Imagem de Badister (Badister) maculatus Le Conte 1853
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Badister (Badister) maculatus Le Conte 1853

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Badister maculatus Le Conte
Badister maculatus Le Conte, 1880: 165; [type specimen a female, in Le Conte Coll., MCZ No. 5721]. Type locality: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, (S. S. Rathvon) ; (determined from original description; type specimen labelled with a pink disc — "Middle States").
The pronotum is black, and relatively short and broad as compared with other members of the genus which have a similar color pattern.
Description of color and sculpture. — Male. Atsion, [Burlington Co.], N.[ew] J.[ersey], [California Academy of Sciences Coll.]. The following are black — head, prothorax (excluding lateral margins), lateral and ventral sclerites of pterothorax, abdomen and hind coxae ; elytra black as follows — basal 1/2 of interval 1, and area at base adjacent to prothorax, median 1/3 of elytra to stria 10, and apical 1/5 (excepting intervals 1 and 10), the two black areas joined by a narrow isthmus extending along interval 6; the following piceous — antennal flagellum (becoming progressively somewhat paler apically), fore and middle coxae ; the following rufous — antennal pedicel, clypeus, medially, and labrum ; elytra orange-testaceous, except for the black areas noted above ; the following testaceous — palpi, antennal scape and legs. Microsculpture isodia-
citação bibliográfica
Ball, G.E. 1959. A Taxonomic Study of the North American Licinini with Notes on the Old World Species of the Genus Diplocheila Brulle (Coleoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 16. Philadelphia, USA

Badister maculatus ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Badister maculatus is a species of ground beetle in the family Carabidae. It is found in North America.[1][2][3][4]


  1. ^ "Badister maculatus Report". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 2019-09-24.
  2. ^ "Badister maculatus". GBIF. Retrieved 2019-09-24.
  3. ^ "Badister maculatus species Information". BugGuide.net. Retrieved 2019-09-24.
  4. ^ Bousquet, Yves (2012). "Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico". ZooKeys (245): 1–1722. doi:10.3897/zookeys.245.3416. PMC 3577090. PMID 23431087.
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site do parceiro
wikipedia EN

Badister maculatus: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Badister maculatus is a species of ground beetle in the family Carabidae. It is found in North America.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
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site do parceiro
wikipedia EN