
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Bucculatrix eugrapha new species (Figs. 177, 215.)
Face pale stramineous, tuft brown with pale stramineous hairs laterally; eyecaps pale stramineous, antennal stalk gray above, paler beneath. Fore wing brown, with lusterless whitish marks; base of wing especially below the fold, white with faint ocherous tinge; at one-fourth of costa an oblique whitish streak, and opposite its apex just before middle of dorsum, a whitish spot reachingfold is margined behind by a few black raised scales; just before middle of costa, a second oblique pale costal streak ; at three-fourths of costa, a nearly perpendicular whitish streak; just before tornus on dorsal margin a slightly oblique whitish streak; at extreme apex a minute black spot, and opposite apex and projecting into the cilia, a short line of black-tipped ocherous scales ; scales on costa before apex and along termen project irregularly into the cilia; cilia pale brownish fuscous. Hind wings and cilia fuscous. Legs gray, tarsal segments paler at bases.
Alar expanse 8 mm.
Male genitalia (fig. 215). Harpes typical of the section, median setae long, grading to short and more closely placed setae around apical margin, basal process present; socii broad, setae short; anellus with strongly sclerotized lateral arms ; aedeagus tapering to the acute dorsally directed tip, before its apex a thin membranous bilobed ventral flap ; vinculum weakly sclerotized, its anterior margin retuse, lateral angles with strongly sclerotized points ; posterior margin of segment 8 fringed with long hair-like scales, the intersegmental membrane between it and the genitalia strongly sclerotized. Scale sac (fig. 177) with long slender scales.
Type— 8, Tweed, Ontario. 7.VII.44 (G. S. Walley) [C.N. Coll., Type No. 7179].
Only the male type is known.
Food plant and early stages unknown. Bucculatrix eugrapha is easily separated by markings from all other species of the section. In genitalia, distinguishing characteristics are present in the aedeagus and vinculum.
bibliographic citation
Braun, A.F. 1963. The Genus Bucculatrix in America North of Mexico (Microlepidoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 18. Philadelphia, USA