Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Behaviors: Self Care :: Resting | Anatomy: Body Parts :: Beak
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Behaviors: Locomotion :: Flying
#Exemplar: | Behaviors: Locomotion :: Flying | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Behaviors: Parental Care :: Nesting
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Behaviors: Parental Care :: Nesting | Anatomy: Body Parts :: Beak
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Behaviors: Locomotion :: Flying | Behaviors: Feeding Behaviors :: Capturing/Manipulating Prey
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature
Subject: Live Animal | Subject: Nest | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Hatchling | Anatomy: Coloration/Patterning :: Disruptive Coloration (Spots/Stripes) | Anatomy: Coloration/Patterning :: Cryptic
Pacific Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla pollicaris; Rodgers's Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis rodgersi; White-Crested Cormorant, in winter Phalacrocorax dilophus cincinatus; Horned Puffin, in summer; Tufted Puffin, in summer.
Gray-Backed Tern (Sterna lunata) and young, showing nesting site among loose phosphate rock.
Chick of Gygis Alba Kittlitzi, about 3 days olds.
Nest and Eggs of Larus dominicanus (Black-backed Gull), Masked Island, Auckland Islands.
Noddy Tern (Anous stolidus) and nest.
Chick of Sterna lunata.
Ross's Gull; Rhodostethia rosea. (Young of the Year)
Nest of noddy (Anous stolidus).
Sooty Term (Sterna fuliginosa) and nest.
Sea Gulls Flying Over the Water of San Francisco Bay. Here you are on the deck of a ferryboat that is crossing San Francisco Harbor. Do you know another place where ferryboats cross a harbor? See the sea gulls that are following the boat. The boat has left a foamy track on the water that is called the wake. Do you know why the gulls are following the boat? They are looking for something to eat. They can live on the fish they catch but they have learned to like our food, too. Sea gulls are very strong birds. They can fly for days without resting. They are beautiful to watch as they fly, or swoop down to skim something from the water. But they are very noisy, too.Gulls make their nests of grass, moss and seaweed on rocky cliffs. Their eggs are light brownish spotted with chocolate color. They do not hatch more than three in one brood.
Sea Gull Eating a Fish.
Hawaiian Tern Alighting on its nest.