A specimen of the copepod Caligus brevicaudatus, as seen through a stereomicroscope at the Marine Station Ostend (http://www.vliz.be/en/marine-station-ostend)
Habitus of male Caligus elongatus von Nordmann, 1832. leg. Flanders Marine Institute det. Mortelmans col. Flanders Marine Institute collected during the Jericonext 2017 cruise (11/05/2017 18:08:54UTC on 51.4712105, 3.0550905), with WP2.
Detail of leg 1, male Caligus elongatus von Nordmann, 1832. leg. Flanders Marine Institute det. Mortelmans Jonas col. Flanders Marine Institute collected during the Jericonext 2017 cruise (11/05/2017 18:08:54UTC on 51.4712105, 3.0550905), with WP2.
Leg 2 of male Caligus elongatus von Nordmann, 1832. leg. Flanders Marine Institute det. Mortelmans Jonas col. Flanders Marine Institute collected during the Jericonext 2017 cruise (11/05/2017 18:08:54UTC on 51.4712105, 3.0550905), with WP2.
Detail of leg 2 of male Caligus elongatus von Nordmann, 1832. leg. Flanders Marine Institute det. Mortelmans Jonas col. Flanders Marine Institute collected during the Jericonext 2017 cruise (11/05/2017 18:08:54UTC on 51.4712105, 3.0550905), with WP2.
Leg 4 of male Caligus elongatus von Nordmann, 1832. leg. Flanders Marine Institute det. Mortelmans Jonas col. Flanders Marine Institute collected during the Jericonext 2017 cruise (11/05/2017 18:08:54UTC on 51.4712105, 3.0550905), with WP2.
A parasitical copepod from underneath the pectoral fin of a Flounder (Platichthys flesus (L.)), from the Belgian part of the North Sea (Hinder Banks). Length approx. 7 mm. 17 March 2010