Balaena mysticetus, Linne. Bowhead Whale.. Length, 60 feet. (After Scammon)
Monodon monoceros. Linne. Narwhal.. Length of body, 16 feet; Length of tusk, 8 feet. (Modified from F. Cuvier)
Dolphin--Sometimes he is taken off his guard and falls a prey to a shark.
California Gray whale Rhachianectes glaucus, Rhachianectes glaucus Cope.
Sperm Whale--He writhed round and enwrapped me.
Cutting-In a Right Whale. Upper jaw and bone being hoisted on board. Note man with spade on cutting-stage; blanket-piece back of bone and try-works from which smoke is rising..
Head of Bowhead Whale, Showing Scalp, or upper jaw, and whale-bone hanging from it. It is just being hoisted aboard.
Ziphius novae-zealandiae, Von Haast. Length, 20 feet. (After Von Haast).
Dolphin from the Atlantic.
California Gray whale Rhachianectes glaucus, or Devil-Fish. Rhachianectes glaucus, Cope.
Sperm Whale--A Strange White Monster.
Right Whale of the Pacific. Balaena japonica, Gray. (Eubalaena cullamach)
Bowhead or Arctic Whale. (Balaena mysticetus)
Dolphin: Male. Coryphaena hippurus
Kogia breviceps, (Blainville) Gray. Pygmy Sperm Whale.. Length, 8 feet 6 inches. (From photographs by the U. S. Fish Commission of a Specimen captured at the U. S. Life Saving Station, Spring Lake, New Jersey, and now in the U. S. National Museum)
Sperm Whale--The ocean boiled with our efforts.
Jaws of Right Whale Showing Whalebone (A); Lower Jaw of Sperm Whale Showing Teeth (B).
Bowhead or Arctic Whale. Balaena mysticetus, L.
Dolphin: Female. Coryphaena hippurus
Balaenoptera Davidsoni, Cope. Little Piked Whale.. Length, 30 feet. (After Scammon.)
Sperm Whale Biting a Boat.
Pontoporia blainvillei (G rvais) Gray. The Pontoporia. Length 5 feet (After Malm)
Dolphin of the Ancients.