Stanthorpe, Queensland, Australia
Dalcouth, Queensland, Australia
Stanthorpe, Queensland, Australia
Dalcouth, Queensland, Australia
I found this fly seeking shelter in my conservatory (Ipswich, VC25 East Suffolk, TM166450) on 28 July 2015... ie hanging onto the outside of the door in the high wind. I brought it in overnight and released it this morning. This photo was taken while it was getting used to the fresh morning air before flying away. Identified from the keys in Stubbs and Drake (2014) book on British Soldierflies and their allies. The colours of the hairs on the abdomen, pale halters, multiple rows of bristles in anteroventral hind femur and the shape and size of the black shiny patch on the face between the eyes are typical of Thereva nobilitata, by far the most common British species. ID confirmed by Ian Andrews on the Facebook UK Diptera group page.
Orlando, Florida, United States
Barisciano, Abruzzi, Italy
Scituate, Rhode Island
Perth, Western Australia, Australia