2014 California Academy of Sciences
Verreaux's Eagle-Owl, Bubo lacteus (also known as the Milky Eagle Owl or Giant Eagle Owl[2]), is a member of the family Strigidae and is the largest African owl. This owl is the world's third heaviest living owl, after the Blakiston's Fish Owl and Eurasian Eagle-Owl and the fourth longest owl, after additionally the Great Gray Owl.
2011 California Academy of Sciences
2011 California Academy of Sciences
2007 California Academy of Sciences
Burrowing Owl in Alviso
Edgewood Baby Owl 2
Edgewood Baby Owl 3
Edgewood Baby Owl 4
Mom and Chick inTree
Great Horned Owl at the YSI
Great Horned Owl 2009-11, A baby owl & parent at Alum Rock Park
Great Horned Owl 2009-14
Great Horned Owl 2009-20
Great Horned Owl 2009-16
Great Horned Owl 2009-15, Great Horned Owl taken May 9 2009
Great Horned Owl 2009-17, Mother and two chicks who are playing
Baby Owls at Alum Rock
Andrea Grosse, John P. Mosesso /life.nbii.gov
NBII images
Category hierarchy: Animals | Signs, Structures, etc | StructuresDescription: Two burrowing owls perched on ground at Estancia La Graciela near the River Tebicuary, Paraguay. Paraguay is home to at least 589 breeding bird species and 120 migratory bird species. Breeding Status: Breeding permanent resident. Habitat: Grassland, Pasture, Campo Grassland. Estado de ocurrencia: Residente nidificante permanente. Hábitat: Pastizales naturales, Pastura implantada, Campos Cerrados. Near 26°34’52’’S, 56°49’18’’W. (Portion of text from: Guyra Paraguay 2004, Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Paraguay, Paraguay.)Original date: 20040430Locality: Latitude: -2.658110000000000e+001; Longitude: -5.682170000000000e+001
Category hierarchy: Animals | BirdsDescription: A bird in hand.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS RebelCapture details: Lens: Sigma 35-50 mm; Film: FujichromeOriginal date: 20030300Locality: Latitude: -1.831240000000000e+000; Longitude: -7.818340000000001e+001
Category hierarchy: Interactions Among Species | PredationDescription: Habitat: Boreal coniferous forests and muskeg. Range: Alaska and interior Canada south to northern California. Wanders rarely in winter southward into northern New England and the Great Lakes Region. Hunts during the daytime, often watching prey from a low perch. Spends most of its time in deep conifers, it is often overlooked. Usually uncommon but may be locally abundant. Species also occurs in Europe.Original date: 20040801Locality: Latitude: 4.687970000000000e+001; Longitude: -1.103630000000000e+002
Category hierarchy: Interactions Among Species | PredationDescription: Habitat: Boreal coniferous forests and muskeg. Range: Alaska and interior Canada south to northern California. Wanders rarely in winter southward into northern New England and the Great Lakes Region. Hunts during the daytime, often watching prey from a low perch. Spends most of its time in deep conifers, it is often overlooked. Usually uncommon but may be locally abundant. Species also occurs in Europe.Original date: 20040801Locality: Latitude: 4.687970000000000e+001; Longitude: -1.103630000000000e+002
Category hierarchy: Interactions Among Species | PredationDescription: Habitat: Boreal coniferous forests and muskeg. Range: Alaska and interior Canada south to northern California. Wanders rarely in winter southward into northern New England and the Great Lakes Region. Hunts during the daytime, often watching prey from a low perch. Spends most of its time in deep conifers, it is often overlooked. Usually uncommon but may be locally abundant. Species also occurs in Europe.Original date: 20040801Locality: Latitude: 4.687970000000000e+001; Longitude: -1.103630000000000e+002
Category hierarchy: Interactions Among Species | PredationDescription: Great horned owl perched. Species identification tentative.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTICapture details: Lens: Canon zoom lense EF 75-300 mmOriginal date: 20080219Locality: Latitude: 2.878120000000000e+001; Longitude: -8.261650000000000e+001