Robert J. Barney, Laurent LeSage, Karine Savard
Figure 1.Eyes: a close eyes, Pachybrachis pectoralis b normal eyes, Pachybrachis peccans c normal eyes and yellow face, male Pachybrachis atomarius d remote eyes, Pachybrachis hepaticus.
Robert J. Barney, Laurent LeSage, Karine Savard
Figure 5.Tibial spurs: a absent from front leg, Pachybrachis atomarius b minute on front leg, Pachybrachis spumarius c large on front leg, Pachybrachis calcaratus d small and pointed on middle legs in most species.
Robert J. Barney, Laurent LeSage, Karine Savard
Figure 8.Pygidium: a largely yellow, Pachybrachis bivittatus b with well-defined yellow spots, Pachybrachis cephalicus c with faint reddish spots, Pachybrachis spumarius d black, Pachybrachis atomarius.