisin 1949)
Ceratophysella tergilobata (Cassagnau 1954)
Ceratophysella tolteca Yosii 1962
Ceratophysella tomosvaryi Loksa 1964
Ceratophysella troglodites (Yosii 1956)
Ceratophysella tuberculata Cassagnau 1959
Ceratophysella vargovychi Skarzynski, Kaprus & Shrubovych 2002
3 irmãos adicionais truncado por brevidade.
Veja o
arquivo de recurso
para uma lista completa.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Ceratophysella boletivora
(essa página)
Ceratophysella adexilis
Ceratophysella ainu
Ceratophysella annae
Ceratophysella armata
Ceratophysella ateruii
Ceratophysella bengtssoni
Ceratophysella biclavata
Ceratophysella biloba
Ceratophysella bispinata
Ceratophysella borealis
Ceratophysella brevis
Ceratophysella brevisensillata
Ceratophysella caucasica
Ceratophysella cavicola
Ceratophysella citri
Ceratophysella communis
Ceratophysella cylindrica
Ceratophysella czelnokovi
Ceratophysella czukczorum
Ceratophysella denisana
Ceratophysella densornata
Ceratophysella denticulata
Ceratophysella dolsana
Ceratophysella duplicispinosa
Ceratophysella empodialis
Ceratophysella engadinensis
Ceratophysella engeli
Ceratophysella falcifer
Ceratophysella flectoseta
Ceratophysella fujisana
Ceratophysella gibbosa
Ceratophysella glancei
Ceratophysella granulata
Ceratophysella granulifera
Ceratophysella gravesi
Ceratophysella guthriei
Ceratophysella impedita
Ceratophysella indica
Ceratophysella indovaria
Ceratophysella ionescui
Ceratophysella isabellae
Ceratophysella jondavi
Ceratophysella jonescoi
Ceratophysella kapoviensis
Ceratophysella katraensis
Ceratophysella kolchidica
Ceratophysella kutyrevae
Ceratophysella laricis
Ceratophysella lawrencei
Ceratophysella liguladorsi
Ceratophysella longispina
Ceratophysella lucifuga
Ceratophysella macrocantha
Ceratophysella macrospinata
Ceratophysella maheuxi
Ceratophysella maya
Ceratophysella meridionalis
Ceratophysella michalinae
Ceratophysella microchaeta
Ceratophysella mocambicensis
Ceratophysella moroni
Ceratophysella morula
Ceratophysella mosquensis
Ceratophysella mucronata
Ceratophysella multilobata
Ceratophysella najtae
Ceratophysella nataliae
Ceratophysella neomeridionalis
Ceratophysella norensis
Ceratophysella orizabae
Ceratophysella palustris
Ceratophysella paraliguladorsi
Ceratophysella pecki
Ceratophysella penicillifer
Ceratophysella planipila
Ceratophysella platyna
Ceratophysella pratorum
Ceratophysella proserpinae
Ceratophysella quinquesetosa
Ceratophysella recta
Ceratophysella robustiseta
Ceratophysella rogerarlei
Ceratophysella sakayorii
Ceratophysella scotica
Ceratophysella scotti
Ceratophysella sedecimocellata
Ceratophysella semnacantha
Ceratophysella sextensis
Ceratophysella sibirica
Ceratophysella sigillata
Ceratophysella silvatica
Ceratophysella sinensis
Ceratophysella sinetertiaseta
Ceratophysella stercoraria
Ceratophysella succinea
Ceratophysella tergilobata
Ceratophysella tolteca
Ceratophysella tomosvaryi
Ceratophysella troglodites
Ceratophysella tuberculata
15 irmãos adicionais truncado por brevidade.
Veja o
arquivo de recurso
para uma lista completa.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Hypogastrura boletivora
(essa página)
Hypogastrura aequipilosa
Hypogastrura aethiopica
Hypogastrura agaricina
Hypogastrura albamaculata
Hypogastrura albella
Hypogastrura alta
Hypogastrura antra
Hypogastrura arctandria
Hypogastrura assimilis
Hypogastrura aterrima
Hypogastrura austriaca
Hypogastrura baltica
Hypogastrura bilineata
Hypogastrura bokusi
Hypogastrura boldorii
Hypogastrura breviempodialis
Hypogastrura brevifurca
Hypogastrura brevispina
Hypogastrura bulba
Hypogastrura caduceator
Hypogastrura calceolaris
Hypogastrura campbelli
Hypogastrura capitata
Hypogastrura carpatica
Hypogastrura cellaris
Hypogastrura chouardi
Hypogastrura christianseni
Hypogastrura concolor
Hypogastrura conflictiva
Hypogastrura consanguinea
Hypogastrura copiosa
Hypogastrura coprophila
Hypogastrura crassa
Hypogastrura crassaegranulata
Hypogastrura dasiensis
Hypogastrura deserti
Hypogastrura devia
Hypogastrura distincta
Hypogastrura druki
Hypogastrura elegans
Hypogastrura elevata
Hypogastrura exigua
Hypogastrura fjellbergi
Hypogastrura franconiana
Hypogastrura fuentei
Hypogastrura funesta
Hypogastrura gami
Hypogastrura gennargentui
Hypogastrura ghirkani
Hypogastrura gisini
Hypogastrura gracilis
Hypogastrura harveyi
Hypogastrura hatiparae
Hypogastrura helena
Hypogastrura himalayana
Hypogastrura hispanica
Hypogastrura hohi
Hypogastrura humi
Hypogastrura hyperborea
Hypogastrura hypnorum
Hypogastrura inopinata
Hypogastrura iwamurai
Hypogastrura japonica
Hypogastrura katraensis
Hypogastrura kelmendica
Hypogastrura lapponica
Hypogastrura laxasensillata
Hypogastrura lima
Hypogastrura longimucrona
Hypogastrura macrotuberculata
Hypogastrura magistri
Hypogastrura manubrialis
Hypogastrura matura
Hypogastrura maxillosa
Hypogastrura maynardi
Hypogastrura meridionalis
Hypogastrura mexicana
Hypogastrura microspina
Hypogastrura mongolica
Hypogastrura montana
Hypogastrura monticola
Hypogastrura morbillata
Hypogastrura myrmecophila
Hypogastrura narkandae
Hypogastrura neglecta
Hypogastrura nemoralis
Hypogastrura norica
Hypogastrura obliqua
Hypogastrura omnigra
Hypogastrura oregonensis
Hypogastrura oreophila
Hypogastrura packardi
Hypogastrura pahiku
Hypogastrura papillata
Hypogastrura paradoxa
Hypogastrura parvula
Hypogastrura perplexa
Hypogastrura pityusica
Hypogastrura prabhooi
Hypogastrura variata
85 irmãos adicionais truncado por brevidade.
Veja o
arquivo de recurso
para uma lista completa.