Description: Butterfly moth SATURNIA PAVONIA (french:Petit paon de nuit) photographed in breeding cage. Sex male. Picture taken in Calvados, France. Date: 1991. Source: Own work. Author: jean-pierre Hamon.
Description: English: Scanned and archived at where it was marked as public domain from Europas bekannteste Schmetterlinge. Beschreibung der wichtigsten Arten und Anleitung zur Kenntnis und zum Sammeln der Schmetterlinge und Raupen (Berlin, 1895). Date: 24 February 2012. Source: Author: Dr. F. Nemos.
Description: English: Saturnia pavonia. Kaunas district, Lithuania. Date: 23 April 2011. Source: Own work. Author: Tocekas. Permission (Reusing this file): : The copyright holder of this file, Tomas Čekanavičius, allows anyone to use it for any purpose, provided that the copyright holder is properly attributed. Redistribution, derivative work, commercial use, and all other use is permitted. Attribution: Tomas Čekanavičius Attribution.
Description: Saturnia pavonia Deutsch: Geöffneter Kokon mit Puppenhülle und letzter Raupenhaut des Kleinen Nachtpfauenauges (Saturnia pavonia) English: Opened cocoon with pupa skin and last skin of caterpillar of the Small Emperor Moth (Saturnia pavonia)). Date: 24 June 2012. Source: Own work. Author: Harald Süpfle.
Description: Français : Le Petit Paon de nuit Eudia Pavonia( Linné, 1758) Saturniidae - famille: Sa&turnidae : la sous espèce Eudia pavonia ligurica se trouve sur le pourtour méditerrannéen. Date: 10 April 2011. Source: Own work. Author: Jgad.