Description: Pipistrelle feeding over a pond Pipistrellus pipistrellus Recorded from a Frequency division bat detector Recorded 06 July 07. Date: 7 July 2006. Source: Own work. Author: Keoka.
Description: English: Audio recording of the feeding buzz of a bat in Butler County, Pennsylvania. The audio is slowed down to 1/10th of normal speed so that it is audible to humans. The species is most likely the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) based on audio analysis. Date: 11 November 2020. Source: Own work. Author: Kaldari.
Description: Pipistrellus pygmaeus (55 Pip) call on heterodyne bat detector Recorded in stereo 187 Khz. Date: 24 May 2002. Source: Own work Recorded near Fingle Bridge, Devon, UK Recorded 24-May-02 edited 25-Sept-07. Author: Keoka.
Description: Daubenton bat flying over River Taw, North Devon Myotis daubentonii Recorded with heterodyne bat detector set to 40 KHz. Date: 5 October 0007. Source: Own work. Author: Keoka.
Description: Lesser Horseshoe bat flying in a barn Rhinolophus hipposideros recorded on a heterodyne bat detector set to 107 KHz Pitch variation due to doppler shift recorded 23 Sept 01, edited 06 October 07. Date: 6 October 2007. Source: Own work. Author: Keoka.
Description: English: Audio recording of the echolocation chirps of a bat in Butler County, Pennsylvania. The audio is slowed down to 1/10th of normal speed so that it is audible to humans. The species is most likely the hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) based on audio analysis. Date: 10 November 2020. Source: Own work. Author: Kaldari.