Scanning Remarks: The following specimens, originally x-rayed together, were scanned as a single image and divided into multiple images using Adobe Photoshop: USNM 571707-004, USNM 571708-004. The original image containing all specimen lots is available via the supplementary tab upon request. Scanning Remarks: The original radiograph is of poor quality. Digital reproduction is representative of the original.
USNM 571855 flippers radiograph.
flipper x-rays
USNM 594631 radiograph of left and right flippers.
Scanning Remarks: The following specimens, originally x-rayed together, were scanned as a single image and divided into multiple images using Adobe Photoshop: USNM 571713-003, USNM 571714-003. The original image containing all specimen lots is available via the supplementary tab upon request. Scanning Remarks: The original radiograph is of poor quality. Digital reproduction is representative of the original.
Digital radiograph of left flipper.
Scanning Remarks: The following specimens, originally x-rayed together, were scanned as a single image and divided into multiple images using Adobe Photoshop: USNM 571715-003, USNM 571716-003. The original image containing all specimen lots is available via the supplementary tab upon request.
USNM 571863 radiograph of right flipper.
USNM 571868 radiograph of left flipper.
Scanning Remarks: The following specimens, originally x-rayed together, were scanned as a single image and divided into multiple images using Adobe Photoshop: USNM 571715-001, USNM 571716-001. The original image containing all specimen lots is available via the supplementary tab upon request. Scanning Remarks: The original radiograph is of poor quality. Digital reproduction is representative of the original.
flipper x-rays
Scanning Remarks: The following specimens, originally x-rayed together, were scanned as a single image and divided into multiple images using Adobe Photoshop: USNM 571707-002, USNM 571708-002. The original image containing all specimen lots is available via the supplementary tab upon request.
flipper x-rays
Scanning Remarks: The following specimens, originally x-rayed together, were scanned as a single image and divided into multiple images using Adobe Photoshop: USNM 571707-003, USNM 571708-003. The original image containing all specimen lots is available via the supplementary tab upon request.
Scanning Remarks: The following specimens, originally x-rayed together, were scanned as a single image and divided into multiple images using Adobe Photoshop: USNM 571721-001, USNM 571722-001. The original image containing all specimen lots is available via the supplementary tab upon request.
flipper x-rays
USNM 571867 flippers radiograph.
flipper x-rays
USNM 571860 flippers radiograph.
flipper x-rays
Digital radiograph of left ventrodorsal portion of left flipper.
Digital radiograph of left and right flippers.
Scanning Remarks: The following specimens, originally x-rayed together, were scanned as a single image and divided into multiple images using Adobe Photoshop: USNM 571715-002, USNM 571716-002. The original image containing all specimen lots is available via the supplementary tab upon request.
flipper x-rays