Mallorca, Spain
New Zealand Little BitternArdetta maculata (W. L. Buller) is a synonym of Ardeola novaezelandeae (A. C. Purdie) which is identical with the New Zealand Little Bittern (Ixobrychus novaezelandeae)From: Walter Lawry Buller: Notes on the Little Bittern of New Zealand (Ardetta maculata). In: A History of the Birds of New Zealand.Source:
Wikimedia Commons: File:Ardettamaculata.jpg
Virginia Rails, Clapper Rails, Soras, Moorhens, Bitterns and sometimes Coots like to perform this act, which I call a synchophony. This happens fairly frequently when something disturbs the peace of the marsh and several birds call in response at once. In this sample a Great Blue Heron circles over and calls, and first a Bittern or Rail, then two Soras, another Virginia and finally another Sora join in the "synchophony". I have recorded instances when a barking dog, an airplane, and other rails have set off the phenomenon. I'm not sure what purpose this [chorus] serves, but it occupies a significant amount of my thinking time. It's most probably a general alarm in the marsh - A Great Blue, a dog and an overhead airplane might all be considered risks if you're a rail - and note that the participants are generally Rail-family birds or birds with rail-y behavior, who are used to communicating primarily vocally (they can't see each other in the marsh).
Golden Gate Park - Lloyd Lake
San Diego Estuary
Lakefield National Park
Lille Vildmose, Denmark
Lille Vildmose
Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, Afrika, Africa
Lille Vildmose, Danmark
Lesbos, Mitilini, Lesvos, Grækkenland, Greece
Cattle Egrets (Bubulcus ibis) are common residents of the country, though I rarely hear them call. This one was recorded in flight in Grano de Oro, in the Talamancas,(Costa Rica) 11/98.
San Diego Estuary
Canyonlands National Park
Parque Nacional Soberania
Lille Vildmose, Denmark
Lille Vildmose
Ngorongoro krateret, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania, Afrika, Africa
Lille Vildmose, Danmark
Sri Lanka
This Green Heron (Butorides virescens) and I surprised each other early one September morn. I was recording a nervous Moorhen and walked right under the Heron before either of us noticed. This is the sound he made as he took flight from his Willow perch and flew away.
Kheoladeo National Park