[Sperm whale with whalers].
Orca atra, Cope. Killer. Length, 20 feet (After Scammon).
Dolphin. Coryphaena hippurus.
[Sperm whale] : F. Cuvier.
Cephalorhynchus Heavisidei. Whited-marked Porpoise.. Length, 5 feet (After Rapp)
Physalus antiquorum, Gray. Common Fin-back Whale.. Length, 70 feet. (After Sars.)
[Sperm whales].
Orcella fluminalis, Anderson. Indian River-dolphin. Length, 6 feet (?) (After Anderson)
Mesoplodon Sowerbiensis, (Blainville) Gervais. Sowerby's Whale, female.. Length, 11 feet. (After Dumortier)
[Sperm whale with whalers].
School of Black-Fish [Pilot Whales]. Stranded on the Shore of Cape Cod, Mass.
Large Hump-Back [sic] Whale, 83 Feet Long.
Various Kinds of Whales: 1-Sperm whale. 2-California Gray whale Rhachianectes glaucus. 3-Humpback whale. 4-Sulphur-bottom whale. 5-Bowhead. 6-Finback whale. 7-Right whale..
Cutting-In Sperm Whale.
Sperm Whale. Physeter macrocephalus, L.
Pygmy Sperm Whale. Kogia Goodei, True
Sperm Whale Porpoise. Hyperoodon bidens, Owen
Physeter catodon, Linne. Sperm Whale.. Length, 60 feet. (After Scammon.)
Sperm whale, or Cachalot (Physeter macrocephalus).
Cutting-In a Sperm Whale. From a model made by a whalman.
Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus);; California Gray whale Rhachianectes glaucus (Rhachianectes glaucus);; Pacific Humpback Whale (Megaptera versabilis);; Sulphur-Bottom Whale (Sibbaldius sulfureus);; Pacific Right Whale (Balaenia japonica).
Harbor Porpoise, or "Herring Hog". Phocoena brachycion, Cope
Megaptera versabilis, Cope. Pacific Humpback Whale.. Length, 48 feet. (After Scammon)