Category hierarchy: Plants | HerbsDescription: Bright yellow flowers of a birdsfoot trefoil, growing beside a pond.This image was taken while the photographer was participating in the 2009 Joint Annual Meeting of these leading scientific societies: Mycological Society of America, American Bryological and Lichenological Society, American Fern Society, American Society of Plant Taxonomists, and the Botanical Society of America; also known as Botany/Mycology 2009.Capture device: Camera: Fujifilm FinePix F100fdOriginal date: 20090724Locality: Latitude: 4.058110000000000e+001; Longitude: -1.116590000000000e+002
Lotus corniculatus is one of the commonest European perennial herbs (not to say a weed). In israel it reached its southernmost range in Mt Hermon, above 2000m. The local population has magnificent reddish flowers, it is a small carpet forming plant of mountain valleys (dolines).