Los Cotos, Madrid, Spain
Villoslada de Cameros, La Rioja, Spain
Ribadelago de Franco, Castille and Leon, Spain
Villoslada de Cameros, La Rioja, Espaa
Canencia, Comunidad de Madrid, Espaa
Villoslada de Cameros, La Rioja, Spain
Ribadelago de Franco, Castille and Leon, Spain
Los Cotos, Madrid, Spain
Los Cotos, Madrid, Spain
Villoslada de Cameros, La Rioja, Spain
Galende, Castille and Leon, Spain
Lumbreras, La Rioja, Spain
Micrasterias(mike-raz-tear-ee-ass) is a genus of unicellular algae in the family Desmidiaceae. The cells are flattened and disc-like. The cells of the genus Micrasterias are organized in two semi-cells that are mirror images of each other. The semicells have a distinctive shape with an intricate lobes and indentation. At the end of the lobes the cell wall may sometimes form notches or short spines. The nucleus is located in the centre between the semicells. Each semicell has a chloroplast with some pyrenoids. Usually found in oligotrophic, acid waters. This specimen of Micrasterias denticulata collected in the Salzburger Land, Austria. Differential interference contrast.
Micrasterias(mike-raz-tear-ee-ass) is a genus of unicellular algae in the family Desmidiaceae. The cells are flattened and disc-like. The cells of the genus Micrasterias are organized in two semi-cells that are mirror images of each other. The semicells have a distinctive shape with an intricate lobes and indentation. At the end of the lobes the cell wall may sometimes form notches or short spines. The nucleus is located in the centre between the semicells. Each semicell has a chloroplast with some pyrenoids. Usually found in oligotrophic, acid waters. This specimen of Micrasterias denticulata collected in the Salzburger Land, Austria. Dark ground illumination.
Micrasterias denticulata.