
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Bucculatrix latella Braun (Figs. 169, 170, 170a, 171.)
1918. Bucculatrix latella Braun, Ent. News XXIX : 246. Type 2 , Loma Linda,
California [A.F.B.Coll.]. 1958. Bucculatrix latella Braun, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. LXXXIV : 107.
Face white, tuft white, with ocherous hairs in the middle posteriorly; eyecaps white, antennal stalk with pale gray annulations. Fore wings white, with scattered minutely brown-tipped pale ocherous scales, and an occasional blacktipped scale; a broad ocherous streak, sometimes obsolescent, from base along fold to one-fifth ; on middle of dorsum a large conspicuous ocherous patch, bearing on its inner side just above dorsum a group of darker brown-tipped raised scales; a little distad of this on costa, a closer grouping of the scattered pale ocherous scales sometimes forms a more or less distinct ocherous patch; at end of cell, a minute, but distinct black dot; apex of the wing occupied by browntipped ocherous scales, the ocherous shade sometimes lacking, leaving only the minute brown tips; cilia white, occasionally with a few dark-tipped scales projecting into them opposite apex, but no ciliary line. Hind wings white or whitish ocherous, cilia concolorous at bases, shading outwardly to white. Legs whitish ocherous, tarsal segments grayish ocherous-tipped. Abdomen whitish.
Alar expanse 9.5 to 12 mm.
Male genitalia (fig. 169). Harpes cylindric, curved, their tips meeting in median line before spreading, with dense short heavy setae along apex ; socii setose, long, tegumen with an elongate median lobe, subscaphium elongate, bilaterally spinulose ; anellus elongate, constricted in the middle ; aedeagus slender throughout; vinculum moderately wide. Scale sac large, scales slender and densely packed.
Female genitalia (figs. 170, 170a, 171). Segment 9 highly modified, ovipositor lobes fused with the sclerotized segment, their tips prolonged into strongly sclerotized cutting points, vaginal setae with thick curved outer margins ; apophyses strong; sternite of segment 8 with two lateral anteriorly projecting lobes, its lateral margins fringed with long hair-scales, and a pair of latero-ventral
tufts of specialized scales ; on posterior margin of segment 7, a scale tuft midventrally (not shown on figure) and long hair-scales mid-dorsally ; except for the ovipositor setae and the specialized scales, segments 8 and 9 are naked, and visible in the dry specimen ; ostium rounded, diverging lines in the depression on segment 8 ; signum obliquely placed, ribs with long slender spines.
Specimens examined. — 12 $,59.
California: Loma Linda, 2 type, June 3, 1912, 1 8 paratype, April 21, 2 $ paratypes, June 1, 4 ( G. R. Pilate) [A.F.B.Coll.] ; Monache Meadows, Tulare County, 8000 feet, 1 $, 1 2, July 13, 1917 ( G. R. Pilate) [A.F.B.Coll.] ; 8 2,2 2, July 1-14, July 24-31 [U.S.N.M.].
Arizona: Flagstaff, 1 2, July 18, 1939 (A. F. Braun) [A.F.B.Coll.].
Food plant and early stages unknown.
In general aspect, B. latella resembles B. euroticlla Walsingham from which it may be distinguished by the black dot at end of cell, the white cilia without ciliary line of dark-tipped scales, and the absence of dark-tipped scales along termen. The very different genitalia of the two species indicate no near relationship.
bibliographic citation
Braun, A.F. 1963. The Genus Bucculatrix in America North of Mexico (Microlepidoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 18. Philadelphia, USA