Physalus antiquorum, Gray. Common Fin-back Whale.. Length, 70 feet. (After Sars.)
[Sperm whales].
Sutro Heights--Baths / Land's End
Vejle Fjord, Jylland, Danmark
Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus) viewed from a small boat (Qeqertarsauq, West Greenland, May 2002)From
American Cetacean Society website
Orcella fluminalis, Anderson. Indian River-dolphin. Length, 6 feet (?) (After Anderson)
Mesoplodon Sowerbiensis, (Blainville) Gervais. Sowerby's Whale, female.. Length, 11 feet. (After Dumortier)
[Sperm whale with whalers].
Vejle Fjord, Jylland, Danmark
School of Black-Fish [Pilot Whales]. Stranded on the Shore of Cape Cod, Mass.
Large Hump-Back [sic] Whale, 83 Feet Long.
Various Kinds of Whales: 1-Sperm whale. 2-California Gray whale Rhachianectes glaucus. 3-Humpback whale. 4-Sulphur-bottom whale. 5-Bowhead. 6-Finback whale. 7-Right whale..
Kenai Fjords NP--Aialik Bay-Aialik Glacier
Vejle Fjord, Jylland, Danmark
Cutting-In Sperm Whale.
Kenai Fjords NP--Aialik Bay-Aialik Glacier
Vejle Fjord, Jylland, Danmark
Sperm Whale. Physeter macrocephalus, L.
Kenai Fjords NP--Aialik Bay-Aialik Glacier
Vejle Fjord, Jylland, Danmark
Pygmy Sperm Whale. Kogia Goodei, True
Kenai Fjords NP--Aialik Bay-Aialik Glacier