Hiked in from the 76.
Hiked in from the 76. Photo showing the upper Agua Tibia 'bowl'. Madrones here and there throughout bottom of bowl.
Hiked in from the 76. This individual Madrone is in the bottom of the bowl by the west side creek(there's also an east side creek in the upper Agua Tibia bowl), photo direction is showing northward.
Below the middle 'V' of the magnificent Rodriguez Mtn. escarpment, at the base of the escarpment cliffs. Approach was from Hell Hole Canyon Preserve. Photo view looking out to Palomar Mtn. and La Jolla Indian Reservation in mid-ground. Upper San Luis Rey River is in the bottom ravine. About eight burl-sprouting clumps(due to fire in 2007) of Madrone are in this population patch, about 8 to 10 feet tall from ground level, with multiple shoots per burl. There is no trail to get here, it's a very gnarly access.
Below the middle 'V' of the magnificent Rodriguez Mtn. escarpment, at the base of the escarpment cliffs. Approach was from Hell Hole Canyon Preserve. Photo view looking up escarpment, southeast direction. About eight burl-sprouting clumps(due to fire in 2007) of Madrone are in this population patch, about 8 to 10 feet tall from ground level, with multiple shoots per burl. There is no trail to get here, it's a very gnarly access.
Below the middle 'V' of the magnificent Rodriguez Mtn. escarpment, at the base of the escarpment cliffs. Approach was from Hell Hole Canyon Preserve. Photo view looking up escarpment, south east direction. About eight burl-sprouting clumps(due to fire in 2007) of Madrone are in this population patch, about 8 to 10 feet tall from ground level, with multiple shoots per burl. There is no trail to get here, it's a very gnarly access.
Below the middle 'V' of the magnificent Rodriguez Mtn. escarpment, at the base of the escarpment cliffs. Approach was from Hell Hole Canyon Preserve. Photo view looking up escarpment, south east direction. About eight burl-sprouting clumps(due to fire in 2007) of Madrone are in this population patch, about 8 to 10 feet tall from ground level, with multiple shoots per burl. There is no trail to get here, it's a very gnarly access.
Below the middle 'V' of the magnificent Rodriguez Mtn. escarpment, at the base of the escarpment cliffs. Approach was from Hell Hole Canyon Preserve. Photo showing three burl sprouts(one barely noticeable behind twiggery) of a few years old. About eight burl-sprouting clumps(due to fire in 2007) of Madrone are in this population patch, about 8 to 10 feet tall from ground level, with multiple shoots per burl. There is no trail to get here, it's a very gnarly access.
In ravine north side of Rodriguez Mtn, about a 1/4 mile up from flume above San Luis Rey River. Madrone shown here is about 40' tall, with multiple trunks which are probably burl sprouts from decades ago after a fire. Approached from Hell Hole Canyon Preserve, very gnarly hike.
In ravine north side of Rodriguez Mtn, about a 1/4 mile up from flume above San Luis Rey River. Two Madrones shown here are about 12'-15' tall, and possibly 'virgin', - not burl re-sprouters. These two are less than 80 feet up-ravine of the 40' Madrone shown in the previous photo. Approached from Hell Hole Canyon Preserve, very gnarly hike.
In ravine north side of Rodriguez Mtn, showing the upper-most of the ravine madrones just a little ways down from the saddle from the Hell Hole Canyon approach, and down slope a bit, maybe 60 feet, from a small grove of medium size live oaks. Estimated height of Madrone from soil level is 15'.
In ravine north side of Rodriguez Mtn, showing the approach to the upper-most of the ravine madrones just a little ways down from the saddle from the Hell Hole Canyon approach. The upper most of the ravine madrones is about 60 feet down-ravine of the patch of live oaks in the lower portion of this photo, which is about a 100 yards away from where the camera position is.
Flower buds