L: ~4 mmThis hairy Lady-beetle - commenly called "Mealy bug destroyer" with many (orange) pollen is a biological agent from Australian origin that feeds on Mealy-bugs (
Pseudococcus sp.) and other scale insects. The larva of the lady beetles resembles its prey (aggressive mimicry).Somebody might have tried biological pest control...that gives me hope!
Cryptolaemus montrouzieri MULSANT, 1850 (Mealy-bug Ladybird, Schmierlaus-Marienkfer)Genus:
Cryptolaemus Tribus: Scymnini MULSANT, 1850 (Zwergmarienkfer)Subfamily: CoccinellinaeFamily: Coccinellidae (Lady beetles, Marienkfer) Superfamily: CucujoideaInfraorder: CucujiformiaSuborder: PolyphagaOrder: Coleoptera (beetles, Kfer)more info:
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptolaemus_montrouzieriIndonesia, W-Java, 10 km S Tangerang: vic. BSD, 50m asl., 22.11.2010 (IMG_7618)