Description: English: Ruffed lemur profiles: red ruffed lemur (Varecia rubra) on top, black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) on bottom. Date: 1890. Source: Histoire naturelle des mammifères, Tome V, Atlas II, Plate 129 in series: Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar, Vol X, 2e partie, by Alfred Grandidier (
citation). Author:
John Gerrard Keulemans (1842–1912)
. Alternative names: Johannes Gerardus Keulemans; J. G. Keulemans; Johannes Keulemans. Description: Dutch ornithologist and artist. Date of birth/death: 8 June 1842
29 December 1912. Location of birth/death:
Rotterdam London.
Authority control:
Q1335286 VIAF:
42113661 ISNI:
0000 0000 6313 981X ULAN:
500041975 LCCN:
no98083374 NLA:
35268760 Open Library:
OL7177913A GND:
132547716 SUDOC:
170051323 BNF:
14971107n BPN:
89099971 RKD:
88608 Koninklijke:
069626324 WorldCat. creator QS:P170,Q1335286.