Description: Small black fly found on 26 Aug 2014 on bushes near River Fynn at Martlesham, East Suffolk, TM252473. Identified using the keys to British Phoridae in RES Vol 10.6 Scuttle Flies (RHL Disney, 1983). The photo shows a lateral view of the insect with an inset close-up of the face with the characteristically raised ocellar triangle and transversely elongated anterior ocellus. The face is about 1 mm across and the wing about 3.5 mm long. ID confirmed by Dr Tony Irwin, see The larvae of this species parasitize the larvae of Bibio marci. This genus has the alternative name of Peromitra, though Borophaga is preferred in the UK. In the RES Handbook on Scuttle Flies by R H L Disney this species is described as "Widespread in lowlands of England". Under-recorded on the NBN Gateway where there is currently only one record for East Suffolk, logged at Flatford Mill by R H L Disney himself on 19 August 1981. Date: 18 September 2014, 21:57. Source: Borophaga incrassata. Author: Martin Cooper from Ipswich, UK. Camera location52° 04′ 41.19″ N, 1° 17′ 15.17″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 52.078108; 1.287546.
Description: Phorid fly (Genus Pseudacteon). Image courtesy of the USDA Agricultural Research Center [1]. Source: This file is lacking source information. Please edit this file's description and provide a source. Author: This file is lacking author information.
Description: English: Closeup of displaying female Megaselia sp. Date: 7 August 2013, 04:32:44. Source: Brown B, Porras W (2015) Extravagant female sexual display in a Megaselia Rondani species (Diptera: Phoridae). Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e4368. doi:10.3897/BDJ.3.e4368. Author: Brian V. Brown & Wendy Porras.
Description: English: Displaying female Megaselia sp. and attracted male. Date: 7 August 2013, 04:30:56. Source: Brown B, Porras W (2015) Extravagant female sexual display in a Megaselia Rondani species (Diptera: Phoridae). Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e4368. doi:10.3897/BDJ.3.e4368. Author: Brian V. Brown & Wendy Porras.
Description: English: Displaying females of Megaselia sp. Date: 7 August 2013, 03:25:48. Source: Brown B, Porras W (2015) Extravagant female sexual display in a Megaselia Rondani species (Diptera: Phoridae). Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e4368. doi:10.3897/BDJ.3.e4368. Author: Brian V. Brown & Wendy Porras.