Clump Point, Queensland, Australia
Hodgson Vale, Queensland, Australia
Purbeck District, England, UK
Found in my bedroom the other day, a really bad sign as it feeds on clothes... eeeek!
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Blackheath, New South Wales, Australia
El Saler, Valencia, Spain
Copenhagen, Hovedstaden, Denmark
Bovingdon Brickworks - Hemel Hempstead - Field TripDavid, Steve and myself made a trip to Bovingdon Brickworks on Thursday night to see what we could attract to the lamps.The day had been perfect with sunny intervals, plenty of cloud cover and a high of 27 degrees. The forecast was for clear skies towards the evening and this was indeed the case.With a near full moon we were just hoping that it was warm enough for the moths to emerge and venture out from the undergrowth.Indeed it was! With the temperature staying relatively mild and the car sensor still reading 13 degrees at 2.30am.The catch was phenomenal, plenty of species, but what made it even better was the sheer amount of some species of moths, some numbering well over 40 individuals, so numbers below are as close as I could record.Highlight for me was my first Gypsonoma oppressana.4 Green Arches and 2 Purple Clays were also great additions.It was also fantastic to see so many Cinnabar's (24).It just goes to show how important this site is for wildlife and on this occasion, Moths! Catch Report - 12/06/14 - Bovingdon Brickworks - Hemel Hempstead - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x 160w MBT Robinson Trap & 1x 80w Actinic Suitcase Trap.86 Macros and 46 Micros (132 species)Macro Moths6x Angle Shades1x Beautiful Golden-Y3x Beautiful Hook-tip2x Bright-line Brown-eye8x Brimstone Moth6x Brown Rustic1x Brown Silver-line3x Buff Arches4x Buff Ermine1x Buff-tip2x Burnished Brass24x Cinnabar2x Clouded Border40+ Clouded Silver1x Clouded-bordered Brindle2x Common Carpet1x Common Emerald2x Common Footman10x Common Marbled Carpet5x Common Pug6x Common Swift1x Common Wave1x Common White Wave8x Coronet3x Dark Arches10x Double Square-spot1x Dusky Brocade2x Elephant Hawk-moth3x Engrailed1x Eyed Hawk-moth1x Figure of Eighty5x Flame1x Flame Carpet6x Flame Shoulder1x Foxglove Pug5x Freyer's Pug1x Garden Carpet4x Green Arches1x Green Carpet2x Green Pug5x Green Silver-lines10x Grey Pug10x Heart & Dart20x Ingrailed Clay2x July Highflyer1x Large Nutmeg8x Large Yellow Underwing1x Light Brocade5x Light Emerald2x Lobster Moth1x Maple Prominent10x Marbled Minor1x Middle-barred Minor5x Mottled Beauty1x Mottled Pug4x Mottled Rustic1x Nutmeg2x Orange Footman2x Pale Prominent1x Pale Tussock4x Peach Blossom1x Pebble Hook-tip3x Peppered Moth1x Poplar Grey2x Poplar Hawk-moth2x Purple Clay1x Red Twin-spot Carpet3x Riband Wave3x Rustic Shoulder-knot8x Scorched Wing2x Setaceous Hebrew Character5x Shoulder-striped Wainscot5x Silver-ground Carpet7x Small Angle Shades2x Small Elephant Hawk-moth3x Small Fan-foot1x Small Phoenix1x Small Square-spot3x Snout40+ Straw Dot2x Tawny Marbled Minor3x Treble Lines1x Uncertain3x White Ermine1x White-pinion Spotted5x Willow BeautyMicro Moths1x Gypsonoma oppressana [NEW!]1x Gypsonoma dealbana3x Crambus pascuella10x Crambus lathoniellus1x Nemapogon cloacella1x Phlyctaenia perlucidalis1x Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla2x Hedya nubiferana5x Hedya pruniana2x Coleophora sp20+ Cochylimorpha straminea1x Mompha propinquella1x Mompha raschkiella5x Metzneria metzneriella12x Pandemis heparana5x Pandemis cerasana2x Aphomia sociella10x Scoparia ambigualis2x Scoparia pyralella1x Scoparia subfusca 2x Eudonia pallida2x Dipleurina lacustrata30+ Pseudargyrotoza conwagana2x Celypha lacunana5x Udea olivalis1x Anthophila fabriciana1x Phyllonorycter harrisella5x Cnephasia sp2x Eurrhypara hortulata1x Strophedra weirana5x Epiblema cynosbatella5x Epiblema trimaculana2x Epiblema uddmanniana2x Agapeta hamana1x Caloptilia syringella5x Evergestis forficalis1x Eucosma cana2x Eucosma hohenwartiana1x Eucosma conterminana2x Tortrix viridana1x Archips podana1x Yponomeuta evonymella 1x Emmetia marginea5x Cochylis atricapitana1x Prays fraxinella/ruficeps1x Unknown Gelechid
Gladsaxe Municipality, Hovedstaden, Denmark
Copenhagen, Hovedstaden, Denmark
Found at work today
Clump Point, Queensland, Australia
Clump Point, Queensland, Australia
Clump Point, Queensland, Australia