Going by names such as Traveler's Palm, this species from Madagascar is widely planted in large tropical gardens, in this case at Gamboa Rainforest Lodge, Panama. Strelitziaceae family.
Bird-of-Paradise Plant (Streliztia reginae) planted in a street of Mapleton, Queensland, Australia. Photographed on 21 February 2010.The species is a native of South Africawww.inaturalist.org/observations/55466511
Strelitzia reginaebird of paradise flower. Native to South Africa. Quite common in gardens in Berkeley. Photographed in a private garden in Berkeley, CA
Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle. v. 3 1849 - Atlas (Zoologie-Botanique)Paris :Chez les editeurs MM. Renard, Martinet et cie, rue et Hotel Mignon, 2 (quartier de l' 30cole-de-Mdecine) ; et chez Langlois et Leclercq, rue de la Harpe, 81 ; Victor Masson, Place de l'Ecole-de-Mdecin1847-1849 biodiversitylibrary.org/page/19539111The sheath of the Crane Flower is perpendicular 2 the stem, thus making a perfect perch 4 sunbirds that pollinate it biodiversitylibrary.org/page/19539111
Strelitzia reginae AitonSTRELITZIACEAE (MUSACEAE)Origem: frica do SulRef.: Lorenzi, H. e Souza, H.M. Plantas Ornamentais no Brasil. 4 edio. Plantarum, 2008.