This rice hispa that usually mines&scrapes the leaves of rice I found at the edge of a lowland rainforest of the Lake Rawa NP (West Java) where some rice fields are maintained despite the lack of roads.more about its life cycle and pest control: Dicladispa armigera OLIVIER, 1808 (Rice Hispa)[det. "speech path girl", 2011, based on photos]Genus:
Dicladispa GESTRO, 1897Tribus: Hispini GYLLENHAL, 1813 (Spiny Leaf Beetle, Stachelblattkfer)Subfamily: Cassidinae GYLLENHAL, 1813 (tortoise and leaf-mining beetles) [Syn.: Hispinae GYLLENHAL, 1813]Family: Chrysomelidae (leaf beetles, Blattkfer)Superfamily: ChrysomeloideaInfraorder: CucujiformaSuborder: PolyphagaOrder: Coleoptera (beetles, Kfer)more info:, W-Java, Serang, vic. Bulakan: Danau Rawa NP, 120-340m asl., 13.03.2011Distribution: SE-Asia, AfricaIMG_0618