CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2017. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
We went on a hunt looking for Mydid flies and found these. They are an interesting fly that flies low to the ground landing under the shrubs or parallel on a small stick to hide. ~20mm
We went on a hunt looking for Mydid flies and found these. They are an interesting fly that flies low to the ground landing under the shrubs or parallel on a small stick to hide. This one has its proboscis out, sucking up the nectar from the flower. ~20mm
We went on a hunt looking for Mydid flies and found these. They are an interesting fly that flies low to the ground landing under the shrubs or parallel on a small stick to hide. ~20mm
We went on a hunt looking for Mydid flies and found these. They are an interesting fly that flies low to the ground landing under the shrubs or parallel on a small stick to hide. ~20mmPhoto: Fred
Fred photographed this beautiful Miltinus stenogaster yesterday. He was watching it as it flew away and saw what he thought was a robber fly clasp it out of the sky. They both dropped to a small sedge nearby. He thought this one was going to be eaten for dinner. But the supposed predator turned out to be another friendly mydid fly who had other ideas.Fred said he was lucky to record the two mating.Photos: Fred
The Astartea plants which grow in the wetlands attract many beautiful insects including this wonderful fly. It is around 2.5cm long and behaves very much like a wasp, including buzzing if you get too close. It is a flower feeding fly. Magnificent to see. This one is for you Jorge.